Learning Experience Designer
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Digital learning plays a key role in both our strategy and our international programs as a means of finding innovative and agile ways of engaging and building the capacity of young people around the world to network, organize and act. Equally, digital learning is centrally placed in our blended learning approach, where it is expected to connect with other core learning interventions, such as face-to-face trainings and on the job training through volunteers and professionals.
The Team
The position is placed in the Youth Organizing and Activism team that is supporting youth-led activism by working directly with social movements and youth-led organisations and activists. You will be based in unit in the team specialized in digital learning design and delivery. Our aim is to support the broader organization in transition into more digital activities. And while the position is placed within the Youth Organizing and Activism team, most of the work is anchored in projects that cuts across the different teams in the International department of AA Denmark and across the ActionAid federation.
This is where you come in.
The job
You will lead and participate in learning design processes, advise colleagues on digital learning and facilitation, and implementation.
You will do so by:
- Deliver graphic and interactive components of learning designs – including the collaboration learning design.
- Collaborate with the rest of the Digital Learning team members on the continuous development of content for our online learning platform.
- Work together with learning design leads, developing engaging, interactive learning experiences for diverse styles and needs.
- Experiment with innovative approaches to learning which scale and drive engagement.
- Create training outlines, design plans, storyboards, and authors e-learning content and blended solutions.
- Deliver learning videos and video template + good practice.
- Develop ToT guides and job aids on digital learning and facilitation.
- Implement learning materials I.e., authoring tools such as Adobe 360 and Knowbly.
Product management support
- Manage and support effective delivery of technical components for inspiring digital learning products.
- Facilitate learning design processes together with end-users, subject matter experts and project leads.
- Ensure that learnings from the field of digital learning is captured and used to inform further development of our digital solutions.
Oversight and Administration of Digital Solutions
- You will manage service providers and ensure effective day-to-day management of digital sites and platforms.
- You continuously troubleshoot and evaluate solutions
- Advise on and implement necessary changes and lead decision making in changing platforms, services etc. as well as implement changes.
- Establish support setup and provide support on the use of the learning management system and authoring tools.
Our New Colleague
We expect you to
- Have a BA or MA in a technical relevant field. I.e., digital, and instructional design, production, adult learning combined with 5 years documented practical experience with digital learning, blended learning, community management and the like.
- Be a tech aficionado with the toolkit and experience to prove it and have worked with the e-learning field including development, formulating learning objectives, storyboarding, module creation, user review and testing.
- Have expertise in developing interactive digital elements, video, audio, and visuals (Examples: infographics, screencasts, animations)
- Be experienced in using, adjusting, and administrating Learning management Systems, e-learning authoring tools such as Articulate 360 and other technologies for learning. Resolve tech issues on LMS (Learning Management System)
- Be excellent in written and spoken English
We hope that you
- Are a finisher with a systematic approach to instructional design (example: ADDIE) based on solid knowledge of your technical toolkit
- Are keen on cooperation with many different professions, personalities, and cultures.
- Are not afraid to trial and error
- Work well in the uncertainty and explorative sphere
- Has experience with and can support different learning styles needs. Can develop engaging, interactive learning experiences for diverse styles and needs.
- Have an understanding of youth-led activism and feminist principles and experience from working internationally.
We offer you
- A full time (37 hours/week), 1 year contract with flexible working hours, so that a healthy balance between private- family- and Worklife is possible.
- The position is in Copenhagen, Denmark (no relocation allowance available).
- A comprehensive compensation package where salary and employment conditions are in accordance with the agreement between AADK (Action Aid Denmark) and the AC organizations.
- An advantageous pension scheme is a part of the package, as well as salary supplements for fixed terms.
- A broad, professional network of passionate, international colleagues.
- An informal and dynamic working environment characterized by a modern management culture and cooperation across the organization.
Application deadline: March 11th at midnight Danish time (CET)
Interviews are expected to be conducted, with a possible second interview in week 11-12.
Start date soonest possible.
If you have any further questions about the content of the position, you can contact Anne Louise Carstens, Head of YOA (Youth Organising and Activism) (Youth Organizing and Activism), [email protected]
You can also hear more about the working through our HR partner, Cecilia Højstrøm, [email protected]
See more about working in AADK here: www.ms.dk/job
Read more about our new strategy here: https://www.ms.dk/dokumenter/strategier
About ActionAid Denmark
AADK is headquartered in Denmark and a part of ActionAid International. Together, we are a global team working with more than 25 million people around the world and creating political and social change in 45 countries throughout the world. We organize people in strong communities to contribute to sustainable global development and a just distribution of the world’s wealth. Founded in 1944, AADK has devoted decades of community organizing to drive local and international development initiatives including initially the reconciliation and reconstruction of the war-torn Europe after WWII.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
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Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer