Agronomist DK
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Area of responsibilities and tasks
We are looking for an agronomist with deep knowledge within the agricultural profession and with special knowledge on fertilizing regulations/rules and crop farming along with a strategic and commercial flair. The agronomist will have the responsibility for developing and maintaining Nature Energy’s cooperation and relations to its partners in the agricultural business, both on a strategic and on an operational level.
You will, in cooperation with the other members of the Farm Relations team, be responsible for the contractual relations to the agricultural partners and participate in negotiations for supply of biomasses and the return of digitate based fertilizers, with primary focus on the Danish market.
Your tasks
- Cooperation with finance for development of economic models.
- Participate in the work with regulatory and legislative measures and participate in contact to authorities and branch organizations.
- Maintain specialized knowledge on local farm practices on use of fertilizer and crop farming.
- Cooperation with R&D and dissemination of facts and benefits concerning fertilization with digestate.
- Cooperation with R&D on development of new optimized fertilization methods
- Cooperation with Supply Chain on maintaining and developing optimal supply/return logistic solutions.
- Cooperation with Business Development for the development of new biogas plants in Denmark.
The agronomist will report to the Farm Relation Manager, Kristian Petersen. Your primary workplace will be in either our Odense or Aarhus office.
You will thrive in this role if you
The ideal candidate has deep knowledge about the agricultural/farming business and has experience with negotiations with farmers and agricultural organisations. The candidate is professionally knowledgeable dressed in the field of fertilizers and crop farming and can master and optimize issues concerning digestate.
Minimum 3-5 years’ experience with crop farming advisory including agricultural regulations and a good knowledge with commercial issues in relation to farming. The candidate will, through credibility, preparation and insight create good negotiation results.
- Can lead meetings and conferences with large groups of farmers and enter constructive cooperation with branch organizations and authorities at all levels.
- Is good at creating and maintaining relations externally and internally and think holistically across the organization.
- Can think and work strategically and has good impact in relations whilst being action and result oriented, communicative, extrovert and persistent
- Can lead cross-functional project teams.
- Good at English, both in writing and speech.
Working at Nature Energy
By joining Nature Energy, you will be part of a highly experienced and ambitious team of leaders in the circular economy. Our common denominator is that we want to build a sustainable future for our planet and our people. From the movement toward decarbonized energy resources to how to turn edge into value to how to produce fertilizer to increase on-farm yields and help farmers produce more food for a growing population and the food insecure; we couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds. Today, Nature Energy employs more than 400 dedicated employees across offices in Europe and North America.
Headquartered in Denmark, Nature Energy is the European market leader in the development, design, construction, and operation of large, industrialized biogas-plants pioneering a sustainable future by turning waste into value. The company owns and operates 14 biogas plants in Europe and is launching new biogas-projects in Europe, the United States, and Canada.
At Nature Energy we are proud of our purpose “Pioneering a sustainable future by turning waste into value” and we truly believe in our vision which is “We will become the most successful and respected biogas company in the world – acknowledged for our positive impact on the environment”.
You can read more about Nature Energy at and our recruitment process here:
Your team and the rest of Nature Energy are excited about you joining our ambitious growth, so be sure to submit your application today! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sara Skafsgaard Hansen at [email protected].
We will review applications continuously, so make sure to submit your application today by using our online application form by clicking “Apply for the position” below.
We encourage applications from all backgrounds
At Nature Energy we have a strong pioneering spirit and a legacy of giving back to the communities in which we live and work. We treasure our differences and believe that the best results are derived from bringing together people from diverse backgrounds. Creating a green future demands people of varied backgrounds, perspectives, and capabilities. We are committed to creating a workplace where our people thrive, learn from one another, and are inspired to be a part of the green transition and the Biogas 2.0 movement. Together we can do more!
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Naturmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Odense
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 17.10.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Naturmedarbejder
- Odense
Statistik over udbudte jobs som naturmedarbejdere i Odense
Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte naturmedarbejder i Odense over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal naturmedarbejdere i Odense.
Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte naturmedarbejdere i Odense over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som naturmedarbejdere |
4. februar 2025 | 1 |
30. januar 2025 | 1 |
29. januar 2025 | 1 |
28. januar 2025 | 1 |
27. januar 2025 | 1 |
26. januar 2025 | 1 |
25. januar 2025 | 1 |
24. januar 2025 | 1 |
23. januar 2025 | 1 |
22. januar 2025 | 1 |
16. januar 2025 | 2 |
15. januar 2025 | 2 |
14. januar 2025 | 2 |
13. januar 2025 | 2 |
12. januar 2025 | 2 |
11. januar 2025 | 3 |
10. januar 2025 | 3 |
9. januar 2025 | 3 |
8. januar 2025 | 3 |
7. januar 2025 | 3 |
Værd at vide når du søger job som naturmedarbejder i Odense
Odense byder på et forfriskende alternativ til storbyens hektiske rytme, men det betyder ikke, at du skal gå på kompromis med mobiliteten. Byen tilbyder en række bekvemme og miljøvenlige transportmuligheder, der sikrer, at du effektivt kan nå frem til din destination, uanset om du er på vej til arbejde, skole, kulturarrangementer eller socialt samvær.
At flytte for et drømmejob kan være spændende, men kræver forberedelse.
Bydele i Odense
Odense byder på en spændende blanding af kvarterer, hver med sin charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job, spiller dit valg af boligområde en rolle. Lad os dykke ned i nogle populære kvarterer og se, hvordan de relaterer til jobmuligheder:
Centrum: Det pulserende hjerte af Odense byder på masser af shopping, kultur og cafeliv. Her finder du virksomheder inden for handel, service, finans og kulturinstitutioner. Boligpriserne er højere, men du er tæt på arbejdspladsen og byens attraktioner.
Frederiksbjerg: Et hipt og ungt kvarter med masser af studerende og kreative sjæle. Her finder du tech-startups, designvirksomheder og innovative kontorfællesskaber. Boligudbuddet er blandet, og der er god forbindelse til centrum.
Tufteparken: Familievenligt område med grønne områder og gode skoler. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for fødevareproduktion og logistik. Boligerne er generelt rolige og familievenlige.
Bolbro: Et multikulturelt kvarter med billigere boliger og et internationalt miljø. Her finder du mindre virksomheder inden for forskellige brancher. Området er under udvikling, så jobmulighederne kan vokse i fremtiden.
Dalum: Idyllisk forstad tæt på motorvej og natur. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for industri og logistik. Boligpriserne er lavere, men transport til arbejdspladsen kan være nødvendigt.
Hjørring: Familievenligt område med gode skoler og fritidsaktiviteter. Her finder du både mindre virksomheder og filialer af større koncerner. Boligerne er rolige og familievenlige.
Munkebjerg: Et historisk kvarter med brostensgader og hyggelige cafeer. Her finder du kreative virksomheder, kontorfællesskaber og kulturinstitutioner. Boligpriserne er høje, men du er tæt på centrum og grønne områder.
Mere information om Odense
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Odense, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Odense, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Odense i denne guide: Odense: Din guide til jobmuligheder, transport og bydele.