Developer for a fast-growing global Ocean tech company
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About the role
The Danish start-up Paralenz developed and successfully launched the Paralenz Dive Camera in November 2017. Today, they are constantly working on launching new products and services that will enable divers to act as citizen scientists for Ocean conservation causes. Their vision is to “empower divers across the globe to help reverse the steep decline of life beneath the surface. Dive by dive.” Paralenz is growing rapidly and they are looking for a new talented team member to join them on their mission.
As a React Native developer at Paralenz, you will work with minimal overhead and bureaucracy as they want to ensure independence and that decision power stays within the teams. Developers have a lot of influence on how they work, what they focus on, and how they deliver new features and functionality. You do not have to be a diver, but it is not a disadvantage if you are passionate about the Ocean.
Do you see yourself in this team? Keep reading!
What can Paralenz offer you?
- Free diving certificate
- Flexible working hours and location
- Competitive salary
- Laptop of your choice
- All the snacks and sodas you can consume
- Beers on Fridays
This recruitment process is conducted by Academic Work. The request from Paralenz, is that all questions regarding the position is handled by Academic Work.
Job duties
As a Developer at Paralenz, you will be responsible for working on their iOS and Android apps, used by divers all around the world.
The Paralenz app is split between a utility part allowing divers to configure and manage their camera and a social part where divers are exploring and sharing stories and dive logs. Both iOS and Android are primarily built using React Native but have some native code for camera connection and image processing. They are strong believers in tracer bullet development and believe in release early, release often, which is why they run daily releases using our continuous integration and deployment setup.
We are looking for
Paralenz is not expecting you to know all the technologies in their current stack. It is important that you have some experience as a developer, and a strong passion to learn even more - and dive into other areas within the field.
What they do expect is that you read their company values thoroughly (see under Client Information), and ask yourself if you still can see yourself as a good fit for the team?
This is a good fit, but is not set in stone
- Substantial experience in React Native, or React Web - the ability to develop Mobile solutions is necessary
- Consuming GraphQL or REST APIs
- JavaScript, TypeScript or similar
- Dependency management tools like Yarn, NPM and similar
- Strong verbal skills within English
It would be considered as an advantage if you:
- Knowledge about iOS development in Objective-C or Swift
- Knowledge about Android development in Java or maybe Kotlin
- Have a passion for the Ocean, and everything in it
- Have a GitHub, Bitbucket or similar account with cool projects
- Have Open Source development experience
- Strong verbal skills within Danish
As a person
- Integrity matters to you, and you can relate to their company values
- You have a strong focus on quality on doing this right
- You do not hesitate to dive into dialogue when you face challenges, and you admit if you make mistakes
- You are eager to contribute to making the platform as good as possible
- You are always researching new areas within your field, developing your profile, brainstorming with your coworkers about possible solutions, and not afraid of sharing your ideas and thoughts
- You are proactive and you thrive in a position, where you are excepted to work independently after a short on-boarding period
- You get energy when working with people sharing the same interest and passion but also the desire to help making Paralenz' camera and platform every divers first choice!
We only move forward with relevant applicants
- who can submit a link to Github or similar examples of your work
- who can submit a updated CV
Other information
- Start: As soon as possible
- Work extent: Full time
- Location: Rødovre, Copenhagen area
This recruitment process is conducted by Academic Work. The request from Paralenz is that all questions regarding the position is handled by Academic Work
We do not handle applications through e-mail, but if you have questions about the position you are welcome to email us at ([email protected]) we will answer during office hours. Please write the advert title in the subject and paste the advert link in the mail.
Client information
Our Values:
CIVILIZATION Our civilization encompasses our interactions with each other. At Paralenz we give a coin for a dime to demonstrate generosity for greater purposes than the individual short-term benefit. There is no need for written rules. For a civilization to safeguard creativity we strive for diversity. We are at our best game when we utilize each other's differences instead of just tolerating them.
PROGRESSIVE PATHFINDERS At Paralenz, you use your talent to challenge others and encourage others to challenge you in return. We are never satisfied with mediocrity, at any level - from our customer experience to your commitment and well-being at the office. Together, we strive to set the bar for our industry. We challenge conventions and inspire people to seek harmony over action. Freedom over adrenaline. Because although we are small compared to our competitors, we are not afraid to dream big on behalf of the future of diving.
CUSTOMER CENTRIC Paralenz is set to life to inspire meaningfulness in diving. We are divers, for divers and our Ocean - never driven by technology alone, nor individual ambitions. Our creativity and curiosity is a natural part of our personality. Our goal is always to develop products and services that empower and activate the Paralenz community to create a movement that speaks for the Ocean.
REAL OCEAN IMPACT While being in the business of documenting outdoor experiences, we do not share the belief that being a solo daredevil in the wild makes you a hero. Rather, we believe in equipping our users with the ability to make an impact - dive by dive. Because any real change is driven by the power of the crowd. What we cannot achieve alone, we are able to do with others. And when everyone does a little, it all of a sudden becomes a lot. By living our brand we guide and encourage each other to make greener everyday choices - small and big, home and at work.
Watch this 2 minute Run-down of what it is all about - their amazing product!
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 16.12.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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