Nordic Azure Architect

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How will your future role look like on a daily basic?

We are looking for an experienced Nordic Azure Architect who is experienced with architecting and selling Consulting and Managed Services. Most likely you come from an Infrastructure engineering background and have solid technical architecture and delivery experience. You will use your experience with project estimation and staffing.

You will be front and center of creating and architecting Cloud solutions for Avanade´s largest enterprise clients in the region. Your ideas and your work will drive significant business outcomes.

You will be part of an extraordinary Nordic team of other Architects, Sales and Offering leads.

You will lead very lively stuff:

Solution development, architecture, sales support, and delivery for some for Avanade’s top clients.

In this role, you’ll be responsible for defining cloud architectures for public and hybrid cloud solutions based on Microsoft Azure. You will define delivery approaches to ensure successful migration and/or transformation to the future state. Typical customer scenarios include accelerated data center exits and migrations to get to public cloud, optimizing existing cloud and hybrid estates, and defining the desired relationships and operating models across software, hardware, networks, people and operations, to effectively operate in a Cloud oriented environment. You already understand the important relationship between cloud and data platform.

This role also offers the opportunity to work as a Solution Architect, where you can participate and sometimes run deal solutioning including creating solution plans, estimation models and staffing plans.

This is a combined pre-sales and delivery role (approximately 50/50). The split with fluctuate in response to demand.

What makes you the perfect Nordic Azure Architect?

  • You are a people’s person with Azure and business experience, and able to work in and lead teams.
  • You can talk at the level of a technical engineer, right through to the c-suite. You have a good presence and can establish immediate credibility. You have commercial awareness. Internally you set an example as a leader, mentor and trusted advisor.
  • You understand the business outcomes of the Architecture or solution you develop.
  • You have experience with the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (or similar methodologies) and have delivered large enterprise Azure solutions.
  • You have deployed Azure solutions following the Enterprise-Scale approach.
  • You thrive on building effective partnerships, collaborating with external clients, internal leadership and architecture teams, to define technology and architecture blueprints and implementation roadmaps to achieve client success.
  • You understand deal economics and write clear proposals and Statements of Work.

Role Responsibilities:

  • Work closely with our Sales team, tailoring and shaping our proposition to client’s IT and business leadership for our largest and most strategic Accounts.
  • Helping clients to understand cloud-oriented practices and approaches including DevOps, PaaS, containers, Hybrid cloud, migration and modernization of applications using cloud and Big Data.
  • Drive the creation of the value case for client’s business challenges that would most benefit from migration to the Microsoft platform.
  • Perform end-to-end solution shaping and solution architecture for Cloud Transformation, including estimation, solution planning and SOW to create the optimal client outcome.
  • Gain approval and sign-off for solutions with Avanade’s own internal stakeholders, giving confidence that we can execute and deliver desired outcomes to the client.
  • Present solutions to CIO’s, Chief Architect’s and VP’s. Explaining the solution in detail, interpreting needs and responding to challenges to show the value and relevance to the customer business.
  • Act as an evangelist, answering technical questions on the solution and the Azure Public Cloud, show solutions to customer requirements through demonstrations and examples, and be able to articulate the business value.
  • Collaborate with our strategic partners, Accenture and Microsoft, on target accounts.
  • Work with Nordic Offering Leads and wider Avanade architect community to share, and document innovations and best practices.
  • Building strong and lasting client relationships.

The successful candidate will have the following experience, skills & qualifications:

  • Experience in a consulting and systems integrator environment, focused on infrastructure modernization and migration to Azure.
  • Ability to develop relationships and provide advisory services to C-level executives.
  • Aware of sales principles and practices including end-to-end sales lifecycle from origination through to contract closure and project mobilisation.
  • Experience in Cloud Transformation and Migration solutions, defining and shaping the delivery approach, working with offshore/nearshore teams, estimating effort to deliver and building resource profiles.
  • Proven experience in successful delivery of Infrastructure Migration or Data centre migration projects
  • Motivated and driven by working with multi-site delivery teams, offshore / nearshore / onshore.
  • Ability to successfully manage large-scale, complex deal cycles at enterprise accounts.

You will have relevant technology business leadership experience in areas such as solution pre-sales, architecture, and project delivery.

You will have a degree in a business or technology-related field. An advanced degree or specialization would be highly desirable as would Microsoft and related industry certifications.

About your technical skills:

  • Azure Platform Architecture
  • Azure IaaS and PaaS
  • Azure Security and Networking
  • Cloud Governance
  • Cloud Identity
  • Cloud Operations and Migrations
  • On-prem infrastructure - high-level skills and understandings

Benefits we offer

  • Opportunity to work for Microsoft’s global alliance partner of the year (for 15 years!), with exceptional development and training (minimum 80 hours per year for training and paid certifications).
  • Avanade University – real-time access to technical and skilled resources globally.
  • Dedicated career advisor to encourage your progression.
  • Engaged and helpful coworkers genuinely interested in you.
  • Reward and Recognition scheme.

Don't see the exact right opening for you right now? Send us your information at Candidate Community and we can stay in touch and let you know when such a position does come available.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kommunikationsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 26.3.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København

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