Consultancy for midterm review

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Hele Danmark

With the support of the European Regional Development and Protection Programme for Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (RDPP II), Oxfam and partners Legal Agenda (LA) and Lebanese Observatory for Workers and Employees’ Rights (LOWER) are implementing a project titled “Promotion of decent work and sustainable business development in Bekaa, Lebanon.” In addition, the project works very closely with My Work, My Rights! Network, an informal group of local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that work on advancing decent working conditions in Lebanon.

The project aims to contribute to a decent and economically sustainable business environment for displacement-affected populations in the Bekaa by strengthening the linkage between the local civil society, the business development service (BDS) providers, and the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bekaa. To achieve this ultimate objective, the project aims to improve the organizational, technical, and evidence-based advocacy capacities of the My Work My Rights! Network of CSOs to mainstream and collectively monitor decent work conditions; develop the capacities and tools of business development services in Bekaa on decent work with the support of the network; and provide MSMEs in the Bekaa, specifically in sectors where Syrian refugees can work, with technical support through business development services and financial support to strengthen their business and improve their working conditions.

The project intervention logic includes three expected outcomes:
Outcome 1: My Work, My Rights! Network and members are empowered to influence practices related to decent work at the local, national and international level.
Outcome 2: Targeted private business development organizations and professionals with strong decent work capacities and services are convened and capacitated on the topic of decent work in the Bekaa.
Outcome 3: Targeted MSMEs in the Bekaa have improved working conditions and accessible decent job opportunities.

The project was impacted by the multifaceted crises in Lebanon, including COVID-19, the Beirut Blast, the political deadlock, and the economic crisis which have resulted in significant changes in the context, the national priorities and the operational environment. This has led to delays and changes in implementation modalities.

Below are objectives and scope of the review, evaluation questions, and possible methodologies, timeline, selection of the consultant, deliverables and indicative planning.

The purpose of the mid-term review is to provide key learning on achievements and challenges by illustrating the project’s successes and gaps and giving forward-looking recommendations for each of the three project components for further improvement over the remaining project implementation period that is expected to be completed by December 2021.
In particular, the midterm review is intended to:
  1. Assess the project relevance examining whether the funding and support is consistent with the emerging needs, priorities, and possibilities (locally and nationally where applicable).
  2. Evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the project implementation, delivery of project outputs and outcomes to date and partnership arrangements. Assess the extent a human-rights based approach is employed.
  3. Assess results achieved to date in comparison with the performance indicators outlined in the project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework, including a re-examination of the validity of the project design and relevance of project activities.
  4. Identify significant factors that are facilitating or impeding the delivery of outcomes. This includes exploring delays in project implementation and their causes to draw lessons from the delays and provide suggestions for improved implementation to avoid further delays going forward and to ensure achievement of the project objectives.
  5. Identify strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and risks of the project.
  6. Develop recommendations for remaining project and for any necessary changes in the overall design and orientation of the project.
  7. Evaluate to which extent the project is deepening localization of aid including the partnerships as per Oxfam partnership principles and coordination with relevant actors.

The midterm review will cover the period from March 2020 till May 2021. The review will create an accurate and comprehensive picture of the project implementation, generating findings on evaluation criteria and documenting good practices and lessons learned. The review will integrate gender equality and non-discrimination as a cross-cutting concern throughout its methodology and all deliverables including the final report.

The audience and users of this midterm review include the Oxfam project team, management, partners, My Work My Rights! Network members and donor.

The review will require a qualitative approach and will be linked, but not limited, to the project’s Logical Framework.
MWMR Network
BDS capacity building & convening
MSME support

Relevance: Does intervention objectives and design respond to target group, national, and partner/institution needs, policies, and priorities, and continue to do so if circumstances change?
  • Is the network modality, reviewed priorities and advocacy topics and actions relevant and within national priorities?
  • Was the structure of the network a good fit to work with each other, considering its objectives?

  • Was the decent work mainstreaming relevant to the work of BDS with MSMEs?
  • Is convening the BDS relevant and does it reflect a need? If not, what other modalities would’ve been more convenient and/or effective?
  • To what extent are MSMEs in need of technical support? And financial support? Was the project designed in a way that meets their needs?
  • Are MSMEs able to create job opportunities within current context?

Effectiveness: To what extent have the expected outcomes and objectives of the project been achieved thus far? Oxfam’s contribution and added value?
  • Were the capacities of the network members to advocate strengthened? If not, what were the constraints that limited the effectiveness of the capacity building?

  • Were BDS organizations able to roll out the learned concepts on decent work within their work with the MSMEs? If not, what limiting factors affected the above?
  • What hindered BDS organizations and individuals from convening?

  • Is it effective to deliver coaching sessions online?

Efficiency: Has the project been implemented efficiently, cost-effectively, and been able to adapt to any changing conditions?
  • What coordination mechanisms worked and what didn’t?

  • How has the relationship been between the BDS organizations and MSMEs? The BDS organizations and Oxfam? Was there adequate coordination?

  • Are the BDS providers spending sufficient time with the enterprise during the coaching sessions? Are the coaching sessions well-organized? If not, what is missing?
  • Was coordination and overall relationship between MSMEs and Oxfam impacted by the remote mode of outreach and profiling?

  • To what extent was the design and implementation of the intervention gender-responsive?
  • What and how are the contextual factors (COVID19, economic, social, financial, political crisis) are affecting strategies, timely implementation, and results?
  • How has the use of virtual space(s), remote outreach and MSME profiling and online/blended learning affected the activities? What were the associated opportunities and challenges?
  • What are the recommendations for improvement for the next phase of programme? Especially in face of the multifaceted crises?
  • How are the programme MEAL systems enabling adaptive decision making within the programme?
  • How has the partnership approach contributed to or impeded programme results?
  • Are the partnerships in line with Oxfam’s principles? Do partners Share the same vision and values? Is there Complementarity of purpose and value-added? Is there space for autonomy and independence? Is there transparency and mutual accountability? Are roles and responsibilities clear? Are partners committed to learning?

The review is suggested to include the following components:
  1. A thorough secondary review of existing data and reports, including workshops, produced advocacy documents and actions, project documentation, and similar interventions etc.
  2. Learning workshop that can include Oxfam, partners, and members of the My Work, My Rights! Network
  3. Group or individual interviews with Oxfam staff (3-4 individuals)
  4. Group or individual interviews with partners’ staff (3-4 individuals)
  5. Group or individual interviews with external stakeholders (other NGOs, local authorities, 2-3 individuals)
  6. Group or individual interviews with Network members (up to 15 organizations)
  7. Group or individual interviews with BDS organizations and individuals (10 – 21 individuals)
  8. Group or individual interviews with MSMEs (up to 75 individuals)
  9. Validation workshop with Oxfam and partner staff in Beirut.

Depending on the health and security developments with COVID-19 and roadblocks in Lebanon, meetings, interviews, workshops, and briefings may be moved to phone-based, or online via video-conferencing technology such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype.

The review is expected to require no more than twenty-five (25) working days, including design, data collection, drafting and finalizing between May and June 2021.

The following are the suggested stages of the review:
  • Stage 1: Program documentation review and data collection strategy with detailed timeframe, finalized data collection tools, list of stakeholders that will be involved in data collection, and draft proposal for the evaluation learning workshop in the form of inception report no more than 8 pages (2 weeks).
    Stage 2: Learning Workshop,interviews, data collection, analysis, validation, drafting and submission (3 weeks).
  • Stage 3: Validation workshop andfinalizing the evaluation report (1-2 weeks).

The consultant will be expected to provide a proposed timeline and linked budget for the evaluation.

The consultant will deliver the following:
  1. A proposed methodology for the review, including budget and timeline.
  2. Present the findings of the programme documentation review and data collection strategy with detailed timeframe for the review, finalized data collection tools, list of stakeholders that will be involved in data collection, and draft proposal for the evaluation learning workshop in the form of inception report no more than 8 pages.
  3. Learning workshop with the partners and CSO members of the network,
  4. The draft evaluation report, with up to 3 rounds of comments/reviews before validation (see Annex 1 for Oxfam’s recommended outline of an evaluation report).
  5. Presentation and facilitating the findings to Project Team, including partner organizations and relevant stakeholder representatives through a validation Workshop.
  6. The final evaluation report.

Profile and Requirements
  • Demonstrated experience (minimum 5 years) in the evaluation of civil society projects in Lebanon.
  • At least a master’s or professional qualification relating to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.
  • Strong verbal communication skills in Arabic and English, including the ability to interview diverse actors and facilitate workshops.
  • Excellent report-writing and presentation skills in English and in Arabic.
  • Proven qualitative evaluation design, analysis, and report-writing abilities.
  • Knowledge of and experience with working with networks in Lebanon, advocacy and campaigning, and decent work.
  • Knowledge of and experience with livelihoods programming and gender mainstreaming.
  • Knowledge of Oxfam and its work (Desirable).

Proposal Submission
Interested candidates should submit:
  1. A proposal including proposed methodology, budget, and timeline for the evaluation.
  2. Team composition (if applicable), including the division of roles and responsibilities, and CV of all team members.
  3. Availability period.
  4. A financial proposal outlining expected fees.
  5. Registration and official government documents, if applicable.
  6. Three samples of similar previous assignments.
  7. Three professional references (submissions without references will be excluded) and list of previous clients.
  8. relations (both Danida, institutional donors and private donors)

How to apply
Please submit your application via the ‘send application button and include your motivation letter and CV.
Application deadline:27th May, 2021 at 23:59

Please note that only applications received using the link provided can be taken into consideration.

For further information about the position, please contact Annahita Maria Boje Nikpour
[email protected]

Oxfam IBIS is committed to equal employment opportunity we therefore encourage everybody – irrespective of age, gender and of religious, sexual, national or ethnic affiliation – to apply for this position.

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.
That means we tackle the inequalities that keep people poor. Together we save, protect, and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we will not stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty. We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries.

All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness.

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct.
We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Note: All offers of employment will be subject to technical tests, satisfactory references and may be subject to appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.

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