Agile Program/Enterprise Coach
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Job Description
We are looking for experienced Agile coaches with solid backgrounds in agile and lean to join our Accenture SolutionsIQ Nordic practice.
Our mission: We believe in the boundless potential of people. We unlock the creative power of organizations to transform uncertainty into opportunity and continuously renew competitive advantage.
Agile Program/Enterprise Coach
As an Agile Program/Enterprise Coach, you provide guidance, mentoring, and coaching to ScrumMasters, Product Owners, Managers, Executives, and other Agile transformation stakeholders. You’ll bring to bear your experience advising organizations, leading by example and challenging the status quo to promote an environment and culture of continuous improvement, experimentation, and innovation. Your excellent listening, facilitation and conflict-resolution skills will help organizations achieve their targeted business benefits and outcomes. At Accenture/SolutionsIQ you will find a community of like-minded individuals with a passion for Agile, Lean, XP, Kanban and any approach that brings out the best in individuals and teams.
Key Responsibilities:
- Act as a trusted advisor to organizations when guiding them through their Lean/Agile transformation, including the use of scaling frameworks and able to help organizations identify their value stream(s).
- Work with senior leaders to define strategies and roadmaps for transitioning to Lean/Agile practices.
- Lead the coaching activities across one-to-many functional areas.
- Lead workshops & training sessions to educate individuals on Agile values, principles, and practices.
- Mentor and pair with change agents within client organizations on becoming true Lean/Agile champions and creating a sustaining Agile capabilities.
- Coach and mentor peers Accenture/SolutionsIQ team on influencing organizational change and removing transformational impediments.
- Support sales based activities through participation in proposal creation/presentation and on-site visits to perspective clients.
- Proactively collaborate with Accenture/SolutionsIQ staff working on your engagement to ensure alignment in the approach for achieving customer satisfaction.
- Support the internal SolutionsIQ/Accenture Product Development team on refining products and services offered to clients.
- Provide feedback and ideas to Accenture/SolutionsIQ operations and leadership on opportunities for improving our organization.
Basic Qualifications:
- Agile: You have no less than seven years of practical Agile experience, and have actively held certifications such as Certified ScrumMaster®, Certified Scrum Product Owner®, or Certified Scrum Professional® for five or more years. During this time you have demonstrated strong knowledge and passion for Agile within an organization that applies Agile at scale.
- Educated: While your field of study may not be directly relevant, the fact that you have a Bachelor's degree (or combination of relevant education and experience) shows your commitment to self-improvement and lifelong learning.
- A Coach: With more than five years of Agile coaching experience under your belt, you use a varied coaching approach to cultivate the capabilities, skills and knowledge of all Agile team members, team/program stakeholders, and senior leaders, including:
- Helping Agile teams achieve predictability an high performance when they must align to manage cross-team dependencies.
- Supporting Product Owners, Product Managers, and Business Stakeholders embrace Agile planning and requirements approaches that are focused on the incremental delivery of value to customers.
- Advising on the development of initiating and executing Agile transformation.
- Shaping Agile transformation strategies to achieve Agile at scape within large organizations.
- Engaging transformation stakeholders such as HR, Finance, and Marketing to embrace new ways of working.
- A Consulant: You have no less than three years of experience working as an external Agile coach/consultant where you demonstrated your strong understanding of how to elicit true customer needs and deliver services aligned with their desired business outcomes. You can demonstrate nuianced and savvy consulting skills, including:
- Flexibility to work successfully with all levels of an organization.
- Influencing organizational change through work with management and senior leaders.
- Defining and managing the scope of a Statement of Work.
- Managing the budget of the engagement.
- Proactively managing the creation of deliverables and mitigating risks associated with achieving key engagement milestones.
- A Leader: Your understanding and appreciation of servant leadership means you display behaviors that come with the key mindset shifts associated with being Agile. You demonstrate the ability to:
- Build a sense of community among all coaches assigned to an engagement.
- Cultivate shared understanding of customer needs and lead the team to exceed customer expectations.
- Sense the needs of the team and support them with the tools and resources needed to to be effective as well as engaged and confident team members.
- This role may included travel.
Preferred Qualifications:
- You are a genius at pragmatic problem-solving, resolving interpersonal conflicts, and overall helping groups of people communicate effectively.
- Once you have a clear understanding of the objective, your proactive and empowering nature make others want to follow your lead.
- You know when to step in and lead as needed, but are also comfortable stepping back and letting the team determine the best course of action.
- Experience with the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) and/or any other popular Agile practices and frameworks (e.g. Lean, Kanban, eXtreme Programming).
- Technical accumen and understanding of Agile technical practices and how they operate within an Agile organization (CI, CD, XP, TDD, etc.).
- High energy and can inspire change at all levels
- Experience in solution selling and shaping consulting engagement early in the sales cycle.
Equal is greater than - Accenture welcomes and encourages applications from diverse backgrounds related to gender, age, ethnicity, culture, race, religion and belief, disability, nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values, providing an environment where everyone brings distinct experience, talent and culture to their work. We invite you to be part of this diversity!
If you would like to be considered for employment opportunities with Accenture and need special assistance due to a disability or accommodation for a disability, please call us at +45 7228 8000
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 29.6.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Øvrige
- København
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