Localization Manager
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Can you take our localization efforts to the next level – strategically and with global perspective?
If you have a solid track record within localization from an international multi market company, and you are looking for a unique career challenge, you have it right here. At Milestone we continue our 20+ years of continued growth to cement our position as global leading provider of IP Video Management Systems. More products, more customers and more markets result in more complexity. That is why we need you to take the lead and make localization an integrated part of the business. This is a position where challenges and the opportunity of making an extraordinary impact go hand in hand – in a company that is not only highly successful but also an extremely good workplace. When we say, “people first”, it is not just an empty catch phrase. It’s part of our DNA.
Take lead from strategy to implementation of new tools and processes
As the head of a team of three Localization Project Managers, your overall task is to put localization on the agenda across all involved business areas. Your time will be split between people management and change management. As a proactive change agent, you enjoy developing the strategy, building overview as well as best practises. In addition, you will be working to influence and convince multiple stakeholders at all levels. Your primary tasks are:
- Lead, motivate, coach and develop your team of localization project managers
- Own the end-to-end localization program, ensuring smooth and scalable work relations with all stakeholders within the program
- Build overview of the highly complex localization landscape – we work across 32 languages
- Further develop the global localization strategy that includes focus on tools, processes and best practises
- Drive sub projects with your team – develop and manage thorough project plans
- Own and nurture relationships with partners, vendors, and Languages Service Providers
- Oversee the process of collecting, monitoring, and reporting on localization metrics
To succeed, you know exactly how to clearly state the importance of localization to your diverse audience that ranges from Executive Management to team managers and members in other areas of our organization. Key words for this position are long-term perspective and persistent stakeholder management. You can look forward to travel approx. 10-20 days per year to meet and build relations with stakeholders at our regional offices, primarily in EMEA.
Change agent with solid localization and people manager experience
We are looking for a senior profile with a combination of profound localization experience, business acumen and experience as a people manager. With a sports metaphor, you need the mindset of a marathon runner – to have the ability to divide the long run into many subsidiary goals. You must also know how to make yourself heard among many, strong stakeholders. This calls for your ability to inspire and proactively make things happen, in both your own team and as cross-organisational change agent. You possess the diplomatic sense that it takes to bridge your agenda and the business agendas. Additionally, your CV comprises:
- 10+ years of experience in localization and translation management including several years of experience as people manager
- Experience from driving multilingual localization programs through cross-functional partnerships
- A proven track record of building systems and processes to support a robust localization program
- Experience from making data and insights accessible to a non-expert audience
- Experience with Localization technologies – TMS systems, CAT tools and machine translation
- Vendor management experience
Your new team
Your new workplace will be the Milestone headquarters in Brøndby, Greater Copenhagen. If you need help to establish yourself in Copenhagen, we will provide such help. When started, you will lead our localization team as part of Learning Experiences that is a diverse department with highly skilled specialists across technical communication, localization, and training/certifications. Our environment is characterized by major dedication, and we are widely recognized throughout the organization for the quality of our deliverables. We steer by values such as respect, humor, responsibility and helpfulness. At Milestone, it is simply nice to be, and now we are looking forward to welcoming you onboard our team.
Contact and application
Please apply at our website using the ”Apply” button.
If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Head of Learning Experiences, Inger Marie Brink, at [email protected]. If necessary, we will set up an additional phone call to ensure your understanding of the job and your many opportunities.
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Help us make the world see
When joining Milestone, you will become part of one the world’s leading providers of video management software. Since starting up in Denmark in 1998 our team has grown to include nearly 1,000 employees based in 25 countries. Today, our solutions are used in 500,000+ installations worldwide – with many more to come.
We believe that in addition to our strong and exiting technology, our success is also based on our dedication to putting people first – both the people we work with and the people around us. It’s how we grow our culture, our business and our community. Because at Milestone, we grow together. Ready to elevate your career with an amazing team? Join Milestone. If you are curious to know more about who we are, we suggest you visit http://milestonesys.com/career
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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 23.3.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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- København
- Mandag den 26. april 2021
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Mere information om København
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