Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Coordinator
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As part of the triple Humanitarian-Development-Peacebuilding Nexus approach, DCA understands Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding as a broad range of approaches with a common commitment to address drivers of violence and peace. The common thread to DCA’s Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding work is to promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies. DCA has an added emphasis on people as central drivers of change able to address violence and peace through initiatives that strengthen inclusive participation, cultivate accountability, encourage non-discrimination, support gender empowerment, and advocate rule of law.
The Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Coordinator duties include technical support on analysis, identification of peace & conflict related donor funds, guidance on relevant donor funds, input on strategic documents, and assisting with the development and implementation of thematic learning resources. This includes additional assistance to be provided to country programmes upon request on conflict sensitivity, social cohesion, multi-faith actor fora, dialogue facilitation, community level mediation, and other initiatives aimed at addressing drivers of violent conflict and peace. Responsibilities extend to supporting collaborative partnerships with organisations that share our strategic objectives: Save lives, Build Resilience, and Fight Extreme Inequality.
In terms of experience and skills the Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Coordinator will demonstrate the following:
- a proven quality track record working on conflict prevention and peacebuilding
- a relevant master’s degree or equivalent.
- at least 4 years’ relevant experience in complex emergency settings affected by violent conflict.
- Provide evidence of capacity building and training skills.
- Be able to travel and work in complex emergency settings for extended periods of time.
- Possess fluency in English and French.
Provision of Technical Assistance to Country Office Programmes
- In line with Country office priorities, support the design and implementation of local Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding related projects. Examples include guidance on conflict sensitivity, faith-actor engagement, dialogue facilitation, mediation, reconciliation efforts, social cohesion/ peaceful coexistence, climate adaptation management of natural resources, early warning systems, conflict transformation or resolution, transformation of violent extremism, peace education, peace messaging, community safety planning, armed violence reduction, peace committees/groups.
- Provide DCA country offices with on-the-ground capacity building support in the form of training, mentoring and practical guidance.
- Provide desk support functions to selected country offices, including broad programmatic support, quality improvement and guidance as required.
- Offer input to DCA country office supported projects with concise information on peace and conflict related funding opportunities.
- Coordinate shared learning opportunities between country offices.
- Participate in the development of high-quality donor proposals, expressions of interest, and concept notes. Specific involvement in projects intended for implementation in areas affected by climate change and violent conflict, consistent with the respective DCA country strategies.
- Contribute to developing and strengthening thematic learning resources for Country Offices and partners on Conflict Sensitivity & Peacebuilding (e.g., training resources and materials on conflict sensitivity, dialogue facilitation, community safety planning, conflict transformation, rapid conflict assessments, scenario planning, participatory rural appraisal, research methods).
- Support rapid desk analysis and foresight/scenario tools when needed to assist country offices in areas affected by climate change and violent conflict. Help identify conflict trends, implications, possible responses & opportunities for DCA programmes.
Support Policy Development and Funding Guidance
- Identify relevant conflict and peace related donor funds and provide guidance on entry points.
- Provide technical assistance regarding foresight, scenario planning, and conflict sensitivity to the Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Adviser when requested.
- Assist the Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Adviser to provide input on DCA strategic documents (e.g., International Report, analytical frameworks).
Assist the Development of Strategic Partnerships
- Support DCA and the HRMA Unit to engage with the Danish MFA when requested.
- Support engagement with relevant institutions with similar objectives to peacefully identify and address drivers of violence conflict.
- Support initiatives with donors, business, governments, INGOs/UN agencies, professional networks, which promote partnership and/or collaborative action on peace and conflict related themes.
Submit your application
Please note that DCA cannot offer housing, schooling or relocation. Adherence to legal and formal conditions to live and work in Denmark are a requirement and the responsibility of the candidate.
Please apply through our recruitment platform no later than 1st March 2021. You access the platform via: The application must consist of a motivational letter and a CV. Only applications following these guidelines will be considered, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews are expected to take place during the second week of March 2021. DCA promotes equal opportunity in terms of gender, race/ethnicity and creed and encourages all qualified and interested candidates to apply.
DCA conducts an anti-terror check as part of the recruitment process. It is a prerequisite that you can pass this check and maintain this status throughout your employment with us.
Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding policy.
For further information regarding this position, please contact Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Adviser Sunra Lambert- Baj, [email protected] / +4550604050 or HRMA Head of Unit Roger Fasth, [email protected] / +4550604033. For further information regarding DCA, please visit our website at: or
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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
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