
Integration Consultant

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Integration Consultant for ambitious IT department

Join a highly professional and innovative global company dedicated to an efficient and sustainable global aquaculture.

On behalf of our client, BioMar Group, we are searching for an experienced manufacturing leader having implemented a global program for continuous improvement.


Can you develop innovative solutions and secure best practice for our client’s internal integration architecture? Do you want to bring your ideas to life and help build the best IT department in the world?

“We are a global enterprise that runs 24/7. It is extremely important that we have a world class integration environment, which makes our worldwide fabrications run smoothly. This is where the integration consultant comes in,” says Marc S. Lindberg, Head of IT Operations.

We invest in Global IT

BioMar wants to build the best IT department in the world. In the transition from local to global IT, BioMar is investing everything they can to support their worldwide sustainable feed solutions.

Your colleagues in Denmark, Chile and Norway look forward to welcome you to into the BioMar family. All of them are part of the Global IT family and work together to achieve the goal of delivering future-proof infrastructure and cloud foundation with a focus on process improvement. The culture is as informal as it is highly professional.

Key Responsibilities:

The new Integration Consultant build, test, and maintain document integrations and secure high uptime. You validate, secure best practice, and make sure that nothing is lost in translation when the systems are communicating.

Besides that, you will:

  • Collaborate closely with your colleagues in IT Operations and Manufacturing IT and with business partners
  • Build and maintain document integrations for connecting on-premises, hybrid, and cloud applications
  • Identify business needs for integrations

As the integration visionary, you will work with many different systems and applications. You do not have to know them all, but if you know some, it will help making the journey towards perfect IT a little bit easier. The systems include ITIL, DevOps, IpaaS, M3 Enterprise Collaborator, Microsoft Azure, XML, and Infor ION.

Technical and social skills

As you are cooperating with different colleagues and stakeholders, your technical skills are flanked by an ability to communicate with various people and personalities. You have an eye for details, and you can solve problems proactively.

You also possess:

  • Experience in enterprise integration
  • Knowledge of both older and modern systems
  • An understanding of building and running integration as service platforms

An architect is already designing, so you are not going to build everything from scratch. That being said, if you have just a couple of years of experience, we are willing to look to you for our next integration consultant if you are eager to create.

BioMar’s Sustainability mission

BioMar makes a promise, to our planet and its people with a set of ambitious targets that will seek to aid in the regeneration of our environment while enabling humanity to thrive.

The company is currently working on three major sustainability goals:

• Reduce GHG footprint
• Making BioMar feeds circular and restorative
• Enabling people and communities all over the world

How to get more information and apply:

As INAC Executive Search Denmark is managing this hiring process for BioMar Group, please contact Thomas Secher for more information by phone on +45 20 88 72 81 or e-mail [email protected].

Please apply through our candidate portal, HR-ON, by clicking the bottom “Apply”. We will continuously screen and invite relevant candidates.

We are looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Join the BioMar Family

At BioMar Group, we are committed to developing and delivering efficient, sustainable, and healthy feed solutions for aquaculture. Innovation and partnerships are at the very heart of everything we do, and we are proud that our highly skilled employees share our long-term commitment. Currently, we operate sixteen feed factories in Norway, Chile, Denmark, Scotland, Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, China, Ecuador, Australia, and Costa Rica. Worldwide, we supply feed to around eighty countries and for more than forty-five different species.

Moreover, we are wholly owned by the Danish industrial group Schouw & Co, which is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.

Powered by Partnership. Driven by Innovation.

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som øvrige i Århus

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Statistik over udbudte øvrige i Århus over tid

Dato Alle jobs som øvrige
5. juli 2024 471
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Værd at vide når du søger job som øvrige i Århus

Drømmer du om at lande drømmejobbet i Danmarks næststørste by? Så er du kommet til det rette sted! Jobmarkedet i Århus bugner af spændende muligheder, lige fra innovative startups til traditionsrige virksomheder. Men at navigere i et ukendt jobmarked kan virke uoverskueligt. Bare rolig, vi er her for at hjælpe!

Aarhus summer af dynamik og diversitet, hvilket også afspejles i byens erhvervsliv. Mens servicesektoren generelt dominerer i Danmark, finder du i Århus flere prominente aktører inden for en række spændende brancher. Så hvor skal du kigge, hvis du drømmer om et spændende job i Danmarks næststørste by?

At komme rundt i Århus er både bekvemt og effektivt takket være et veludviklet netværk af offentlige transportmidler og cykelinfrastruktur. Uanset din destination og rejseplan, har du flere attraktive muligheder til rådighed:

Drømmer du om et spændende job i Smilets By? Fantastisk! Men før du pakker flyttekasserne, giver vi dig et overblik over, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, når du flytter til Århus for et job.

Bydele i Århus 

Aarhus består af et væld af unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job i Smilets By, kan det derfor være fordelagtigt at undersøge de forskellige områder for at finde en god pasform mellem dine boligønsker, karrieremål og livsstil.

Indre By: Pulsende centrum med internationalt miljø. Perfekt til den ambitiøse, der drømmer om karriere inden for handel, finans, kultur og service. Du finder store virksomheder, startups og et bredt udvalg af butikker og restauranter. Boligpriserne er dog højere sammenlignet med andre områder.

Latinerkvarteret: Historisk hjørne med hyggelige gader og smukke bygninger. Populært blandt unge professionelle og kreative sjæle. Her finder du mindre virksomheder, designstudier og kunstneriske initiativer. Boligudbuddet er begrænset, men stemningen er unik.

Frederiksbjerg: Trendy område med et mix af moderne og historisk arkitektur. Tiltrækker familier og professionelle med ambitioner inden for kreative industrier, IT og medier. Gode transportforbindelser, men boligpriserne kan være høje.

Marselisborg: Roligt villakvarter med grønne områder og havudsigt. Ideelt for familier og personer, der prioriterer ro og natur. Mulighederne for beskæftigelse er primært inden for offentlige institutioner og små virksomheder. Boligpriserne er generelt højere.

Trøjborg: Dynamisk kvarter med studerende og kreative miljøer. Populært blandt unge og iværksættere. Boligudbuddet består primært af lejeboliger. God adgang til Aarhus Universitet og flere IT-virksomheder.

Lisbjerg: Industriområde i transformation med fokus på bæredygtighed og innovation. Attraktivt for personer med grønne ambitioner og teknisk baggrund. Flere innovative virksomheder har base her, og boligudbuddet er stigende.

Viby og Brabrand: Forstadskommuner med gode familievenlige boliger og et bredt udvalg af erhvervsområder. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for energi, logistik og teknologi. Boligpriserne er lavere end i centrum, men transporttiden kan være længere.

Mere information om Århus 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Århus, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Århus, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Århus i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Smilets By: Sådan lander du drømmejobbet i Århus.