Commercial Strategy Professional

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Job Description

Who are we looking for?

We want a seasoned professional with 9+ years of job experience to join and lead our highly engaged, skilled, and growing Customer practice in Denmark within Accenture Strategy and Consulting.

Why Accenture Strategy and Consulting

While Accenture offers the stimulating and high-performance environment of a top-tier consultancy firm, we have one outstanding differentiation: the power of the global Accenture organization, uniting 500 000+ professionals across 50 countries within strategy, consulting, interactive, technology and operations. We are one team, tackling our client’s toughest challenges end-to-end by crafting and delivering the most sophisticated and advanced transformations at the intersection of technology and business.

With such global footprint and influence, no surprise that our CEO is the most powerful businesswoman in the world and Accenture’s voice is heard by global leaders at the World Economic Forum, Business Roundtable as well as during our projects: we work with 91 companies from the Fortune 100 as well as many leading companies in Scandinavia.

This is an outstanding opportunity to work at one of the World’s Most Admired Companies and help global leaders truly reinvent their organizations for the future.

What we do in the Customer practice

We help companies prepare for the era of customer-led disruption and hyper-relevance, where products and services are evolving in real time to adapt to customer needs and preferences.

To decode the new, we act as true value architects helping business executives to re-think their marketing, sales, service, and commercial strategies to improve the experience for customers and partners. Using the right mix of technologies, we help optimize the organization and processes as well as build new levels of customer experience, connectivity, engagement, and relevance.

Typical projects are set out to understand and address the needs of the chief sales, marketing and customer service officers:

  • Work with the Chief Marketing Officer to define customer segments, value propositions, brand positioning and marketing strategy that improves the return on marketing investment
  • Work with the Chief Sales Officers to deliver profitable growth across an increasingly sophisticated sales environment utilising direct and indirect channels and incentives
  • Help the Chief Customer Service Officer to deliver differentiated service experiences that enable growth and increase retention; and strengthen the engagement with traditional and “Omni-channel” consumers through digital service and call center operations
  • Work with C-suite and broader clients to develop a holistic and comprehensive customer experience strategy. This includes reimagining the customer economics and journey, integrating digital and physical sales channels, changing workforce capabilities, and crafting new operating models for the digital era
  • Conceptually craft and support large business and tech changes enabling new marketing, sales, and service capabilities. Accenture is the number one partner for companies like Salesforce, Google, Microsoft, Adobe and more

The Work

Within the customer service domain, we have the strongest practice in the Nordics and have a proven track record of delivering results for some of the largest service operations in the region and globally.

We are looking for a person to join our leadership team and augment our strong team of professionals and can provide a fantastic platform for personal growth built on our global capabilities.

You will have the chance to apply your entrepreneurial skills and passion to advance our Customer practice with your contributions to people development, recruiting, as well as building functional and industry expertise. For the right candidate, there will be an opportunity to take the country lead role for the Danish Customer practice within Strategy & Consulting. We are a team of 18 Customer professionals locally with expertise in strategy formulation, consulting, and customer technology advisory.

As a Senior Manager you will be responsible for the execution and management of client projects with teams of 2-10 members, supported by global experts. You will find yourself collaborating with a great number of diverse professionals at the client and within Accenture. You will focus on building close client relationships, and act as their trusted advisor and primary point of contact within Accenture for the scope of your projects.

You will also be responsible for finding new project opportunities and drive these initiatives end-to-end. Specifically, you will be in charge of structuring, planning (incl. staffing), leadership, and quality assurance for strategic projects. You will often need to think across projects and value streams and plan resources with a clear view of their effectiveness.

Our clients operate all over the globe, and this may require travel internationally (mainly in Scandinavia) as well as within the country of residence. The primary work location for the position is Copenhagen (but the right candidate in other cities will be considered).

Every step of the way you will be guided by a dedicated career counsellor that will help you craft your individual learning path to advance your professional development.


Required background and experience

  • Strategic sales, marketing or commercial leader with proven track-record driving customer experience, employee engagement, cost efficiency and growth
  • 9+ years’ experience and strategic management of large customer engagements, marketing organisations and/or sales teams within Financial Services, Retail, Industrial or Consumer Goods, similar experience from strategy or consulting companies with focus on crafting clients’ commercial, customer service, marketing or sales strategies and implementing relevant business and technology transformations
  • Knowledge and experience of the leading customer-related technologies such as Salesforce, Microsoft, Amazon, Genesys etc. is an advantage, but curiosity and interest is a must
  • Strong track record developing people and fostering a performance culture. Proven experience managing teams of more than 10 people and individual accountability for successful project delivery is a requirement
  • C-level network and relationships and ability to drive sales. If you come from a consulting background, you have proven track record in sales
  • Strong communication skills and comfortable with public speaking
  • The ability to communicate complex ideas effectively, both verbally and in writing, in English and Danish
  • M.Sc. preferably in Marketing, Economics or Business with an excellent academic track record

Is this the role for you?

We are looking for someone that lives and breathes customer strategy & transformation with first-class customer experiences across the entire customer journey – and knows how to share this passion.

We want someone who even in complex organizational structures can effectively steer decisions towards the goal and keep a firm focus on delivering solutions.

Someone who has developed expertise, wisdom, and confidence through a combination of diligent high-paced work and high-quality project deliveries.

Someone who has excellent people skills both when it comes to building trusting client relationships and developing future leaders among the team members.

We want someone who can become an integral part of our successful and growing team, who is willing to invest in the development of the Customer practice and help us reach new heights when it comes to our functional topics and industry expertise.


Make your move - apply online and attach a CV and letter of application in English.

To learn more about Accenture, and how you will be challenged and inspired from Day 1, please visit our website at

We offer a long-term career, where you will constantly challenge yourself to learn and grow. Our performance achievement approach to performance management focuses on building on your strengths and maximize your potential. We are an organization that encourages diversity – and as a meritocracy everyone will be given equal opportunities based on performance and aspirations.

Equal is greater than - Accenture welcomes and encourages applications from diverse backgrounds related to gender, age, ethnicity, culture, race, religion and belief, disability, nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values, providing an environment where everyone brings distinct experience, talent and culture to their work. We invite you to be part of this diversity!

If you would like to be considered for employment opportunities with Accenture and need special assistance due to a disability or accommodation for a disability, please send an email to Accenture Recruitment Denmark [email protected]

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 20.8.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København

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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer