Management Consulting Graduate
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Job Description
Management Consulting Graduate
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions—underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network—Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With more than 505,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives.
Accenture is looking for talented graduates interested in a career as Management Consultants.
Accenture Consulting works with our clients to solve their toughest issues, realize their most promising opportunities, and deliver real results. Our Management Consulting practice is focused on supporting transformation agendas of the largest companies in the Nordics. That means helping them to develop and improve in areas such as finance transformation, sourcing and procurement, customer service, change management etc.
Accenture’s current clients include 94 of the Fortune Global 100 and more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500. Choose a career at Accenture and enjoy an innovative environment where challenging and interesting work is part of daily life.
We are hiring Management Consultants within Security and Products. In order to get your application processed, please specify in your Motivation Letter which entity at Accenture you are applying for.
Key responsibilities of a Management Consulting Analyst may include to:
- Structure and perform analysis that address business issues and generate insights about client and industry business performance
- Develop business cases and plans that are detailed, actionable and reflect Accenture’s deep industry, IT and business process acumen
- Present at team and client meetings, and determine the most practical way to drive lasting results based on your insights
- Assist our clients to build the required capabilities for growth and innovation in order to sustain high performance
- Work in multi-disciplinary teams and leverage the power of Accenture’s global reach and end-to-end capabilities to deliver value
- Help clients understand leading-edge technology capabilities and the transformational impact they may have on their business
- Engage with the global consulting and strategy community to foster collaboration and support growth and development
- Execute the implementation of new business processes and capabilities
Skill requirements
- Master´s degree or equivalent
- Outstanding academic track record with continued interest in learning and growing professionally
- Strong quantitative and analytical skills, understands complex issues, absorbs information quickly, excels in conceptual and creative problem solving
- Driven; enjoys a challenge, proven ability to adapt and remove obstacles to achieve results, determined and optimistic
- Team player and naturally collaborative
- Natural leader; easily establishes trust-based relationships, gains valuable insights through collaboration and communication
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with the professional attributes required to work with C-suite teams
- Basic financial acumen, financial analysis and diagnosis skills
- International experience (e.g. studies abroad), a global outlook and ability to meet travel requirements
- Digitally savvy; curious and passionate about technology, understands its impact on business and society
- You are fluent in English and in one of the following languages: Danish, Swedish, Norwegian
Investing in you
All of our management consulting professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development. You will also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization. We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at every level to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with teammates. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to build a career.
You will get your own career counselor who interacts with you on a regular basis, ensuring you a career path that suits your needs and ambitions. Through our buddy network you will have easy access to knowledge and networks both on a professional and a social level.
Apply now
Are you interested in developing your career opportunities in a world class environment? Apply online today. Please make sure to upload the following documents:
- Cover letter and CV
- High school, BSc and/or MSc grades
Equal is greater than - Accenture welcomes and encourages applications from diverse backgrounds related to gender, age, ethnicity, culture, race, religion and belief, disability, nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values, providing an environment where everyone brings distinct experience, talent and culture to their work. We invite you to be part of this diversity!
If you would like to be considered for employment opportunities with Accenture and need special assistance due to a disability or accommodation for a disability, please call us at +45 7228 8000
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 1.11.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Øvrige
- København
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Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer