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- Within cylinder lubrication for two-stroke marine diesel engines

At HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS A/S, Denmark – an Industrial Ph.D. position is available within the field of cylinder lubrication for two-stroke marine diesel engines. The Ph.D. project is in collaboration with the Department of Materials and Production at Aalborg University in Denmark. The Ph.D. stipend is open for appointment for a 3-year period starting as soon as possible.


The Ph.D. study will investigate selected scientific problems related to the practical task of achieving efficient cylinder lubrication in two-stroke diesel engines. Spray atomization, droplet breakup, droplet flight in the scavenging air, and droplet deposition on the cylinder wall encircles essential parts that have to be understood in order to design a spray system that delivers optimal cylinder lubrication. The spray lubrication process is complex, as it involves highly transient and coupled phenomena. The new research will be a continuation of previous Ph.D. projects completed at HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS.

To increase the understanding of such a complex process, numerical modelling combined with experimental tests is used for investigation. The Ph.D. project will have substantial impact for HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS as well as the scientific community, since knowledge of droplet break-up of viscous liquids, such as lubrication oil, is very limited. The knowledge gained will aid the company for further development of new products as well as for improvement of the existing ones.


We seek a scientist with a strong background in mechanical engineering, energy engineering or marine engineering with experience in fluid dynamics and CFD simulations.

Ideally you should have:

  • A Master degree in Mechanical, Energy or Marine Engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science, or a similar field.
  • Experience with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and numerical modelling - knowledge of OpenFOAM is an advantage.
  • Good programming skills.
  • Enjoy working independently and well-structured together with an interdisciplinary team contributing to a highly topical and socially relevant field.
  • Enjoy working in an informal environment where a sense of humor is highly appreciated.
  • Show outstanding commitment, high flexibility, can cope with a higher workload and you are team-oriented.
  • Excellent communication as well as organizational skills and are willing to engage in international, interdisciplinary collaborative research, workshops and secondments.
  • Very good written and spoken of English language skills.

The applicant is required to document that the Master’s degree, skills and interests correspond to the profile for the post. The final degree needs to be confirmed by the time of appointment.

The rules and condition for the Industrial Ph.D. project are defined in the program guidelines accessible via


The candidate will have a workstation in the R&D department of HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS A/S. The company supports the Ph.D. project with an industrial case and relevant equipment to experimental testing. HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS A/S employs the Industrial Ph.D. student and appoints an Industrial supervisor to the Ph.D. project. The Industrial supervisor knows the industrial environment at the company, and is able to support the Ph.D. project with both practical and technical insight.

Aalborg University contributes to the Ph.D. project with supervision and the scientific environment at the Department of Materials and Production with knowledge within the field of e.g., materials science and numerical modelling.


The application must include:

  • A cover letter thoroughly explaining and elaborating on the motivations and qualifications for applying (1-3 pages).
  • A Curriculum Vitae setting out your educational qualifications as well as any additional scientific achievements, publications and any relevant work experience.
  • Proof of English language proficiency and writing skills (e.g., IELTS or equivalent, sample articles or academic work).
  • A copy of the Bachelor and Master’s diploma (or equivalent) or certificate of graduation.
  • An official transcript of the completed subjects and grades in the Bachelor and Master studies.

Furthermore, academic references are highly appreciated e.g., from researchers familiar with your academic activities e.g., the advisor, supervisor, professor.

Please send your application via. OFIR "INDUSTRIAL PH.D. POSITION"

Start date: As soon as possible


For further information please contact Mr. Nikolaj Kristensen, R&D Manager, HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS A/S, email: [email protected] phone: +45 98 57 19 11


At HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS, we develop, manufacture, install and service the World’s most efficient and advanced cylinder lubrication systems for ships all around the world. With our products, shipping companies can reduce their cylinder oil consumption with up to 60% which has both financial and environmentally benefits as our systems reduce both CO2 and Particulate Matter emissions.

The company’s innovative technology and approach has during the years given the company great market shares as well as the position of being the leading technology supplier of cylinder lubrication systems in the world. It is HJLs vision to maintain this position, and a Ph.D. project will aid the company reaching this goal.

HANS JENSEN LUBRICATORS A/S is a Danish family-owned company established in 1917 with approximately 100 employees spread across our offices in Denmark, Singapore and China. Today we are part of G&O Maritime Group.

Read more about us at


Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Hadsund.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 16.3.2023, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Øvrige
  • Hadsund
  • Torsdag den 11. maj 2023

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