International Management Coordinator
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You will join the Management Support Team working across DRC’s Programme, Policy and External Relations Department (PPE) and Operations Departments currently consisting of four people. You will report to the Executive Director for Programme, Policy and External Relations. The Programme, Policy & External Relations (PPE) Department in DRC is responsible for developing DRC’s programmatic response, global strategies, advocacy, learning and knowledge sharing, expert deployments as well as for DRC’s asylum activities in Denmark. The department has around 120 employees, including representations in Brussels and Geneva. The two Geographical Operations Departments provide administrative and finance support to our operations worldwide. Operations also include the Safety team which is responsible for DRC’s safety word wide, and which conducts safety training courses on a regular basis. Some 40 employees work in Operations. If you thrive when being in the eye of the storm and if you find it utmost interesting to closely follow management’s global responsibility work, you will enjoy the international coordinator position. As the humanitarian field of work very often is a rapidly changing working environment a high degree of being able to re-align to new tasks and responsibilities on short notice is a huge advantage.
About the job
You will perform a variety of tasks to support the Executive Directors in their overall leadership and management responsibilities, and to support coordination and communication in the departments at large. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Support the Executive Director in PPE and the two Executive Directors for Operations in their overall leadership and management responsibilities
- Support the Strategy 2025 implementation process as part of the Strategy 2025 project group, including support to results management and strategic portfolio management.
- Help management to plan, initiate and coordinate strategic priorities, annual processes and workstreams across three departments and three Executive Directors.
- Prepare high-quality analyses, agendas, memos and decision-making materials for management meetings
- Follow up on selected actions, support change initiatives, and be the proactive coordinating body on implementation of management decisions in the department and across departments
- Ensure documentation and information management of management decisions and organizational processes
- Develop and lead internal communication initiatives in the departments and support communication across DRC
- Act as technical super user and coordinator for Insite and SharePoint, including onboarding and capacity-building, as well as maintenance of internal communication
- Respond to ad hoc requests across the departments
- Various administrative tasks
- In addition, you will be responsible and engaged in cross-departmental priorities and work processes, as required
About you
To undertake this role, we expect you to have strong generalist competencies, but above all a service minded, structured, and proactive nature. You should be able to establish oversight, take initiative, and be comfortable working in a team that provides flexible support according to management needs.
Competences of the successful applicant:
- Highly independent self-starter
- Good understanding of support needed to drive management work and support management accountabilities at senior levels
- Excellent coordination and communication skills – both oral and written
- Excellent interpersonal skills, a helpful and flexible attitude, and an ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment
- Excellent analytical and organisational skills
- Ability to balance competing priorities, work under pressure and carry out tasks in a structured and systematic manner.
- Excellent Office 365 skills (SharePoint, OneDrive, Outlook)
- Experience/interest in working with digital solutions for communication and collaboration.
- Experience in driving organisational change and/or strategic processes and projects is a strong asset.
- Interest in and flair for budgeting and administration is an asset.
- Academic degree (bachelor or masters)
- Experience within large, global companies or organisations
- Excellent English language skills – written and oral
- Excellent Danish language skills – written and oral
- Other specialized training relevant to the function
- Demonstrated experience with O365 apps, specific experience with SharePoint is an asset
- Proficiency in French
- Demonstrated experience with supporting organisational change and/or strategic processes and projects
- 1+ years of field experience within the humanitarian or development sector
In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:
Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.
Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.
Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.
Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.
Demonstrating integrity: Upholding and promoting the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to DRC’s values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.
We offer
Start: as soon as possible
Contract length: Permanent contract
Work hours: 37 hours (full time)
Salary and conditions: In accordance with the agreement between DRC and AC organisation. The position is on “fuldmægtig level”.
Workplace: DRC Headquarters, Borgergade 10, 1300 Copenhagen K.
Please note that due to the urgency to fulfil the position you need to have the right to work in Denmark (through nationality or existing work visa) in order to be considered for this role.
Application process
All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV in English. Apply online under Current Vacancies at . Applications sent by email are not considered.
We encourage applicants to apply as soon as possible and by 23 September at the latest.
Due to the urgency in filling this role, we will conduct interviews on a running basis.
Further information
For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website
For further information about the position, please contact Emilie Bak at [email protected] or Lone Jensen at [email protected].
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
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