Digital B2B Manager
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British American Tobacco is looking for a Digital B2B Manager for the center of excellence for North Western Europe Area. The position is based in Copenhagen and reports to the Head of Business Intelligence, and you will be part of our ambitious and dynamic Business Intelligence team.
The Team
In the Business Intelligence Team, we are leading the data transformation of British American Tobacco NWEA – through seamless integration of data, systems and reporting we transform the business from the inside. Being at the forefront of the technological transformation in BAT we drive the data revolution.
We work closely with the end markets in the area – to transform their business and ensure that we utilize the technologies and platforms to the outmost to ensure that we deliver growth across the area.
As a Digital B2B Manager you will have the responsibility for driving the digital B2B agenda across the area and together with the end market teams ensure the utilization and development of our B2B platform.
The Job
In this role you will be developing, initiating and overseeing a long-term digital B2B strategy as well as spearheading the analytics part of the B2B environment:
- Work with the Digital Analytics Manager, Systems manager, Head of BI and the agencies to define the best platform and approach for the area and the individual markets.
- Work with the End market teams to deliver best case digital execution.
- Work with the End Markets, where applicable, to ensure that the B2B capabilities exist within their teams.
- Lead the discussions with Global teams and partners to ensure we have the best solution for each End market.
- Work with local and global teams to enhance the selected platform to continuously be best in class.
- Work with the agency and internal teams to drive full end to end consumer journey attribution to prove the value of the digital channels.
- Develop and embed a measurement and evaluation model that drives continuous improvement.
- Provide digital support to brand and trade teams working with third party retailers or across BAT trade platforms where required.
Required competencies
As an ideal candidate, you have a proven track record of working with B2B, e-commerce or digital marketing on either agency or client side.
You are experienced, driven, agile and willing to challenge the status quo and effortlessly switch between offering strategic leadership and day to day hands on operational excellence in a fast paced and transforming environment.
Furthermore, you have/are:
- Experience in working across marketing & commerce technology platforms including but not limited to Salesforce CRM & Marketing Cloud, Magento or similar CMS.
- Experienced at utilizing data and analytics to actionable insight that leads to better ROI, and utilizing tools like Tableau, Power BI or similar for visualization.
- You engage and inspire people, you provide direction and focus and drive people for results. You act commercially and are consumer centric and engage stakeholders proactively.
- Embraces change: You enjoy working in a constantly evolving environment and consider changing plans as opportunities to seize more. You enjoy solving challenges and identifying ideas to drive business growth.
- Growth mind-set: Your relentless in the pursuit of growth; have fire in the belly and see roadblocks as challenges to overcome
- Proactive and passionate: You’ll do whatever it takes to deliver the right outcomes for the team and the business; whether in the trenches or leading from the front.
- Critical thinker & agitator: You’re an idea person who loves to challenge norms both internally and externally to drive cultural and performance breakthroughs.
- Analytical channel expert: You will identify opportunities to drive growth to maximising ROI through accurate reporting and constant evaluation of performance. Experience in managing agencies or other 3rd parties.
- Experience in Project management involving senior stakeholders
The starting date is as soon as possible, and we’ll conduct on going interviews. The job post will be removed as soon as we have the right candidate, so don’t wait too long before you submit your application through our global job portal.
Please send your application and CV through our global job portal.
If you have any questions, feel free to send an e-mail to: [email protected]
Working at British American Tobacco Nordics
In BAT Nordics, we have an enthusiastic and passionate culture. We take pride in being a diverse team and to work across functions and markets, utilizing each other’s unique strengths. With over twenty different nationalities, it is safe to say that our work environment is highly international and diverse.
We believe in developing our employees, which is why we have a strong coaching culture, where leaders are instructed and encouraged to constantly coach their employees, so everyone can maximize their full potential.
We are proud of the external recognition we receive each year for our standing as a leading employer in countries worldwide. British American Tobacco is certified as Top Employer in 2020 as a result of the exceptional employee conditions and the way we nurture and develop talent throughout all levels of the organization.
British American Tobacco is one of the world’s leading multinational companies, with brands sold in over 200 markets, made in 44 factories in 42 countries.
We are proud that we are consistently among the top 5 companies on the London Stock Exchange.
Our portfolio includes our world-famous Global Drive Brands – Dunhill, Kent, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall and Rothmans – along with many other leading international brands, such as Vogue, Peter Stuyvesant and State Express 555.
Alongside our traditional tobacco business, we are also developing products that offer consumers potentially less risky alternatives to regular cigarettes. Our Next Generation Products are already leading the way in the Industry of vapour and tobacco heating devices. We continue to develop a solid portfolio of consumer solutions which already include well known global brands like Vype, glo and Voke.
Information og data
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Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 16.11.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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