Open API Platform Manager
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We at Saxo Bank are working hard to build the most comprehensive open banking platform in the world and look for a new team member to help deliver on our vision.
If you are highly motivated, ambitious and seeking a challenging and rewarding environment, you are looking at the right opportunity!
By joining the Saxo OpenAPI platform team, you will help accelerate the adoption and knowledge of our OpenAPI technology amongst developers and clients worldwide.
The Job:
As our new OpenAPI Platform Manager you refer to the Head of OpenAPI and belong to the Open API platform team. We are responsible for defining the product towards our IT organization for development, and subsequently making it commercially available.
If you are passionate about bridging the gap between business and IT, this is the place for you.
Great API’s do not just emerge, they must be carefully designed and supported by great samples and great documentation.
This is where you come in. We are rapidly moving towards an “API Design First” mindset and we need you to help us stay ahead of the curve. As an OpenAPI Platform Manager/Designer you will be given the responsibility for a subset of our entire API surface. You will join the development process already when API’s are being imagined and you will follow “your” API’s from inception to release and beyond. You will design - or guide the design - to ensure that new API’s are easy to understand, easy to use and of course easy to explain. You will also create relevant documentation and samples, while the development teams work on the implementation.
- Design, shape and validate new API functionality as it is being delivered from our IT department, making sure it is properly designed, documented and works as expected. We now deliver most of our API designs in OpenAPI Spec (OAS/Swagger), which we create directly in VS Code or Stoplight.
- Write samples and documentation to explain certain features of our APIs and how they work in a business context.
- Engage with our API users and use their feedback to drive improvements.
- Eventually obtain complete ownership of a subset of our API presence.
- Spend about 4-6 hours/week answering questions as part of our OpenAPI Support rotation.
Your profile:
You are passionate about OpenAPI technology and have a keen interest in trading and investment. As a person you come across as a good communicator with a passion for what you do. You have a strong sense of quality, and a will to succeed. At the same time you recognize that challenging problems are best solved through collaboration and that team work is essential.
Further we are looking for a candidate with the following qualifications:
- In depth knowledge of and direct experience with at least one Back-End or one Front-End development language (JavaScript, C#, Python). Very likely you have a degree in computer science.
- Ideally you already have direct experience with OpenAPIs, API design and API technologies, preferably including Swagger/OAS.
- You have an opinion about what constitutes good API design and a good developer experience. Ideally you have designed API’s before, but may also have been a front end developer using OpenAPIs or a backend developer developing APIs.
- Strong verbal and written communication skills, as you will be engaging with developers, clients, writing samples, updating documentation and generally be an ambassador for the Saxo OpenAPI both internally and externally.
- Ability to work in a diverse team with members across the globe.
- Knowledge of the financial markets and experience with trading or investing is a plus.
We offer:
The Saxo Experience Office has the overall responsibility for the client journey and all client-facing touchpoints across channels and platforms. We ensure that our technology, scale and talented employees translate into great client experiences and a profitable business.
At Saxo IT and the business are integrated into the same teams, ensuring end-to-end ownership. We are organized based on what we want to do for our clients rather than on subject matter expertise. Within SXO you will work together with people from different disciplines, but all with the same goal in mind: making a positive difference for our clients.
Our specialty is within capital markets with a focus on: high reliability, large volumes, low latency and a world-class, cloud-based experience for retail, institutional and white-label clients.
Part of SXO’s core focus is also being sharp on client needs before we build new features or launch new projects across the Bank - by building prototypes, testing, understanding the money-making logic behind the offering and the go-to-market strategy before we build a new solution.
We aspire to be a non-hierarchical, purpose-driven organisation. At Saxo, it is not about entitlement; it is about impact – no matter where you sit in the organisation. A good idea is always taken seriously and you can truly make a difference.
When you work here, you become a Saxonian. Obviously you will get an attractive compensation package. But we also invest in your personal development and offer you large responsibility from day one. We encourage an open feedback culture and a supportive team environment. If you show a collaborative spirit, drive and passion, your learning curve will be steep and your (international) career opportunities with Saxo immense.
At Saxo we don’t just offer a job – we offer an opportunity to invest in your future!
How to apply:
Click the Apply button to create an account and upload your resume (and a short motivation). We look forward to getting to know you better!
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Maritim medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".
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Indre By: Pulsens centrum med internationale virksomheder, finansverden og detailhandel. Perfekt for jobsøgende inden for finans, jura, medier og marketing. Tempoet er højt, og konkurrencen kan være hård.
Østerbro: En blanding af moderne boliger, historiske bygninger og innovative virksomheder. Hjem til Novo Nordisk og Vestas Wind Systems. Gode muligheder inden for life science, teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger.
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Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer