Customer Engagement Specialist
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The position
We are looking for a Customer Engagement Specialist to ensure that our customers are always up to speed with our product offering and capable of providing the best service for their customers using our products to increase loyalty. You are a gifted communicator and you love to communicate directly to the customers and you acknowledge that the customer’s success – is your success.
You understand that different content types (video, PDFs, blog posts, webinars etc.) apply to different customers and audiences and as you are used to doing all the material yourself and measuring the results and impact this material provides.
You will be the foundation for our best practice organization towards our clients across all markets.
Candidate Profile
The successful candidate will be an ambitious individual, with a strong track record in developing customer relationships through strong communication and embody product best practice.
What you would be doing and loving:
- Create high-quality product content—articulate product benefits through App, portal workshop, fleet tool, with a commercially focused mindset.
- As you are a curious individual that always strives for the next new cool way of communicating you ensure that your toolbox is always up to date to meet customer requests.
- You understand the challenges of communicating to large audiences across borders, with different cultural and language backgrounds, and this does not scare you. Scalable communication is your comfort zone.
- Measuring your success; adjusting format, frequency & method to keep improving impact and adoption is a part of your DNA.
- Drive product adoption programs & engage customers in maximizing their results by using the connected cars offering.
- Team Work. You will work closely together with our product team, Marketing Department, Training Academy, business Development & Country Management to develop product messaging and prepare demand campaigns in response to relevant product launches and announcements.
- In the not so distant future: Taking the responsibility of heading up our Training Academy for existing and new markets.
The ideal candidate will have:
- English as a first language (other languages and cultural skills are also appreciated of course).
- Experience in creating compelling e-learning content for mass distribution.
- A user-centric mindset and the ability to understand customer’s views on business and user experience.
- A structured & trust-worthy approach to customers and experience in driving online retention.
- Ability to identify global client challenges and build smart executable solutions
- A structured approach to deal with new or challenging requests and a commitment to solving them.
- Experience in operating a data-driven priority list of tasks and a high appreciation of customer satisfaction & scalability
- Previous experience in SaaS // Learning Management (1-2 years)
The role is placed within our Operations team which is the customer-facing part of the connected cars organization and you will be a crucial part of the customer journey with new and existing customers.
As we have clients in multiple countries and continue to add more to our client footprint, any additional language and culture skills will be a massive plus.
Background (what could you be doing right now?)
- You can be a content creator role at an Agency keeping a close eye on the results of that content. Whilst taking a keen interest in product adoption and enabling customers to maximize results.
- You could be in a traditional marketing role, creating content for potential customers where you are used to being measured on how your content is being consumed.
- You could be in a product trainer role where you make sure that all your customers are happy but to grow you need to be at a company where the sky’s the limit.
- You could be a sales representative that wants to have a higher impact on the customer journey. Maybe you have the ambition to be part of something new and cool where you have the opportunity to craft the framework and be a crucial part of the future business but also the future of how customers adopt and learn.
Job location
The pandemic has forced everyone to work and live differently than they were used to before.
The same goes for us and our customers.
Our offices are in Glostrup in Copenhagen, but currently, we are all working remotely.
As soon as we know what the “new normal” is after the pandemic, our prediction is that we will be using the offices more than we are at the moment.
The role could include customer visits abroad when the “new normal” is in motion.
We expect to move into brand new offices during summer 2021. In that process, all colleagues have been giving input to create the coolest inspiring post-corona work environment in the world.
What’s in it for you
- Be part of a journey to develop the Connected Car experience of the future
- Highly skilled and dedicated co-workers to learn from
- Competitive salary and pension scheme
- Flexible working hours
- Optional company car package
- Laptop & Phone of your choice
If you think you’d be a great fit, please apply via the Hub. We are conducting interviews on a continuous basis.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 25.11.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Øvrige
- København
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Mere information om København
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