International Senior Transport Modeller
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Praktik - København
Here in Ramboll’s Global Smart Mobility Division we combine our technical domain know-how with our understanding of the complicated governance and financial structures of the transportation sector by analysing passenger flows, testing the impacts on proposed transport policies and estimating socio-economic impacts of different planning options. Our experience ranges from modelling the impact of urban development on transport usage, and delivering roadmaps for implementing new technologies like autonomous vehicles, to electric buses, MaaS (Mobility as a Service) solutions or action plans for increasing the uptake of cycling and walking. In our projects we use the state-of-the-art modelling tools and other advanced methods to ensure a data driven decision process and the best outcome for our clients.
Your Role as International Senior Transport Modeller, Smart Mobility:
You are experienced working on worldwide transport planning and strategic mobility projects. You want to leverage this experience with Ramboll to strengthen the services we provide for clients such as International Financial Institutions, the European Commission, and the Global Investors.
You are committed to developing your professional competencies in the growing field of strategic transport planning. You are dedicated to delivering high quality holistic models, and analysis to all our clients. You are excited about working with teams composed of experts from multiple international offices and cultures in an integrated environment across disciplines on some of the most innovative projects in the world. You are aligned with Ramboll’s commitment to equitable communities, integrated climate adaptation, green infrastructure, and nature-compatible solutions. You want to work for a unique organisation and are motivated by the opportunity to make an impact through your work.
Your Responsibilities and Qualifications:
You will have strong technical skills with a focus on transport modelling. Your responsibilities include growing our strategic transport modelling capabilities, working in international modelling projects with a diverse mix of team members. You will participate the pursuing, winning, and executing successful projects, and you will be responsible for providing excellent client service, across all our offices, collaborating with other international teams within Ramboll. Your personal skills include:
- Masters in Transport Planning/Engineering (or similar) with 10+ years’ professional experience on strategic transport modelling
- Project Experience in Transport Planning, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), Socio-Economic impact assessments, Transport economics and/or advisory services on Transport Policies and Strategies
- Demonstrated experience in working with clients like International Financial Institutions (such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank), European Union, Governmental Agencies and/or private investors
- Technical knowledge in economic and business case appraisal, transport modelling software and extensive knowledge of traffic modelling software VISUM
- Extensive understanding of the four-step modelling process
- Proficiency in data collection techniques, data analysis and interpretation.
- Experience and understanding of other transport modelling software such as, CUBE, EMME, SATURN, VISSIM, AIMSUN
- Experience of working with multi-disciplinary professional teams and manage client relationships
- Due to international nature of the role we expect that you will share our global mindset, are willing to work in an international environment and are fluent in English.
Your Working Location:
Let’s find the right fit for you; our global Smart Mobility teams are in office locations throughout the Nordics, UK, Germany, Singapore, India and Australia. For example, we have offices in the following cities; Copenhagen/DK, Aarhus/DK, Espoo/FIN, Oslo/NOR, Malmö/SWE, Karlsruhe/GER, Berlin/GER, London/UK, Delhi/IN, Hyderabad/IN Sydney/AUS and Singapore.
Your Company:
Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company, founded in 1945, with over 16,000 experts and more than 300 offices worldwide. Owned by the Ramboll Foundation and our staff, high ethical standards as well as responsibility towards society and employees are ingrained in our cultural DNA. Our global division for transport consultancy, Smart Mobility, spans across multiple country offices to allow the most efficient combination of experts to meet our clients’ needs. Smart Mobility consists of approximately 200 skilled and strongly dedicated mobility experts, with pedigrees from some of the world’s most successful places for mobility. We have the unique ability to offer first-hand, industry-leading experience with the highest demand mobility services – such as Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, e-mobility, automated vehicles, multi-modal modeling, traffic safety, intelligent transport systems, and new mobility services. The Smart Mobility team consists of a mix of technical specialists, digital systems experts, engineers, urban and transportation planners, modelers, and projects leaders within urban planning, city design, transport planning, and traffic engineering.
Your Colleagues:
You will be part of a Global Division Smart Mobility, which consists of teams and experts in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, India, Singapore and Australia. The Global division works with challenging Mobility, traffic and urban planning projects worldwide. The competences of our Smart mobility division cover everything from strategic mobility planning to designing and implementing cutting edge intelligent transport systems.
Your colleagues work with clients on an international scale, leveraging our expertise and knowledge from our core Nordic markets to deliver top quality results with partners around the world. We believe strongly in empowerment and regular, direct client contact on many levels, which means that the majority of the team have opportunities to manage their own projects as well as participate as project members on other projects where their skills or interests apply – according to the Ramboll project delivery model.
Our Offer to You:
- A proactive approach focusing on clients as partners to successfully achieve their goals
- Varied and challenging assignments with a high level of empowerment
- Versatile growth and development opportunities in a dynamic and successful company
- An international working environment with a motivated team and a pleasant working climate
- Access to our global pool of state-of-the art modelling tools
- A company that is committed to knowledge-sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geographies
- A transparent corporate culture shaped by highly ethical Nordic values
- The opportunity to shine by contributing your individual skills to help shape innovation in a very exciting time in mobility
If you are interested in applying, please send your mail through our online recruitment system by clicking the link ‘Apply for job online’ below.
Please send your CV and application no later than 12-09-2021. Due to summer holiday we will revert on your application in August.
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