Experienced IT Vendor Manager to Group IT,
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My name is Søren, and I am working as CIO at SOS International A/S. At SOS we help people in need 24/7/365 and aim at being the most trusted partner for our customers providing sustainable assistance to Nordic citizens across the world. In Group IT we develop, run and maintain the systems supporting these services to the end-users through a multi-vendor set-up. Will you help us make a difference and optimize our vendor management in a newly established role as part of the IT management team, then please read below.
Your new team
You will work closely together with our 9 department managers in Group IT. We have an informal and easy-going atmosphere, with room for joking and having fun, while challenging ourselves and each other to ensure a strong and valuable Group IT for the business. We work Nordic but your role will be based at Frederiksberg. From here you will work closely together with SOS Procurement and your many other stakeholders in- and outside of Group IT. Primarily in Denmark but collaboration with our Nordic offices outside of Denmark will occur.
In what areas will you contribute to Group IT?
In this new role, you will:
- Be responsible for ensuring that our partnerships are handled on a senior level.
- Create and maintain strong relations between the vendors and SOS – so strong that the partnerships remain even when we disagree, or projects fail.
- Through dialogue, pragmatism and cooperation, you solve issues without pointing at the contract.
- Act as a relationship manager and be on top of what we do and deliver from Group IT to the business to participate in detailed dialogues with vendors.
- Be contract responsible for all large agreements and partnerships in Group IT including our Outsourcing of datacenters to 3rd party, tele communication, Red Hat Open Shift and Microsoft Enterprise.
- Responsible for enforcing the agreements and follow up on agreed deliverables to maximize our outcome of each agreement.
- Be able to assess and capitalize risks.
- Create and maintain a portfolio overview of our smaller contracts and vendors.
- Own our vendor management process and train relevant colleagues in operational vendor management disciplines for smaller agreements.
- Ensure yearly license management in cooperation with relevant managers.
- Ensure that agreements are evaluated, re-negotiated or terminated in due time involving relevant stakeholders during the process.
- Facilitate supplier follow-up in Group IT for all contracts and execute it for larger contracts in close cooperation with the Group Legal, Group Procurement and Information Security departments.
- Ensure implementation of new contracts in Group IT.
All in all, to start with we need to get the basics right and ensure structure and order in an operational manner. You will have the opportunity to impact and form the role going forward and work towards a more strategic focus when we have the basics right and have matured our vendor management approach.
Is this who you are?
You come with a solid professional foundation and great insight and understanding of supplier collaboration and handling.
You have previously worked with suppliers in larger organizations or been on the supplier side. Experience with license management and understanding both sides of the customer / supplier collaboration is a plus.
As a person you are solution- and action oriented and not afraid of reaching out to others. You are pragmatic and navigate easily in a political environment without a mandate and know how and when to bring the right people together. You bring your experience and knowledge into play and manage to operationalize your knowledge and transform it into practice that works in our organization.
You are trustworthy, calm, positive, proactive, and committed and you thrive in complexity and change. You are structured and analytical in both planning and execution. Taking responsibility and initiative comes natural to you. You enjoy working in the area between people and IT and most importantly; you are a great colleague.
You speak and write Danish and English at a fluent and professional level. Preferably you know of ITIL, ISO27001 or ISO9001 – if not you are eager to know more.
The ideal candidate has experience from a similar position but in case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated.
Practicalities and where to meet up
The role will be based at our office at Nitivej, Frederiksberg, where the warm and welcoming SOS International culture is essential both socially and professionally.
We offer a beneficial salary package, a great canteen and flexible work conditions in terms of working from home and planning of time.
As I am processing applications ongoingly, I look forward to receive your application as soon as possible. You can submit your application by using the ”apply” button to the right.
If you have any questions regarding the role, please contact me on +45 21 69 66 76
Thanks for reading.
Best regards,
Søren Kofoed Weeke
CIO, SOS International
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