Senior Treasurer for Group Treasury
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Saxo Bank is a global fintech pioneer facilitating global online trading and investment in financial products with offices in 20+ countries. We differentiate ourselves from competitors through our award-winning trading platform, our broad global product range – the largest in the industry – and our customer-centric facilitator model. Our culture is entrepreneurial, innovative and highly international.
Group Treasury is global responsible for the management of the Saxo Group balance sheet, liquidity, collateral, internal pricing models, financial counterparty relations and related P/L budgets. We continuously collaborate with other areas like Sales, Risk, Markets, Operations and Technology with whom we co-create and engage to achieve common group objectives, and optimise revenues, cost and capital capacity within these.
As part of this we are looking for a new colleague that can take part in achieving the above by co-run and excel within areas such as Treasury Operations, Treasury Technology and Treasury Projects:
- Treasury Operations:
- Assist in optimal management of the groups liquidity and making sure we have the right internal and external infrastructure in place
- Assist in managing and development of the daily collateral management processes
- Managing relations and intraday tasks with Saxo Operations and Saxo Finance on treasury matters
- Provide support to internal and external stakeholders, across products, initiatives and compliance
- Treasury Technology:
- Assist in development of Asset and Liability Management and P/L reporting tools via SQL and PowerBI
- Assist in the enhanced development of the internal FTP model for Liquidity and Capital across products, geographical footprint and client types to create the right incentives for our stakeholders
- Assist in the treasury transformation to automation and real-time
- Treasury Projects:
- Own and support the treasury team across the various projects in the pipeline, varying in degree and complexity, but all vital for Group Treasury’s core responsibilities mentioned above
You will assist managing daily tasks within Liquidity - and Collateral Management. As we manage these within a wide range of constraints like risk limits, credit lines, regulatory ratios and other frameworks it is important that you have a deep knowledge of their dynamics, interdependencies and are able to optimise, but also challenge the status quo.
For this to happen it requires that you are able to bridge those disciplines, having extensive knowledge about e.g. correspondent banking, liquidity – and credit risks, financial regulation and ratios, and hence the ability to translate them into treasury management, combine and optimise within the given sets of constraints.
It is important that you can bridge technology and business as Saxo is a scalable platform that strive to have one technology stack supported by business processes across departments, and thus understand the concepts of and need for automation and real-time data.
Group Treasury runs the digital engagement with financial counterparties and is a frontrunner in driving the API experience in the global treasury space, connecting the interbank market intelligently with our technology stack. You will participate in driving this transformation.
Group Treasury is a business partner to the rest of the organisation. We are stakeholders in all projects that has a balance sheet related - and risk impact on liquidity, collateral, equity etc. It is expected that Group Treasury as subject matter experts will initiate and drive such projects to enhance the scalability of the Saxo platform. Your role will be to drive and/or advice such cross organisational projects to success.
We are looking for a Senior Treasurer with 5-10 years of experience, who has a deep knowledge in the above and who naturally sees and bridge business and technology in the daily work. You are highly structured and detail oriented with strong analytical skills, and you take pride in delivering high quality work in everything you set yourself to. You have a master’s degree within economy and/or finance, engineering or similar, and have a strong career track record with relevant experience within financial services or – technology. Furthermore, you are expected to have:
- A strong understanding of how banking and treasury works
- Extensive knowledge around treasury purpose and processes
- A passion for optimizing new and existing processes
- A drive to find intelligent and scale-proof digital solutions
- Programming skills in SQL, Python and/or JSON
- A collaborative mindset suited for working in a small and highly skilled team within an international, fast-paced environment
- A constant desire to contribute with new perspectives and naturally inspire others
A role in a leading and mature global fintech company with a remarkable global footprint:
- Within a highly skilled team of treasury specialists with a subject matter expertise across the entire treasury spectrum
- A chance to join a dynamic, growth oriented and achievement-based culture as well as an opportunity to be part of a very ambitious team, while enjoying an informal and pleasant working environment
- An opportunity to gain wide knowledge of scalable financial technology, products and regulations as well as the controlling of associated risks
- A competitive salary plus benefits package
Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
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