Global Platform Manager

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Investor Platform Team at Saxo Bank - The future of trading and investing is online

Your role and work environment

Are you the energetic and problem-solving person we are looking for? Would you like to join our team and help us align the voice of the customer, with our product developers? We are currently going through a major migration and this is where our global platform managers come in. Together with the other platform and development teams you implement improvements and bring them to the market.

We are looking for a key player in the cooperation between IT and Business stakeholders, with a drive to make complex changes happen within and across commercial and development teams.

  • Your view as well as your knowledge of both Business and IT states are crucial in the translation of business objectives and initiatives into features, in a sequence that delivers customer value as early as possible.
  • Additionally, you support the breakdown of features into user stories.
  • You demonstrate affinity with trading and investing on financial markets and interest in how financial instruments work.
  • You can relate to the needs of these investors and possible issues they are experiencing.

If you’re up for the challenge of breaking down barriers in global financial markets, we’re always looking for ambitious and enthusiastic people who share our passion for clients, technology and innovation and can bring new perspectives to our diverse team.

At Saxo we don’t just offer a job – we offer an opportunity to invest in your future!

Furthermore: As a Global Platform Manager

Customers trust you for being able to translate their feedback into product and service improvements.

Your success is not based on your position but based on your strong communication and collaboration skills, your results delivered and your added value for Saxo Bank and the teams you work with.

  • You have a good to extensive understanding of the execution-only domain, its processes and the underlying business model.
  • Your understanding of the latest developments in business and technology allows you to propose structural improvements aimed at moving closer to an industry-leading customer experience.
  • You are comfortable with collaboration and reaching across teams and functional borders and serve as a liaison when needed.
  • You easily connect and align stakeholders (by listening to them) on all levels of the Saxo Bank organization.

Skills and competences

  • Ability to look at your business from the customer's perspective (customer centric thinking)
  • Strong communication and presentation skills across skill and seniority levels
  • A personality and the capabilities to function within an Agile environment
  • Eager to learn and ability to inspire others
  • Continuous improvement mindset

Would you like to know more about the position in depth, then do not hesitate to apply

How to apply

Click on the apply button above to apply. Please send a short application stating your motivation for the job. We regularly call for interviews.

You possess

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (within area of Finance, Economics or IT)
  • Good written and spoken knowledge English; demonstrates mastery in writing skills, understandable and easy to read features
  • Multiple years of experience within business domain (execution-only)
  • Demonstration of deep functional knowledge of the business domain (end to end); knowing how business processes utilize IT solutions
  • Experience/affinity with IT (and Agile methodologies) is a plus

We offer

  • The opportunity to join a truly growth-embracing culture, committed to help you grow personally and professionally. You will become part of a dynamic and very ambitious hands-on team in an informal working environment.
  • The possibility to take the lead on defining and launching a new investor platform
  • Competitive compensation

About Saxo Bank

Saxo Bank offers several award-winning online platforms and APIs to retail and institutional traders and investors globally. We offer execution across a wide range of assets including Stocks, ETFs, CFDs, Forex, Options, Futures, Funds, Warrants, Turbos and Bonds, all from a single consolidated account as well as a full suite of back-office services.

The platform offered to service retail investors is called Saxo Investor. The responsive design of the platform supports mobile, tablet and web. We are looking for an experienced Platform Manager to take on the functional ownership of the Investor platform. You will join a highly skilled, ambitious and hands on platform management team, with overall ownership of Saxo Bank’s client facing platforms.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Maritim medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 20.5.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Maritim medarbejder
  • København

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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer