Consultant to the Youth Participation and Employment Programme

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Hele Danmark

1. Background
The Youth Participation and Employment (YPE) programme, led by Oxfam IBIS (Denmark) began in 2017, based on a theory of change that affirms if youth participation and employment opportunities are increased, it will lead to more employment. In addition, youth will be able to better engage in society and become change agents and entrepreneurs. This idea drives programming in 4 countries: Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, and on a regional level. Since 2018, each country has contracted and begun implementation with local partners to deliver opportunities to youth to improve preparedness and access to job markets, including through entrepreneurial development.

Ultimately, the YPE programme aims to create employment opportunities in the framework of the Oxfam regional strategy with a focus on inequality, marginalized groups, gender and youth participation as integral to labour market development. The YPE programme is implemented in close cooperation between Oxfam country offices, the Oxfam regional platform and with technical and administrative support from Oxfam affiliates related to the region. A programme management unit (PMU) hosted by Oxfam IBIS is responsible for overall programme quality and for the implementation of the YPE programme’s regional component.

Advocacy and policy influencing are key working areas that directly contribute to addressing the YPE theory of change. The third outcome of the program outline that “advocacy and dialogue between youth, public and private institutions and businesses enhanced through partnerships”. Several current YPE partners are working to address this outcome through multilabel approaches; however, synergies and coordination are sometimes missed across partners as well as Oxfam advocacy and influencing agenda.
During consultations with YPE country teams, the need for partners capacity building support on advocacy and policy influencing was highlighted. Moreover, an advocacy plan was designed to strengthen the advocacy workstream on the regional level.

In this context, YPE PMU is looking for a consultant to support YPE in strengthening partners advocacy and influencing agenda and foster linkages between Oxfam and partners. This ToR details the work foreseen and ask for proposals of qualified service providers.

2. Objectives
The consultancy assignment aims at achieving the following objectives;
  • Assess partners capacity and learning needs on advocacy and policy influencing in relation to YPE theory of change and Oxfam’s influencing agenda;
  • Increase partners knowledge about advocacy and policy influencing, including familiarity with Oxfam influencing agenda and relevant regional and global campaigns;
  • Improve partners understanding of the policy process, actors and networks (at various levels) and their ability to influence it in coordination with Oxfam and other allies in the employment ecosystem;
  • Strengthen partners knowledge of advocacy and influencing tools through knowledge sharing and exchange across partners and Oxfam;
  • Increase partners skills in working together to facilitate coordination and decision making when working in coalitions/through the YPE network;
  • Foster partners exchange of learning and current advocacy and influencing approaches (what have worked and what didn’t work).

To achieve the objective of this assignment the consultancy organisation will deliver the following services:
  • Inception meeting with Oxfam IBIS regional team to agree on the workplan and approach of the proposed capacity building program;
  • Conduct partners needs assessment to inform the design of four nationalworkshops on advocacy and policy influencing in line with YPE theory of change and advocacy agenda;
  • Submit an inception report on partners needs assessment findings, as well as workshops methodology, agenda, and training materials outline.
  • Develop training materials for four national workshops on advocacy and policy influencing based on Oxfam’s influencing model as well as other successful influencing models;
  • Design and deliver four national workshops on advocacy and policy influencing;
  • Design and deliver a regional workshop for YPE partners, involved in the advocacy component, and Oxfam policy and influencing teams;
  • Submit a final report documenting the capacity building process and its deliverables.

3. Scope of work and methodology
The capacity building program will be divided into three main phases, as illustrated below. First, a needs assessment of partners and country teams; second, a regional workshop for stakeholders involved in advocacy work in the employment sector; and third a national training for alliance building and setting up YPE advocacy roadmap and advocacy strategy in each country.
Phase 1: Needs Assessment
Country teams consultation: During this phase, coordination meetings will be held with Oxfam's Advocacy and Policy teams in the country offices as well as YPE coordinators to agree on the main discussion points and rationale of the proposed capacity building process. In addition, agree on the design of the capacity building needs assessment tool.
Participant preparation: Prior to the commencement of the regional workshop, each partner will need to complete a brief needs assessment exercise. The needs assessment will identify key learning gaps to be addressed during the training and the priority topics of YPE partners that should be tackled in the regional workshop. It is vital to gather this information and review it along with the needs expressed by the program coordinators and advocacy/influencing teams.
Training and workshops agenda: According to the needs assessment and consultation with country teams (CTs), the facilitator will design the workshop agenda with close coordination with the PMU team.The facilitator will lead the needs assessment process with support from the PMU team (CB advisor and Advocacy advisor).
Phase 2: Three-days regional workshop on advocacy and policy influencing
For the second phase, a three-day regional workshop will be organised based on the findings of the country consultation and partners needs assessment. The workshop will be a fora for cross partners exchange and interactive discussions and activities to link partners advocacy activities to Oxfam advocacy agenda and vice versa.
The workshop will be facilitated by the consultant, that will facilitate an interactive discussion between all involved stakeholders. Only partners who are currently contributing to the advocacy and influencing activities will be invited to this workshop. In addition, YPE programme coordinators, as well as policy influencing advisors, will also be present. By the end of the workshop, partners and CTs should agree on linkages and prospects of joint advocacy initiatives.
Phase 3: Three days national workshop on advocacy and policy influencing
For the third phase, a workshop/training will be organised in each of the four countries. The main aim of this workshop will be linking all YPE partners, in each country, to the current advocacy and policy influencing agenda/roadmap; even partners who are not currently involved in any advocacy interventions. The training agenda will be informed by the needs assessment findings and identified learning gaps. As a result of this workshop, a consolidated advocacy roadmap for YPE is drafted and linked to Oxfam’s national advocacy and influencing strategy. Moreover, explore potential prospects for an advocacy network in each country on youth and employment issues.
Note: the rational and sequence of phase 2 and 3 will be finalised based on discussions with the consultant and country teams following the needs assessment phase.

4. Guidelines
The envisioned activities require a consultant(s)/firm with the following profile:
  • At least 10 years of experience in the field of international development, law, governance, economic justice;
  • Proven experience in capacity building of civil society organisations and trainings in the field of advocacy and policy influencing;
  • Proven record of supporting advocacy campaigns for issues related to fiscal justice, women’s care work, decent jobs, labour market inequalities;
  • Familiarity with Oxfam influencing model and advocacy campaigns is a must;
  • Thorough knowledge about economic policies in the MENA region and stakeholders involved in advocacy campaigns around fiscal and economic justice issues;
  • Understanding and experience working in the relevant countries as well as Oxfam;
  • Capacity to deliver trainings and support in English and French (Arabic is an asset);
  • A high standard of professionalism.

Main contractor
Consultant(s) or firms are expected to accept and execute the full assignment. A Consultant/firm can enter into cooperation with other (local) Consultants to bring together necessary expertise. The proposal needs to clearly indicate which Consultant is the main contractor and leads the assignment, and which Consultants co-operate.
Qualifications / Profile / Competences / Skills
In their proposal, Consultant(s) are requested to pay attention to relevant technical skills, qualifications and experience that they deem appropriate for the assessment of their qualifications to conclude the proposed assignment successfully. All the Consultants participating in the assignment are expected to submit a detailed CV and reference materials.
Consultant(s) are requested to propose a fixed fee reimbursement including VAT, and indicating cost estimates based on price per hour or day, number of days of work for different activities, and out of pocket expenses.
Consultant(s) are requested to elaborate on their understanding of the assignment, general approach, work plan, methods, and reporting. The proposal should include a price including rationale (see above). Consultant(s) are invited to share initial ideas on potential best practices. The proposal (including price) should be max 5 A4, plus relevant CVs (max 2 A4 per person) and sample of previous materials.

5. Review of proposals
A selection committee from YPE program management unit will review all submitted proposals to select the most suitable consultant(s)/firms based on the following evaluation criteria;
Technical Proposal
  • Qualification and availability of consultants
  • Fulfilling all requested services
  • Overall approach to requested services

Financial Proposal
  • Fixed fee price incl. VAT for each consulting day
  • Clarity on cost estimates / rationale provided
  • Separate budget allocation for travel expenses

Following submission of proposals, we might invite selected Consultant(s) to present their approach in a short (Skype) meeting.
Negotiations may be held to work out contract details and other expectations.
Oxfam IBIS reserves the right to stop the purchase procedure completely or partly, temporarily or permanently until the moment of contract signing. In these situations, suppliers are not entitled to reimbursement of any costs or damages incurred in connection with this purchase procedure.
* Quotations should be valid for at least three months after the deadline for submission.
** Oxfam IBIS cannot be charged in any way for costs related to preparation and submission of a quotation. This can also include interviews and/or providing further information about the quotation.
*** The risk of any costs and/or damages which may arise by not awarding this contract to a supplier lay solely with the supplier. Oxfam IBIS cannot be held responsible for any such costs or damages.
By submitting a quotation, the Consultant/Supplier agrees all the terms and conditions specified in this ToR. The quotation will not contain any reservation(s) to these terms and conditions. A quotation with one or more reservations can be excluded from the procedure.

6. Timeframe
The assignment is envisioned to take up to (40 working days) over the timespan of 6-12 months starting from signing of the contract and according to the consultant’s proposal. With a total of:
  • Up to 5 working days for inception meetings, inception report, and workplan
  • Up to 10 working days for needs assessment and reporting
  • Up to 20 working days for national workshops design, implementation and reporting
  • Up to 5 working days for designing and delivering a regional workshop

7. Submission and deadlines
Organisations or independent consultants/suppliers meeting the above qualifications are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal. This offer/proposal should be received no later than Wednesday, 21 October 2020, close of business day.

Please submit your application via the ‘send application’ button and include your technical and financial proposal.

Please note that only applications received using the link provided can be taken into consideration.

In case of questions, please contact Ahmed El Assal ([email protected]) or Nabil Abdo ([email protected]) via email.

Oxfam IBIS is committed to equal employment opportunity we therefore encourage everybody – irrespective of age, gender and of religious, sexual, national or ethnic affiliation – to apply for this position.

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.
That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.

We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries. All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness.

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct.
We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Note: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and may be subject to appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

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Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 6.10.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Øvrige
  • Onsdag den 21. oktober 2020

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