Senior Media Specialist (Paid Search)

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📍 Aarhus 📆 As soon as possible👩🏽‍💻 Office/at-home balance 📚 Our Recruitment ProcessOur Recruitment ProcessAre you looking for an exciting opportunity to work with and learn from some of the brightest minds within marketing, data, creative, and strategy?Curious to learn more about us? You can meet some of our coworkers and read about our departments here. For insights into how life is at Precis and a peek at the perks of working with us, visit this page. In our Handbook, you can get a neat summary of who we are, our culture and our offices. You can also check out our recent cases, and if you want to meet some of our co-workers go to our blog posts.herethis pageHandbookcasesblog postsWe are committed to building an inclusive and fair workplace that attracts talent and advances its people, regardless of their background, experiences or perspectives. We believe that a diverse set of minds will continue to contribute to our innovative culture and our ability to reinvent ourselves constantly.We are committed to building an inclusive and fair workplace that attracts talent and advances its people, regardless of their background, experiences or perspectives. We believe that a diverse set of minds will continue to contribute to our innovative culture and our ability to reinvent ourselves constantly.
  • Lead the tactical & operational management of one or more digital marketing channels, ensuring flawless campaign execution, from setup to optimization and detailed performance analysis.

  • Direct advanced testing and optimization initiatives within the channel, applying deep expertise to enhance campaign effectiveness and meet client KPIs.

  • Conduct an in-depth channel analysis and audits to identify opportunities for improving brand visibility and performance metrics.

  • Advocate for and integrate innovative tools and technologies to enhance operational efficiency and improve campaign results.

  • Provide clients with concise, actionable recommendations based on data-driven insights, guiding strategic decisions.

  • Collaborate with relevant platform representatives and internal colleagues to stay ahead of emerging features and best practices, applying these learnings to drive client success.

  • Promote a collaborative environment, leading by example in integrating channel-specific insights with cross-functional team efforts to enhance the overall client experience and success.

  • Facilitate knowledge sharing & mentor junior specialists, providing guidance on channel-specific tactics and fostering an environment of continuous learning.

  • Lead the tactical & operational management of one or more digital marketing channels, ensuring flawless campaign execution, from setup to optimization and detailed performance analysis.

    Lead the tactical & operational management of one or more digital marketing channels, ensuring flawless campaign execution, from setup to optimization and detailed performance analysis.Direct advanced testing and optimization initiatives within the channel, applying deep expertise to enhance campaign effectiveness and meet client KPIs.

    Direct advanced testing and optimization initiatives within the channel, applying deep expertise to enhance campaign effectiveness and meet client KPIs.Conduct an in-depth channel analysis and audits to identify opportunities for improving brand visibility and performance metrics.

    Conduct an in-depth channel analysis and audits to identify opportunities for improving brand visibility and performance metrics.Advocate for and integrate innovative tools and technologies to enhance operational efficiency and improve campaign results.

    Advocate for and integrate innovative tools and technologies to enhance operational efficiency and improve campaign results.Provide clients with concise, actionable recommendations based on data-driven insights, guiding strategic decisions.

    Provide clients with concise, actionable recommendations based on data-driven insights, guiding strategic decisions.Collaborate with relevant platform representatives and internal colleagues to stay ahead of emerging features and best practices, applying these learnings to drive client success.

    Collaborate with relevant platform representatives and internal colleagues to stay ahead of emerging features and best practices, applying these learnings to drive client success.Promote a collaborative environment, leading by example in integrating channel-specific insights with cross-functional team efforts to enhance the overall client experience and success.

    Promote a collaborative environment, leading by example in integrating channel-specific insights with cross-functional team efforts to enhance the overall client experience and success.Facilitate knowledge sharing & mentor junior specialists, providing guidance on channel-specific tactics and fostering an environment of continuous learning.

    Facilitate knowledge sharing & mentor junior specialists, providing guidance on channel-specific tactics and fostering an environment of continuous learning.WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FORWHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR
  • 3+ years of experience in SEM (paid search).

  • Hands-on experience and technical knowledge in at least one other key marketing channel (paid social, programmatic or SEO), and extensive understanding of others and how they integrate with the overall marketing strategies

  • Ability to analyze and interpret data across both marketing & analytics platforms (e.g. GA4) and use insights to drive continuous optimization and achieve better outcomes.

  • Proficiency in crafting and applying effective testing tactics to discover innovative solutions and boost campaign effectiveness.

  • Proficient in communicating complex ideas clearly in presentations and collaborative discussions.

  • Strong mentoring skills, with a focus on sharing knowledge and fostering a learning environment within the team.

  • Preferably experienced in working with Google BigQuery.

  • Familiarity with data visualization tools (e.g. Looker Studio) and ability to present insights engagingly and understandably.

  • 3+ years of experience in SEM (paid search).

    3+ years of experience in SEM (paid search).Hands-on experience and technical knowledge in at least one other key marketing channel (paid social, programmatic or SEO), and extensive understanding of others and how they integrate with the overall marketing strategies

    Hands-on experience and technical knowledge in at least one other key marketing channel (paid social, programmatic or SEO), and extensive understanding of others and how they integrate with the overall marketing strategiesAbility to analyze and interpret data across both marketing & analytics platforms (e.g. GA4) and use insights to drive continuous optimization and achieve better outcomes.

    Ability to analyze and interpret data across both marketing & analytics platforms (e.g. GA4) and use insights to drive continuous optimization and achieve better outcomes.Proficiency in crafting and applying effective testing tactics to discover innovative solutions and boost campaign effectiveness.

    Proficiency in crafting and applying effective testing tactics to discover innovative solutions and boost campaign effectiveness.Proficient in communicating complex ideas clearly in presentations and collaborative discussions.

    Proficient in communicating complex ideas clearly in presentations and collaborative discussions.Strong mentoring skills, with a focus on sharing knowledge and fostering a learning environment within the team.

    Strong mentoring skills, with a focus on sharing knowledge and fostering a learning environment within the team.Preferably experienced in working with Google BigQuery.

    Preferably experienced in working with Google BigQuery.Familiarity with data visualization tools (e.g. Looker Studio) and ability to present insights engagingly and understandably.

    Familiarity with data visualization tools (e.g. Looker Studio) and ability to present insights engagingly and understandably.WHAT WE OFFER
    You can read our full offering in our handbook.WHAT WE OFFERYou can read our full offering in ourhandbook.handbook
  • An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.

  • A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.

  • Transparent salary setting – you can find all our salary bands in our handbook – this role could be an L3 position. Look under the marketing column to see our current salary bands.

  • 30 days paid leave, flexible public holidays, parental pay, a solid pension scheme and key insurance. Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, ERP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.

  • A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.

  • An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.

    An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.

    A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.Transparent salary setting – you can find all our salary bands in our handbook – this role could be an L3 position. Look under the marketing column to see our current salary bands.

    Transparent salary setting – you can find all our salary bands in our handbook – this role could be an L3 position. Look under the marketing column to see our current salary bands.30 days paid leave, flexible public holidays, parental pay, a solid pension scheme and key insurance. Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, ERP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.

    30 days paid leave, flexible public holidays, parental pay, a solid pension scheme and key insurance. Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, ERP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.

    A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5. Apply Apply Apply Next step
  • Application
  • Interview
  • Case interview
  • Your first day!
  • ApplicationApplicationInterviewCase interviewYour first day!

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    Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 9.7.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

    Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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    Statistik over udbudte øvrige i Århus over tid

    Dato Alle jobs som øvrige
    22. januar 2025 415
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    16. januar 2025 392
    15. januar 2025 372
    14. januar 2025 362
    13. januar 2025 361
    12. januar 2025 362
    11. januar 2025 356
    10. januar 2025 357
    9. januar 2025 352
    8. januar 2025 355
    7. januar 2025 354
    6. januar 2025 358
    5. januar 2025 374
    4. januar 2025 377
    3. januar 2025 382
    2. januar 2025 383
    1. januar 2025 380
    31. december 2024 391
    30. december 2024 394
    29. december 2024 394
    28. december 2024 393
    27. december 2024 395
    26. december 2024 399
    25. december 2024 399
    24. december 2024 405
    23. december 2024 402

    Værd at vide når du søger job som øvrige i Århus

    Drømmer du om at lande drømmejobbet i Danmarks næststørste by? Så er du kommet til det rette sted! Jobmarkedet i Århus bugner af spændende muligheder, lige fra innovative startups til traditionsrige virksomheder. Men at navigere i et ukendt jobmarked kan virke uoverskueligt. Bare rolig, vi er her for at hjælpe!

    Aarhus summer af dynamik og diversitet, hvilket også afspejles i byens erhvervsliv. Mens servicesektoren generelt dominerer i Danmark, finder du i Århus flere prominente aktører inden for en række spændende brancher. Så hvor skal du kigge, hvis du drømmer om et spændende job i Danmarks næststørste by?

    At komme rundt i Århus er både bekvemt og effektivt takket være et veludviklet netværk af offentlige transportmidler og cykelinfrastruktur. Uanset din destination og rejseplan, har du flere attraktive muligheder til rådighed:

    Drømmer du om et spændende job i Smilets By? Fantastisk! Men før du pakker flyttekasserne, giver vi dig et overblik over, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, når du flytter til Århus for et job.

    Bydele i Århus 

    Aarhus består af et væld af unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job i Smilets By, kan det derfor være fordelagtigt at undersøge de forskellige områder for at finde en god pasform mellem dine boligønsker, karrieremål og livsstil.

    Indre By: Pulsende centrum med internationalt miljø. Perfekt til den ambitiøse, der drømmer om karriere inden for handel, finans, kultur og service. Du finder store virksomheder, startups og et bredt udvalg af butikker og restauranter. Boligpriserne er dog højere sammenlignet med andre områder.

    Latinerkvarteret: Historisk hjørne med hyggelige gader og smukke bygninger. Populært blandt unge professionelle og kreative sjæle. Her finder du mindre virksomheder, designstudier og kunstneriske initiativer. Boligudbuddet er begrænset, men stemningen er unik.

    Frederiksbjerg: Trendy område med et mix af moderne og historisk arkitektur. Tiltrækker familier og professionelle med ambitioner inden for kreative industrier, IT og medier. Gode transportforbindelser, men boligpriserne kan være høje.

    Marselisborg: Roligt villakvarter med grønne områder og havudsigt. Ideelt for familier og personer, der prioriterer ro og natur. Mulighederne for beskæftigelse er primært inden for offentlige institutioner og små virksomheder. Boligpriserne er generelt højere.

    Trøjborg: Dynamisk kvarter med studerende og kreative miljøer. Populært blandt unge og iværksættere. Boligudbuddet består primært af lejeboliger. God adgang til Aarhus Universitet og flere IT-virksomheder.

    Lisbjerg: Industriområde i transformation med fokus på bæredygtighed og innovation. Attraktivt for personer med grønne ambitioner og teknisk baggrund. Flere innovative virksomheder har base her, og boligudbuddet er stigende.

    Viby og Brabrand: Forstadskommuner med gode familievenlige boliger og et bredt udvalg af erhvervsområder. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for energi, logistik og teknologi. Boligpriserne er lavere end i centrum, men transporttiden kan være længere.

    Mere information om Århus 

    Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Århus, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Århus, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Århus i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Smilets By: Sådan lander du drømmejobbet i Århus.