AMBG - Microsoft Industry Practitioner for Resources Industry
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Job Description
Are you ready to step up to the New and take your technology expertise to the next level?
Join Accenture and help transform leading organizations and communities around the world in achieving their goals faster and more efficiently. The sheer scale of our capabilities and client engagements and the way we collaborate, operate, and deliver value provides an unparalleled opportunity to grow and advance. Choose Accenture and make delivering innovative work part of your extraordinary career.
As part of our Accenture Microsoft Business Group (AMBG) practice, you will lead technology innovation to shape world-class business solutions for our Clients and deliver them at scale. There will never be a typical day and that’s why people love it here. The opportunities to make a difference within exciting Client initiatives are unlimited in the ever-changing technology landscape. Companies and entire industries need help to reinvent themselves during these challenging times and you will be part of a growing network of technology experts who are highly collaborative, that will help companies transform themselves to emerge stronger from complex economic and environmental challenges that businesses are facing today.
A solid understanding of challenges that Clients in the Resources Industry are facing, and how to address them using Microsoft technology ecosystem is key for delivering value. This should be combined with experience and understanding of considerations for large scale cloud solutions architecting, helping Clients transforming into a data driven business, developing new services using digital, becoming more agile and resilient.
We are looking for candidates who have a broad set of technology skills across these areas and who can demonstrate an ability to design the right solutions with appropriate combination of Microsoft and its 3rd party technologies for deploying on the Microsoft Intelligent Cloud.
Key responsibilities may include:
- To be successful, you must be able to independently plan, organise, prioritise, and manage tasks to deliver outcomes, work effectively under pressure, and meet tight timelines.
- Developing and evolving offerings and solutions, using data-driven insights in conjunction with Microsoft platforms, products and technologies
- Play a leading role in business development / sales activities by working closely with account and sales teams to ensure proposition and solution alignment, i.e. alignment across client expectations, contract, financials, solution and capability to deliver
- Support the identification and development of market opportunities of selected offerings
- Support the sales cycle and contracting process
- Lead project teams and manage end to end delivery. Ensure clients are satisfied with the quality of work, and the outcomes delivered
- Grow AMBG Resources Industry practitioner capacity and focus in response to market signals and project demand
- Support regional teams with their capability development and skills growth
- Industry knowledge in a specific industry area like: Oil & Gas, Utilities, Renewables, Chemicals, Mining, etc.
- Driving digital assessments at client sites. This should include "as is" / "to be" design sessions and leveraging of the outputs to drive transformation and enable solution development
- Experience with defining high level enterprise digital (business and technology) architectures to support customer experience transformation strategy recommendations
- Progressive leadership experience in a top-tier consulting practice, service integrator, or corporate function (HR, supply chain, etc) with demonstrable success in establishing and building trust amongst clients and partners, with a focus on large scale digital transformation initiatives
- Ability to articulate and clearly communicate complex problems and solutions in a simple, logical and impactful manner at the executive level, and the ability to mentor others
- Well-developed analytical skills and the ability to provide clarity to complex issues, and synthesise large amounts of information
- Knowledge of Microsoft technologies including Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Dynamics-365, Power-Platform, etc.
We're looking for candidates that also have these additional preferred skills and qualifications:
- Minimum 5 years’ experience working in a relevant industry.
- A bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, management information systems or a related field is preferred.
- Possesses a strong and active business network
- Demonstrated expertise in a wide variety of hard and soft skills, vital to the implementation of business-technology solutions in complex client environments
- Experience in large-scale digital transformation initiatives in a corporate environment
- Well-versed in new technology-enablement and transformation leadership to help clients assess, build, transform and operationalize NEW capabilities
- Strong relationship-building and negotiation skillS
What’s in it for you?
All of our Technology professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development. You'll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization. We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at every level to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with others. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to build a career.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 10.7.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Øvrige
- København
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Mere information om København
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