Consultancy Assignment for Developing Methodology for end of Project Evaluation and Learning – Inclusive...
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Hele Danmark
Oxfam IBIS’ Inclusive Peacebuilding team have supported peacebuilding programming in eight countries through the Strategic Partnership with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including: Burkina Faso; Colombia; Ghana; Niger; Mali; South Sudan; Uganda; and Yemen.
While the programming activities across the country portfolio varies depending on context-specific entry points and the profiles and added-value Oxfam and partners, there are several common threads across the portfolio. These include partnering with and support community level peacebuilding actors, often with an emphasis on women and young people, on mediation practices, which is in turn connected to community mechanisms for decision making included in conflict management. In many instances, this is complemented with activities geared towards building connections and coalitions within and across communities engaged in peacebuilding efforts, and from the community to the national level, through a mix of joint programming activities or advocacy.
The various “red threads” which appear across country programming reflects many of the elements outlined in the SMALL framework developed by Dekha Ibrahim Abdi and Simon Mason. The SMALL framework “organises the goals and activities of mediation and peace work in into short-, medium-, and long-term phases and clarifies the links between the three phases, between inner and outer peace work, and between actors from across the divides – or cleavages – to foster collaboration”. One possibility for the evaluation would be to shape the methodology around the SMALL framework, which could be helpful in drawing out current areas of focus/support, while also highlighting potential gaps and shortcomings which can inform future programming. This could also help shape the potential next round of programming in a way that continues to include short-term peacebuilding activities, while also seeking to support peacebuilding partners to advance medium and longer-term objectives and structural changes required to have a more sustainable peace in their contexts.
The evaluation seeks to reflect on both programme effectiveness as well as peace effectiveness, that is, the contribution of programme activities to “peace writ large” in the specific community, sub-national, or national context in which activities are situated. In this way, the evaluation should not be limited to the evaluation guidance developed by OECD DAC relating to conflict prevention and peacebuilding, but also be informed by alternative approaches to evaluation that have been applied to the peacebuilding field (such as Outcome Harvesting, and Most Significant Change).
The objectives are:
Scope of Work
An external consultant will be recruited to develop a proposed methodology which would subsequently be applied at country level. This methodology should consider the overall objectives of the evaluation described above and draw on existing literature and experiences on evaluation and learning methodologies in peacebuilding. The proposed methodology should also be developed in consultation with a Steering Group comprised of counterparts from Oxfam Country Offices and partner organisations.
To be completed between February and early April 2021
10 to 15 working days
Key Tasks and Deliverables
Deliverables and timeline
Methodology and inception report (including proposed timeline) two weeks after contract signature
Draft research methodology and survey instrument shared with Oxfam IBIS Inclusive Peacebuilding team for feedback three weeks after contract signature
Revised draft shared with Steering Group for consultation four to five weeks after contract signature
Feedback from Steering Group integrated into final research methodology and survey instrument (in English and French) six to seven weeks after contract signature
Applicants are requested to submit an up-to-date CV, a sample of relevant work, and a proposed daily consultancy fee.
How to apply
Please submit your application via the ‘send application’ button and include your motivation letter and CV.
Application deadline: March 12th, 2021 at 23.59. Expected interview date: shortly after deadline.
Please note that only applications received using the link provided can be taken into consideration.
Start date: As soon as possible.
For further information about the position, please contact Alex Shoebridge [email protected]
Oxfam IBIS is committed to equal employment opportunity we therefore encourage everybody – irrespective of age, gender and of religious, sexual, national or ethnic affiliation – to apply for this position.
Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.
That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.
We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries. All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness.
Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct.
We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.
Note: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and may be subject to appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.
Oxfam IBIS’ Inclusive Peacebuilding team have supported peacebuilding programming in eight countries through the Strategic Partnership with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including: Burkina Faso; Colombia; Ghana; Niger; Mali; South Sudan; Uganda; and Yemen.
While the programming activities across the country portfolio varies depending on context-specific entry points and the profiles and added-value Oxfam and partners, there are several common threads across the portfolio. These include partnering with and support community level peacebuilding actors, often with an emphasis on women and young people, on mediation practices, which is in turn connected to community mechanisms for decision making included in conflict management. In many instances, this is complemented with activities geared towards building connections and coalitions within and across communities engaged in peacebuilding efforts, and from the community to the national level, through a mix of joint programming activities or advocacy.
The various “red threads” which appear across country programming reflects many of the elements outlined in the SMALL framework developed by Dekha Ibrahim Abdi and Simon Mason. The SMALL framework “organises the goals and activities of mediation and peace work in into short-, medium-, and long-term phases and clarifies the links between the three phases, between inner and outer peace work, and between actors from across the divides – or cleavages – to foster collaboration”. One possibility for the evaluation would be to shape the methodology around the SMALL framework, which could be helpful in drawing out current areas of focus/support, while also highlighting potential gaps and shortcomings which can inform future programming. This could also help shape the potential next round of programming in a way that continues to include short-term peacebuilding activities, while also seeking to support peacebuilding partners to advance medium and longer-term objectives and structural changes required to have a more sustainable peace in their contexts.
The evaluation seeks to reflect on both programme effectiveness as well as peace effectiveness, that is, the contribution of programme activities to “peace writ large” in the specific community, sub-national, or national context in which activities are situated. In this way, the evaluation should not be limited to the evaluation guidance developed by OECD DAC relating to conflict prevention and peacebuilding, but also be informed by alternative approaches to evaluation that have been applied to the peacebuilding field (such as Outcome Harvesting, and Most Significant Change).
The objectives are:
- To undertake an evaluation both of programme effectiveness and peace effectiveness of the peacebuilding initiatives supported through the DANIDA Strategic Partnership;
- To identify strengths, challenges, and opportunities relating to existing peacebuilding initiatives (approaches, partnerships, etc) at country-level, to inform programme design going forward;
- To facilitate cross-country learning and exchange amongst partners and Oxfam Country Office colleagues on Oxfam’s work on peacebuilding.
Scope of Work
An external consultant will be recruited to develop a proposed methodology which would subsequently be applied at country level. This methodology should consider the overall objectives of the evaluation described above and draw on existing literature and experiences on evaluation and learning methodologies in peacebuilding. The proposed methodology should also be developed in consultation with a Steering Group comprised of counterparts from Oxfam Country Offices and partner organisations.
To be completed between February and early April 2021
10 to 15 working days
Key Tasks and Deliverables
- Design an appropriate research methodology and survey instrument (in both English and French);
- To facilitate reflection on the draft research design with the Steering Group and integrate any feedback into a final version of the methodology and survey instrument (in both English and French).
Deliverables and timeline
Methodology and inception report (including proposed timeline) two weeks after contract signature
Draft research methodology and survey instrument shared with Oxfam IBIS Inclusive Peacebuilding team for feedback three weeks after contract signature
Revised draft shared with Steering Group for consultation four to five weeks after contract signature
Feedback from Steering Group integrated into final research methodology and survey instrument (in English and French) six to seven weeks after contract signature
Applicants are requested to submit an up-to-date CV, a sample of relevant work, and a proposed daily consultancy fee.
How to apply
Please submit your application via the ‘send application’ button and include your motivation letter and CV.
Application deadline: March 12th, 2021 at 23.59. Expected interview date: shortly after deadline.
Please note that only applications received using the link provided can be taken into consideration.
Start date: As soon as possible.
For further information about the position, please contact Alex Shoebridge [email protected]
Oxfam IBIS is committed to equal employment opportunity we therefore encourage everybody – irrespective of age, gender and of religious, sexual, national or ethnic affiliation – to apply for this position.
Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.
That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.
We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries. All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness.
Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct.
We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.
Note: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and may be subject to appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Hele Danmark
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 25.2.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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- Fredag den 12. marts 2021
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