Life Science Executive Sponsor
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Do you have a solid track record in advisory and sales and passion for working with Life Science clients? Would you like to be part of a passionate and dedicated Life Science team, who thrive in developing our customers’ business based on successful project implementation and IT adoption? And would you like to make your mark on NNIT’s growth and future success?
We are looking for an experienced Executive Sponsor, who will lead NNITs relationship with select Life Science clients. As Executive Sponsor you have the main responsibility for cultivating solid relationships with client management, developing strategies and reaching financial targets, including P&L responsibility for the client account. You will both have responsibility for overseeing ongoing projects, operations, client contracts, and continuously create double digit growth and first-time right deliveries from NNIT winning solutions for Life Science clients.
As Executive Sponsor you are a strong brand ambassador, and you thrive on the forefront of engaging customers on the latest services and the digital transformation impact on the Life Science industry. You understand client needs in the Life Science sector and can combine this with a solid knowledge of IT deliveries and can clearly communicate this knowledge to both clients and colleagues. You will lead a customer engagement team (including a key account manager) and coordinate deliveries across NNIT departments and resources. You are a strong motivator - colleagues want to follow and work closely together with. You will not have a large formal organization under you (that’s not how we work), so you need to be able to create momentum and motivate informally and via relations to clients, peers and colleagues.
Your responsibilities as a Life Science Executive Sponsor:
In your role as an Executive Sponsor you will head the total client engagement for one or maximum two of our most important Life Science customers. Executive Sponsors need to be accessible and present at clients (when Covid-19 allows it), including taking active part in vital projects, e.g. steering committees, sales and board meetings. You will live NNIT’s vision of “ONENNIT” as a key differentiator towards our competitors.
The Executive Sponsor role is a keystone in our Life Science Advisory strategy, so you will also be the one to drive the growth in the NNIT Life Science area, understand customer needs and feed into the development of new services and work closely with your colleagues to establish a strong NNIT Life Science brand. In order to succeed you will need to establish a trusted relationship with client top management, and also create a strong internal network in NNIT, to help you with delivering to the clients.
You will be responsible for:
- Total client engagement, building client strategy and delivering continuously on it in close collaboration with colleagues from Sales, Life Science Advisory and delivery and operation units in NNIT.
- Profit/loss and revenue up against yearly client target.
- Customer satisfaction targets.
- Building up trust and relationships with client top management, key client stakeholders and team members, ensuring a close and seamless collaboration between all parties.
- Mitigating unforeseen challenges directly with the client and internally in NNIT
- Identifying opportunities and suggest IT projects and innovative solutions.
- Assisting with the necessary competencies, capabilities and knowledge in NNIT to deliver successful projects within the domain.
- Ensuring cooperation with multiple stakeholders within NNIT, where your knowledge will strengthen our company’s strategic aspirations in the Life Science area.
You will join our international Life Science Engagement Management team:
You will be part of an ambitious international Life Science team, that year on year grows rapidly and has a strong brand and constant momentum. At NNIT, we have an open, team-oriented and informal culture. We support and learn from each other and you can count on knowledge sharing and sparring with your colleagues.
You will join an exciting international unit with highly skilled colleagues who have a deep understanding of the pharmaceutical industry and the ability to bridge this knowledge with IT. Our customers expect us to know about upcoming trends and changes, and to be at the forefront in terms of advice and solutions.
Your career will include continuous training and competence development to support our unit and unravel your personal ambitions.
Your qualifications and experiences:
- First and foremost, you bring a strong consultancy mindset and you are used to having commercial responsibility and a customer-facing role.
- You possess a deep understanding of IT and infrastructure within Life Sciences.
- You have exceptional client relationship management capabilities, effective communication and excellent presentation skills and you are comfortable with Executive Management dialogue and presentations.
- You may have a Master’s degree within IT and/or Life Sciences, but it is more important, that you have several years of proven advisory experience within the Life Science area in general - likely within Clinical Development, Regulatory Affairs, Quality Management, Laboratory or Pharmaceutical Production.
- Regardless of your background the right drive and passion for creating strong relationships to our customers is at the heart of what we are looking for. You know how to impact people around and you enjoy building trust and maintaining stable relationships with stakeholders at all levels – with the customers as well as internally in NNIT.
- Skills and experience within MES, SAP, Cloud, Microsoft would be an advantage.
Fluency in oral and written English is a must. Knowledge of German/French/Danish would be an asset.
The position is based in Denmark. However, our clients are global, and travel can be expected occasionally.
If you can recognize yourself in this description, then we would like to hear from you as soon as possible, as we interview candidates continuously.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 26.2.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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- Tirsdag den 31. august 2021
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