Donor Outreach Manager
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The national and international team
The International programme and policy team (IPP) is composed of approximately 19 staff, who manage our Strategic Partnership (SPA) countries and global programmes, our Humanitarian programme, MEL function, People2People Unit and part of MS AADK fundraising, where this position is based. The other part of our fundraising is placed in the National Programme and Policy team (NPP). One fundraiser from each team together with this new position will form a small fundraising unit with common strategies, objectives, priorities, and plans. The three fundraisers will support each other and collaborate closely to reach common fundraising goals.
In the International department, the donor portfolio includes Danida (both strategic partnership and single grants), EU (DevCo and EU Aid Volunteers) and CISU with Danida providing the vast majority of the funds. The NPP team’s donor portfolio consists of a wide range of donors, including large, medium and smaller Danish private foundations, municipalities and governmental donors, as well as EU (Erasmus+, Horizon2020, Europe for Citizens and Rights, Equality and Citizenship programmes). Together with the Donor Outreach Manager, the aim for the coming years is to expand this portfolio particularly looking at donors interested in climate action and with DG ECHO as the first target for the international portfolio.
Your primary tasks
The Donor Outreach Manager will spend at least 60% supporting IPP and 40% NPP and will refer to and be line managed by Head of International Programme and Policy. The primary tasks will consist of the following:
Increase AADK´s funding base and diversity in our donor portfolio
- Create an annual outreach plan
- Identify, cultivate, solicit and steward new relevant and potential institutional donors and private foundations, or others who would be interested in a financial collaboration with AADK and our partners
- Systematically keep and update an overview of potential sources of funding
- Develop relations with representatives of relevant donors
- Connect AADK to concrete possibilities of funding and profile AADK in the donor community both internationally and nationally
- Keep AADK updated on funding/donor trends and other intelligence relevant for fundraising
- Lead or support the development of proposals to institutional donors and foundations in peak pressure periods
- Participate in the cross-functional fundraising unit
Increase the capacity and sustainability in the SPA partnership countries
- Support AADK partnership countries in mapping and scoping possible funding opportunities
Qualification requirements:
We expect that you have:
- Minimum 5 years of experience and knowledge in fundraising and networking with a wide range of different institutional and private donors including outreach and proposal development
- Experience with local and international donor relations (e.g. with institutional humanitarian and development donors)
- Proven aptitude for writing compelling funding requests, reports, and other donor stewardship communications
- Excellent oral communication skills that are effective with a diverse range of stakeholders
- Engaging personality with confidence to interact face to face with individual and corporate donors
- An open and flexible approach to the tasks at hand with the ability to independently manage time, multiple projects and competing priorities
- Full proficiency in written and spoken Danish and English
- A University Degree in any related professional field
It is an advantage if you:
- Are strongly motivated to work with ActionAid and appreciation of our values and mission
- Enjoy working with many different stakeholders
- Are a strong team player but can work independently and proactively
- Have experience from working with INGO´s or other similar international organizations
- Have experience working with young people
- Have experience from working with development and/or humanitarian programming
We offer you
- A full time, 8-years fixed-term appointment with flexible working hours, so that a healthy balance between private- family- and work life is possible.
- A position with duty station in Copenhagen, Denmark with 20 travel days a year.
- A comprehensive compensation package where salary and employment conditions are in accordance with the agreement between AADK and the AC labour organizations.
- An advantageous pension scheme is a part of the package, as well as salary supplements for fixed terms.
- A shared, obligatory lunch arrangement.
- A broad, professional network of passionate, international colleagues.
- A young, informal and dynamic working environment characterized by a modern management culture and cooperation across the organization.
- Flexibility around your physical office environment, including, but not limited to, a "free seating" approach and work-at-home options.
Application deadline: 10 January 2021 at midnight Danish time (CET)
Interviews are expected to be conducted in the 3rd and 4th week of January
Start date: March 1st, 2021 or soonest possible.
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
If you have any further questions about the content of the position, you can contact our Head of International Policy & Programme, Lisbeth Petersen, on [email protected]. You can also hear more about the working environment through our HR Partner, Cecilia Højstrøm [email protected]. Queries sent over the holidays will be answered soonest possible and latest after 4th of January.
See more about working in AADK here: Read more about our strategy here:
About ActionAid Denmark
AADK is headquartered in Denmark and a part of ActionAid International. Together, we are a global team working with more than 25 million. people around the world and creating political and social change in 45 countries throughout the world. We organize people in strong communities to contribute to sustainable global development and a just distribution of the world’s wealth.Founded in 1944, AADK has devoted decades of community organizing to drive local and international development initiatives including initially the reconciliation and reconstruction of the war-torn Europe after WWII.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 18.12.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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- København
- Søndag den 10. januar 2021
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