Subscriptions & Loyalty

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3Shape is a world leading technology company headquartered in Copenhagen. Our aim is to lead digital dentistry in the global market, creating value for our customers and improving the lives of patients like you and I. We are a company with ambitious growth targets, and right now it has perhaps never been more exciting to join us!We are currently looking for a skilled Project Manager who is passionate about building and growing industry leading service subscriptions and memberships. You will be an important part of the Subscriptions & Loyalty team in our Customer Success function, and you will lead and execute strategic projects that deliver value to our subscribers and ultimately increases retention and loyalty.You will be a key part of a new and growing teamIn this role, you will work across departments to ensure that 3Shape’s subscriptions are market leading, and that members see value throughout their lifetime as a user. You will be working with the full subscription portfolio - one day you may be defining and improving a key part of our flagship subscription offering, while the next you may be strategizing with management on how to reduce churn rates in certain geographies, or building a business case for an improved offering to loyal and long-term members. On any day, you will work with a visionary team on developing a long-term sustainable and competitive loyalty model.Your tasks will include…
  • Supporting and very quickly owning projects with strategic importance and relevance for 3Shape’s subscription, retention, and loyalty strategy
  • Identifying, scoping, and prioritizing new initiatives to add further value to our subscription offerings, ensuring that we constantly improve our subscribers’ experience
  • Detailing and executing already known projects, including improving the engagement strategy and training concept already part of our core subscriptions
  • Work in close collaboration with the product manager for subscriptions and the owner of our community platform, to ensure initiatives are integrated into the product and platform roadmaps and business requirements
  • Close collaboration with our marketing and commercial excellence teams to develop the right automation and retention journeys, and to understand data and drive improvements, adjustments, and new ideas
  • Work with our regions to ensure our strategy and goals are anchored, that there is a clear division of labor, and to support a locally relevant and differentiated member experience within the constraints of the product strategy and direction
  • Provide content and input for development of marketing material, press releases, and other assets that drive brand awareness and new sales
  • Your qualifications probably fit this bill…
  • You are a top performer with a strategic and commercial mindset – this is probably your second or third job, and you are looking for a balance of commercial strategy and operational impact.
  • Perhaps you have previously worked with subscriptions, including pricing and packaging, loyalty concepts, or commercial excellence – or you have a broad commercial toolbox looking to be put to good use.
  • You have the drive to independently identify areas of opportunity for improvements to the customer experience, for 3Shape’s growth, or the strategic direction – and the persistence to suggest and initiate projects and tactics that execute on the opportunity.
  • You are data driven, always ask why, and only jump to conclusions when confident in your fact base
  • You are excited about the possibilities of combining physical and digital channels to create great member and user experiences – and a successful subscription product.
  • You can prioritize initiatives based on data-driven assessments of the business- and user needs, and the effort required to execute the initiative.
  • You have experience navigating a global organization and you are a talented and structured communicator with the ability to bring all stakeholders on board with the direction.
  • You probably have a commercial master’s degree or experience that provides similar qualifications.
  • Fluency in English, verbal and written is a given. Additional major languages will be an advantage.
  • To be successful in this role, we expect you to be creative, analytical, persistent, and empathetic. You are expected to develop your own opinions and recommendations – but also to be able to accept arguments and decisions that are not your own. In other words: you balance stubbornness and pragmatism perfectly.3Shape: An exciting, visionary, and international place to work3Shape is a high-energy, rapidly growing, and purpose-driven company with a strong innovation track record and highly motivated colleagues working primarily within the dental industry. We are driven by our strong values and our purpose to improve patients’ lives.You will be working in a dynamic and exciting environment and can expect to be both challenged and supported in your personal growth and development.We provide a great social work environment with many optional activities and employee clubs, ranging from wine, board games to bicycle clubs.Your work location will be in central Copenhagen, close to Kgs. Nytorv and public transport, in a modern and spacious office and can expect 5-10 days of travelling a year, flexible to your needs and situation.Get in touch now!Please do not hesitate to apply for this exciting opportunity at one of Denmark’s most successful and fastest-growing high-tech companies. Applications will be processed continuously. We do expect to close our search for this position during December 2021.
    We encourage all relevant applicants to apply. We are committed to celebrating human diversity, and we trust that the best way to reach outstanding business results, is by welcoming diverse people into our community.About us3Shape started with a simple idea - to make 3D scanning better. First, we applied it to the hearing industry, then we succeeded in dentistry. Now, twenty years later, 3Shape is 1,700+ employees globally. With the help of dental professionals and amazing colleagues we’re creating award-winning scanning and CAD/CAM solutions to change dentistry together! Together, we contribute to a better world. Experience the everyday #lifeat3Shape across the globe on Facebook.

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