Microsoft Delivery Lead
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Job Description
Do you want to be a part of a collaborative and inclusive team where you will learn continuously and get the chance to develop others professionally as well?
Then join our Accenture Microsoft community and help clients from all industries carry out their IT strategies as you design and implement their MS solutions.
Join a diverse and ambitious team!
You will join the Accenture Microsoft Business Group, which is a part of Accenture Technology. All Accenture’s projects using Microsoft technologies are located here, and we collaborate closely with our subsidiary Avanade.
We look for people who has a high personal drive and can identify opportunities in new areas of working. In collaboration we help each other reach the goals and move the team forward. We find strength in our differences and work with a high level of transparency. In collaboration we help each other reach our goals and move the team forward.
“You will work with people who inspire you to develop professionally and personally. And in general, you will experience that our focus is on the person behind the role,“ Program & Project Management Manager Gitte F. Schmidt Severinsen says.
Every day, we bring Accenture Microsoft Business Group and Avanade together to drive business outcomes for our clients. We bring ideas to life using design thinking, agile development methodologies, and new smart tech like Cloud, IoT, automation, and AI. Come join the team to help expand your career in the fastest growing Technology segment.
The Work
As a delivery lead you will take care of our customers technology deliveries. We can offer you challenging tasks in an informal and global atmosphere, where we will support you in your ambitions and ensure that you receive the training needed. We will help you develop your skills, so they suit both your personal goals and align with our goals within Accenture. You will be working together with delivery team(s) where you will ensure high customer satisfaction and a successful delivery.
Right now, we are looking for delivery leads, who want to support us in driving delivery processes for our clients, covering technology deliveries from establishment of Microsoft infrastructure, operations, and development.
Here are some of the areas the work could include:
- You will work with client teams and Accenture delivery teams to become a trusted partner, supporting Microsoft products and solutions.
- You will ensure enablement, quality, and effectiveness of the deliveries.
- You will support one or more complex outsourcing delivery account and deliver to plan.
- You will be supporting business development initiatives, including client proposals, and building strong relationships with current Accenture clients.
- You will manage contract operations and financial commitments.
- You will work in partnership with architects in shaping how products should be adopted by our clients.
- You will be defining cutting edge solutions for our clients and collaborate across internal teams to bring the best of Accenture, Avanade and Microsoft and identify new opportunities relevant to solve client needs.
- You will learn new areas in the Microsoft technologies in order to better serve and consult the client in their requests.
You are in your element when working with clients to solve complex business problems harnessing the enterprise-wide potential of Microsoft technology solutions. You are passionate about technology delivery management and you are comfortable leading or working within a team of architects or specialists in Microsoft products. We imagine you have:
- 5-6 years of experience with technology delivery, technology sales and project management.
- Experienced with technology solutions such as MS Azure and MS Dynamics services.
- Master’s degree or equivalent work experience (if Bachelor's degree, must have minimum 6 years work experience).
- You preferably have a consulting background and are comfortable working in diverse, multi-disciplined teams.
- You are passionate about technology as a differentiator in life and in business.
- As a person you have a driver mentality, entrepreneurial attitude, experience with stakeholder management and innate problem-solving skills.
- You have a strong interest in ensuring long lasting client relationships.
- You are a dedicated team player and continuously build strong networking skills.
- Speak and write English fluently – Danish is nice to have.
If all of this sounds like the right next step for you do not hesitate to apply!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Equal is greater than - Accenture welcomes and encourages applications from diverse backgrounds related to gender, age, ethnicity, culture, race, religion and belief, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values, providing an environment where everyone brings distinct experience, talent and culture to their work. We invite you to be part of this diversity!
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 29.6.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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- København
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