Program Manager, Technology Partner Programs
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In Milestone our Technology Partners are one of the most valued community players, with whom we are collaborating day in and out. For that, in the Technology Partner Program (TPP) team, we ensure to take care of the Technology Partners by accelerating their adoption journey from onboarding to market. In short, managing and continuously improving technology partners' journey and experience is at the heart of Milestone's TPP.
To do this, we need bright talents with a customer-centric mindset. Now is your chance to help manage, shape and deliver our partner programs within the technology partners area.
We are looking for an additional talent to communicate directly with our technology partners and administer their progress along the journey. Being the first point of contact for the technology partner, you will be working further cross functionally with multiple internal teams and across geographies to orchestrate, manage and track parallel requests for the acceleration of the Technology Partners into the market. You will directly impact the experience of the partners globally.
The successful talent is passionate about technology partner management, practical, efficient, and innovative, with ambitious problem-solving abilities and excellent communication skills in a fast-paced, dynamic, but agile work environment.
Your Responsibilities
- Manage the technology partner's progress in the program from onboarding to the market
- Consult and activate the technology partner along the journey
- Ensure a smooth operation for the technology partner program and take care of ad-hoc tasks
- Find innovative ways to resolve problems or issues, systematically and effectively during the course of the program
- Oversee and govern the program requirements and configuration management across the TPP
- Maintain the TPP lifecycle and deliverables per technology partner to further proactively identify opportunities to optimize tools and processes
- Manage communication across all stakeholders legal, sales and marketing and work as a bridge among all to make sure our communication is effective among all stakeholder
Expected Skills
- Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) to interact effectively and on timely manner
- High proficiency in English, verbally and written, other languages are a plus
- Strong stakeholder management with customer centric mindset to build partner relations
- Strong relationship building skills with a great focus on providing superior customer service
- Problem solving with ability to follow processes and work efficiently
- Attentive to detail and organized
- Self-directed and ability to take necessary decisions
- Ability to prioritize high value activities and make appropriate balance between quality and efficiency
- Very adaptive, open, and outgoing personality that is a team player
- Easily comfortable working in a fast paced-environment liaising between multiple departments
- Proactive and not afraid of new challenges
Even better if:
- Experience with Salesforce, Pardot, or other CRM systems
- Experience with legal documents/ language
- Great presentation skills
- Good with Microsoft Office 365 suite (e.g., Power BI, Power App, Excel)
Ideally you have a background or experience in the field of Business Administration, Channel or Technology Partner Management, combined with some understanding of hardware, software, and security solutions and your CV comprises:
- Experience in an administration related role with proven skills in partner management as well as understanding of the legal aspect of the partnership
- Program management skills with the proven ability to meet challenging deadlines and professionally prepare, conduct, and follow up on partner tasks
- Bachelor’s degree, and preferably master’s degree
- Have a genuine interest in technology and technical products
- Preferably experience with one or more of the following industries: IT, telecommunications, or security
- To match the rest of the team you possess: great interpersonal skills, a “win-win” mindset, with the ability to build trust, and deliver on promises.
About the team
Join the technology partner programs team of 8 young ambitious minded individuals that continuously want to positively impact with a customer first approach – for Milestone Technology Partners and with Technology Partners.
At the core of the team are the team values “Respect”, “Learning & Growth”, “Collaboration & Teamwork”, “Honesty & Transparency”, and “Efficiency”. With these, the team is guided and motivated to behave and perform purposeful actions to jointly reach established team goals.
These values help to cross team collaborate with multiple other departments in Milestone and strengthen the collaboration in a dynamic work environment. For that, the team is further guided by agile principles to jointly plan and prioritize activities.
The team is located in Copenhagen and drives the technology partner program management as well as providing partner insights for a data driven relationship building.
Contact and application
Please apply at our website using the ”Apply” button.
If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Manager, Technology Partner Programs, Melda Arikan at [email protected]
If necessary, we set up an additional call to ensure you have just the right understanding of the job and your many opportunities. Please note that this is a full time Temporary position and that Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis.
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Help us make the world see
You will become part of an ambitious, international company in rapid growth with development sites in Denmark, Bulgaria and Spain – and offices all over the world. We are technology driven as we are developing and maintaining one of the most advanced IP video surveillance systems in the world. Innovation is not only important for us. It’s a part of our DNA just as responsible use of technology which we actively support. We believe in trust, mutual respect, a healthy work life balance and room for all voices to be acknowledged. As such, we expect you to engage, speak up, and make a difference for our customers, your colleagues and yourself. Read more at
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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 29.12.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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- København
- Mandag den 18. januar 2021
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Mere information om København
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