The Royal Danish Theatre seeks Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet
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The theatre and the ballet
The Royal Danish Ballet is a division of The Royal Danish Theatre, and is a remarkable ballet company delivering artistic performances of the highest calibre, and is as such one of the world's best renowned ballet-companies. The company was founded in 1748 right in the center of Copenhagen where it is still located today.
The Royal Danish Ballet also includes The Royal Danish Ballet School which educates world class classical ballet dancers. The Ballet School was founded in 1771, and is one of the few ballet schools in the world that is housed in the theatre building itself.
The core of the Royal Danish Ballet is the tradition of August Bournonville, who led the company in the 1830's. Today The Royal Danish Ballet is a modern ballet company that embraces both classical ballets from the Russian and neoclassical repertoire, and contemporary works, as well as encouraging the creation of new ballets – in addition to the Bournonville repertoire. The company has approx. 80 dancers of both Danish and international origin.
The theatre is currently working with a strategy to increase the number of performances and broadening the repertory, and to reach out to new audience groups with a particular emphasis on introducing more children and young adults to the classical arts. These ambitions are outlined in the political four-year agreement for the Royal Danish Theatre, setting out the main goals for the period 2021-2024 (RDT rammeaftale_da). The theatre has decided to make diversity a strong priority over the next years, both for audiences and as a work place.
The position
The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet is responsible for the Royal Danish Theatre’s production and staging of ballet performances and rehearsals. The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet plans the theatre’s ballet and dance repertoire, within the defined framework of the entire Royal Danish Theatre's budgets, structure and common goals and under mandate from the CEO. The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet is part of the theatre’s executive management board, where he/she has joint responsibility for the theatre's strategy. The Artistic Director has a special responsibility to contribute to activities that will make the art form more accessible and relevant for people in all of Denmark, including digital programming, touring and outreach activities
The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet also serves as the Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet School and will provide the overall creative leadership for the Company and the School, including the training and development of dancers and ensuring that the Bournonville tradition, aesthetic and repertoire are maintained and remain relevant for generations to come – students, dancers and audiences alike.
The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet is the senior manager of the Ballet Department’s artistic and administrative staff, which includes the ballet company, music staff, producers, stage managers and administrative staff, as well as the staff of the Royal Danish Ballet School – approximately 175 employees in all plus 120 students at the Royal Danish Ballet School. The Ballet Department’s day to day operations is supervised by the Ballet Department’s Administrative Director, who report to the Artistic Director.
The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet has the financial responsibility for the ballet department’s budget. The Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet is appointed by the board and reports directly to the CEO.
The duties of the Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet include:
- Ensuring a strong artistic profile for the Royal Danish Ballet.
- Leverage strong international contacts to secure premium productions and artistic talent
- Creating a core repertoire, which will continue to form the nucleus of the Royal Danish Ballet’s repertoire, with broad audience support.
- Fostering and developing both classic and contemporary ballet traditions.
- Developing new artistic initiatives and focus areas.
- Select, engage and develop outstanding dance and artistic talent
- Ensure that the strong culture and healthy working environment within the ballet company is maintained.
- Work in close partnership with the Administrative Director to deliver financial sustainability and ensure optimum use of resources and compliance with the given budgets.
- Collaborating with the Royal Danish Orchestra and coordinating optimum use of the orchestra’s resources.
- Attract both new and loyal audiences to the art form.
- Contributing to the theatre’s touring, digital and outreach activities etc.
The ideal candidate is a confident, articulate and empathetic leader with a flair for management and communication who can deliver a bold, innovative and compelling artistic vision to advance the company and its dancers consistent with the theatre’s mission and goals.
The theatre is seeking an Artistic Director of the Royal Danish Ballet with:
- Strong artistic abilities and a deep knowledge of ballet and dance.
- Extensive knowledge of the works and aesthetics of August Bournonville.
- Artistic visions for the development of the Royal Danish Ballet.
- An eye for talent; the ability to select the best dancers, students, choreographers, teachers, and coaches and encourage their development.
- Management experience, including strong communication skills, a well-developed international network, the ability to inspire others, and can deliver on ambitious goals.
- A strong media presence and ability to engage new and existing audiences with the narrative of opera and symphonic music as art forms.
- Good command of finances and budget compliance.
Knowledge of Danish ballet and dance culture and tradition, as well as knowledge of general Danish cultural tradition, would be beneficial.
Terms and process
The position will be filled as a fixed-term contract and in accordance with relevant agreements or on individual terms.
Starting date as agreed between the parties but preferably by 1 August 2022.
To apply for the position, click "Søg stillingen” button. Applications must be addressed to Chairman of the Board Bertel Haarder and received by 11 April 2021.
The first round of interviews will be conducted during April 2021 followed by a second round during May 2021.
Please direct enquiries regarding the position to CEO Kasper Holten, tel. (+45) 3157 7273 or [email protected].
All interested candidates, regardless of personal background, are encouraged to apply for the position.
Read more about the Royal Danish Theatre at
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kreativ medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".
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