*Lab technician for development of HPLC and capillary electrophoresis assays for protein analysis
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We are seeking Laboratory technicians with experience in analysis of protein-based pharmaceuticals with capillary gel electrophoresis and HPLC techniques like size exclusion, ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and/or affinity chromatography. The position is within our Analytical Development (AD) Department at AGC Biologics A/S (AGC). AGC is a Contract Manufacturing Organization with facilities in Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan and USA and with customers all over the world.
The department
The AD Department is responsible for implementation, transfer and development of analytical procedures, analytical support to upstream and downstream, characterization of products, testing engineering batches for production and the transfer of analytical methods to QC for validation. AGC projects range from early pre-clinical development through all phases of clinical development all the way to commercial supply. AD is also involved in cross functional project groups and implementation of new analytical technologies and techniques.
As a Laboratory technician in analytical development, you will be responsible executing a wide array of analytical methods with a focus on supporting our clinical and commercial projects, you will be responsible for generating the analytical results in the lab, processing the data and submitting it into our quality system for review by the department scientists. You will also be heavily involved in day-to-day tasks essential for the delivery of results, like preparation of buffers, preventive maintenance in instruments and all the work required to setting up large studies related to degradation and stability of the proteins of interest. You will be working together with an ever-growing team currently consisting of 5 scientists and 5 technician’s
The work environment in our department is very informal. There is constant collaboration across the organization, and all employees have a professional and flexible attitude towards their work. The department consists of 30 dedicated and highly competent scientists and technicians working in four sub team; HPLC/CE development, bioassay development, process development support and characterization. The team is in close contact with our counterparts in our Seattle facility.
Responsibilities and tasks
As a Laboratory technician in the assay development team you will be involved with the development and implementation of assays supporting our new projects, in addition you will be working on supporting process development through analysis of samples from upstream and downstream process development, you will work with setting up and analyzing studies used in support of regulatory filings e.g. degradation studies, comparability work, stability and in-uses studies.
You will get the opportunity to work with a broad range analytical techniques used in the analysis of protein based therapeutics.
The job includes:
- Development and/or implementation of analytical methods on HPLC and CE to analyze new protein therapeutics.
- Generation of analytical results by running HPLC and CE based methods in the lab.
- Data processing and reporting of results.
- Setting up supportive studies e.g. degradation and stability studies.
- Doing supportive tasks like manufacture of buffers, preventive maintenance on instruments etc.
Experience and competencies
The ideal candidate is a trained laboratory technician with industry experience in analyzing biopharmaceuticals. Alternatively, you holds at BSc, MSc or similar degree, in Protein Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biochemical or Chemical Engineering, and you are tired of sitting behind a desk all day, and want to get back into the laboratory. In addition to that you have:
- Experience in analysis of biologics, preferably from the biotech industry.
- Practical experience with running HPLC and capillary electrophoresis experiments.
- You are used to processing and reporting the data you generate in the lab.
- Experience with Chromeleon, or other part 11 compliant chromatography software is an advantage
- Thorough understanding on HPLC troubleshooting and hands on experience with day-to-day preventive maintenance on HPLC systems is an advantage.
- You are self-driven, take initiative, and get things done.
- Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required as the company language is English.
On a personal level we expect you to:
Be a high performing team player and to be ambitious on behalf of yourself and the company. You master the balance between speed of execution and quality of work. You embrace change and enjoy a rapid pace of work with a positive, can-do attitude and with a good sense of humor. You think of last minute changes as a positive variety in the daily work.
For further information, please contact Lasse Olsen, HPLC/CE assay development Team lead, Analytical Development, phone +45 2269 9432, or Helle Grann Wendelboe, Senior Director of Analytical Development, phone +45 2294 3090.
We will process the applications as they arrive. Therefore, please submit your application and CV as soon as possible.
Want to keep posted about our growth and to learn more about our company?
We also urge you to follow us on our LinkedIn Company Page and give us a quick Like on Facebook !
AGC Biologics (AGC) is a global Contract Development Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) with bio-manufacturing facilities in Europe, Japan, Italy and the USA. The company provides a comprehensive range of commercial and clinical cGMP biologics manufacturing services, from DNA to active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The company’s team and approach are tailored to each of its client’s needs, whether turnkey manufacturing or sophisticated, stand-alone analytical, formulation and stability services.
Visit www.agcbio.com to learn why AGC Biologics is a World Leader in process development and contract manufacturing.
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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Laborant", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".
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