Junior Electronic Trader
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Saxo Bank is looking for an ambitious individual aspiring to pursue a career within Electronic Trading
About the job
Electronic Trading is looking for a driven and determined colleague. As our new Junior Electronic Trader you will be immersed in a dynamic environment where you will engage and work alongside highly passionate Saxo professionals.
The Electronic Trading desk consists of 12 employees who strive to add value to the clients’ trading experience. The team operates as Saxo Bank’s execution hub and provides clients round the clock global coverage across a variety of asset classes such as equities, futures, options, bonds and CFDs.
The desk, located at our beautiful Headquarters in Copenhagen, along with its presence in Singapore, provides fast-paced global trading coverage across over 100 exchanges. The Copenhagen team focuses primarily on pan-European and US markets.
- Monitoring and management of all client business executed on exchange
- Coverage of equities, futures and options as well as a variety of proprietary OTC products
- Handling of queries related to the platform, available products, DMA and algo execution
- Management of the business in coordination with the sales, risk, middle and back-office, corporate actions, static data and tech teams
- Collaborating with product and project teams to develop the business
- Provide clients with a professional and reliable execution experience
- Drive the development of the trading platform and trading solutions
- Active liaison with external financial intermediaries
- Available to cover shifts in European and US markets
Your profile
- Bachelor or Master within economics, finance, business, maths or engineering with outstanding achievements
- Strong numerical, analytical skills and a curious and enthusiastic attitude
- Ability to work well under pressure, both individually, and as part of a team.
- Interest in the financial markets from a front-office perspective
- Advanced knowledge of Excel required, SQL proficiency desirable
- Thrive within a fast moving and, at times, hectic environment with an undogmatic and direct form of communication
- Ability to multitask and prioritise
- High personal drive and ambition that helps you keep pace and push yourself and others to achieve the desired targets
We offer
We aspire to be a non-hierarchical, purpose-driven organisation. At Saxo it is not about entitlement, it is about impact, no matter where you sit in the organisation. A good idea is always taken seriously and you can truly make a difference.
When you work here, you become part of the Saxo family. We invest in your personal development and offer you large responsibility from day one. We encourage an open feedback culture and team efforts. If you show a collaborative spirit, drive and passion, your learning curve will be steep and your (international) career opportunities with Saxo immense.
We offer good and competitive terms of employment.
Chief Operating Office (COO) within Saxo Bank
COO is responsible for building, constantly developing and improving the full digital value chain that Saxo Bank delivers to its clients and its partners. This is done in close collaboration with the IT Department and the Saxo Experience Office (SXO) and supports Saxo Bank in always providing a world class digital Saxo Experience in an efficient, stable and scalable way.
The COO Area includes the following departments: Business Management, Platforms, Operations, Trading & Market Access, Quant Department, Big Data & IA as well as the Counterparty Credit Risk Management department.
How to apply
Click above to apply. We look forward to getting to know you better!
For further information about the position please contact Rick Godinho, Head of Electronic Trading.
About Saxo Bank
We believe access to global capital markets is not only for the privileged few. Our vision is to enable people to fulfill their financial aspirations to make an impact. That’s why we use the power of technology to deliver clients what they need, when they need it in a user-friendly and personalised experience. We aim to deliver the world’s most user-friendly and personalized trading and investment platform experience, which gives our clients exactly what they need to make more informed investment decisions.
As a fintech pioneer founded in 1992, we focus on clients, quality, speed of innovation and use of disruptive technology. Headquartered in Denmark, we employ more than 2,000 people across 60 different nationalities globally. We have offices in key financial centres around the world including London, Amsterdam, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sydney, Gurgaon, Tokyo and Paris. With our global footprint, you can impact how people trade financial markets worldwide.
Do you want to work for an extremely ambitious organisation at the cutting edge of banking and technology? You’ll be joining a company that:
- Continuously strives to improve the Saxo Experience and exceed our clients’ expectations
- Always invests in the future
- Builds unrivalled platforms for seasoned and experienced investors and wholesale clients that provide real-time access to global capital markets
- Consistently wins the highest accolades for our platforms, products and service
So, if you’re up for the challenge of breaking down barriers in global financial markets, we’re always looking for ambitious and enthusiastic people who share our passion for clients, technology and innovation and can bring new perspectives to our diverse team.
At Saxo we don’t just offer a job – we offer an opportunity to invest in your future!
For more on our story, culture and identity, please read the Saxo Bank Foundation, written by our CEO and founder Kim Fournais.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 1.2.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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- København
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