Global Cash & Voucher Assistance Specialist

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Danish Refugee Council (DRC), one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs, is seeking a highly qualified, experienced and committed Global Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) Specialist to play a vital role in the achievement of DRC’s strategic ambitions with respect to CVA.

This is an exciting time to join the Programme Division (PD) at DRC, as we embark on a new five-year strategic period to 2025. The strategic vision of “a dignified life for all displaced” includes particular emphasis on achievement of two breakthroughs, namely protecting the most marginalised groups affected by conflict or displacement and economic inclusion of the most excluded. The use of CVA, already a cornerstone of DRC programming globally, looks set to be a critical element in the effective achievement of the new strategy and more.

About the Job:

The position sits within the Programme Division (PD), part of the Programme, Policy and External Relations (PPE) Department being DRC’s incubator for strategy and business development. The PD’s role is to ensure the development of operational and programmatic policies and standards for DRC’s international work, based on the organisation’s principles for quality and accountability; amongst others, it supports individual DRC operations in meeting external and internal standards, has overall responsibility for facilitating strategy and policy development processes within DRC’s PPE Department, and provides programme-related technical advisory and support to DRC country and regional operations.

The Global CVA Specialist leads on certain specific workstreams and thematic areas, namely:

  • Ongoing technical AND strategic support to DRC’s regional and country offices: support may be in respect of basic needs-oriented multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) at scale or solutions-oriented sector-specific CVA across DRC’s core sectors (i.e. Protection, Economic Recovery, Humanitarian Disarmament & Peacebuilding, Shelters & Settlements, Camp Coordination and Camp Management). It necessarily straddles DRC’s programme platforms (i.e. Responding to Emergencies, Solutions to Displacement, Addressing Root Causes) comprising DRC’s Response Framework, as well as all aspects of the programme cycle, as part of an increasingly holistic and integrated approach; and
  • Enhancing CVA-related preparedness AND capacity of DRC’s regional and country offices: Further advancing DRC’s institutional and programmatic CVA preparedness, in particular leveraging digital payment systems where feasible and appropriate, and CVA capacity-building for regional and country teams are specific and priority responsibilities for this position.

The Global CVA Specialist will be technically line managed by the Global Economic Recovery Advisor – CVA Lead and work in close collaboration with regional and country colleagues implicated in CVA programming. Where relevant and feasible, the Global CVA Specialist will also support the Global CVA Lead in contributing to a series of strategic and cross-cutting areas prioritised by DRC’s CVA Business Case and DRC more broadly.

Technical Support

  • In-country and remote technical support on assessment, design, set-up, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of higher quality, more timely and more accountable CVA programming in support of IDPs, refugees and/or host communities
  • Support the Global CVA Lead in provision of technical support to HQ staff, both across departments and towards DRC’s Senior Management

Strategic Support

  • Support CVA-related proposal writing, led principally by DRC’s country and regional offices
  • Assist country and regional operations to review and refine their strategic uses of and planning for CVA programming, including via facilitating workshops and advising strategic development, and based upon relevant assessments and stakeholder consultations
  • Support regional and country offices to increase impact through strategic collective action, engaging with other international and local humanitarian agencies, traditional and potential new donors, private sector actors and national authorities
  • Support the Global CVA Lead in a series of strategic endeavours, such as the development CVA 2025 Strategy or development a CVA Network or Community of Practice within DRC

Organisational & Programmatic Preparedness

  • Support targeted investment in organisational and programmatic CVA preparedness in c. 20 countries to increase impact through effective delivery, including initial stocktake, preparedness enhancement plan and systematic progress monitoring framework
  • In particular, the Global CVA Specialist will be the Focal Point for supporting preparedness with respect to CVA delivery mechanisms and (digital) platforms

Capacity, Resources & Learning

  • Capacity building: assess DRC country capacities, identify gaps relevant to DRC’s operational contexts and programming, provide CVA training materials in line with global interagency and internal DRC materials, and assist country and regional operations in organising – and co-facilitate – workshops and training targeting DRC and partners’ staff
  • Resource curation: contribute to curating DRC’s CVA digital library, including within DRC’s New Intranet, along with the targeted provision of best practice resources, guidance and tools to country and regional operations
  • Learning: contribute to DRC’s internal learning process on CVA, including by collecting, compiling and sharing DRC best practices, and ensuring cross-country consistency in CVA programming approaches

Any other responsibilities, as agreed with the Global Economic Recovery Advisor – CVA Lead, and collaboratively with regional and country colleagues implicated in CVA programming.

About you:

To be successful in this role we expect you to have significant experience with international humanitarian and/or development organisations, and significant demonstrable experience working on CVA programming, preferably in the context of forced displacement. Moreover, we also expect the following:


  • Significant and demonstrable experience in providing high quality, country-facing and remote CVA programming technical and strategic advice and support to country programmes/operations, across the project/programme cycle
  • Demonstrable experience of working in complex institutional environments – and developing close working relationships remotely, and internally


  • Excellent and updated knowledge of CVA programming, concepts, techniques and methodologies
  • Strong understanding of CVA global policy debates, and recent trends and developments in CVA research, evidence and programme innovation – including new technologies and emerging private sector partners/actors
  • Strong knowledge of humanitarian market assessment and analysis, and ability to support development of market aware CVA programming
  • Strong knowledge of CVA operations and the interface between Programme and Operations/Support functions
  • Good understanding of emergency and (early) recovery support interventions, and of integrated programming, and interfaces between CVA responses and Economic Recovery, Protection and other sectoral programming
  • Good knowledge of monitoring and evaluation methodology and processes suitable to document the effects of CVA programming


  • Strong skills in humanitarian programme assessment, response analysis and modality selection, set-up, design, implementation, and M&E
  • Demonstrable capacity building skills – including the design and facilitation of trainings and workshops
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills, including concise writing/drafting, and for presentation
  • Demonstrable problem-solving skills and ability to adopt flexible, creative, innovative approaches as needed
  • Demonstrable ability to work independently as part of a small team, and to form close working relationships with colleagues from a diverse range of backgrounds
  • Highly motivated and hard-working, with strong attention to detail
  • High degree of flexibility; specifically, willingness to deploy at short notice, to insecure environments, and to operate in a physically demanding working environment


  • Master’s degree in development or humanitarian studies, economics, political science, sociology, business – or another relevant higher-level education/field


  • English: fluent spoken and written
  • Ability to work in French, Spanish, Arabic is a strong advantage

In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:

  • Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.
  • Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.
  • Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.
  • Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.
  • Demonstrating integrity: You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to our values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

We offer:

Contract length: Due to budget availability, the contract is fixed for approximately 3.5 months. However, there is the possibility of extension, contingent on performance and additional funding.

Interview and starting date: Interviews will be held in the second half of April 2021 with a starting date ASAP.

Salary and conditions: Terms are in accordance with the union agreement concluded between DRC and AC. The position is on “fuldmægtig” level. This is a national position for which local terms and conditions apply.

Workplace: Borgergade 10, 1300 Copenhagen, Denmark – However, the position will have global impact. We urge all qualified candidates to apply for the position. It is not a requirement to be a Danish citizen to be a candidate for this position.

For questions regarding the vacancy please contact Edward Fraser ([email protected]).

Application process:

All applicants must upload a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English. Applications sent by email will not be considered.

Closing date for applications: 16 April 2021.

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