*Sr. Talent & Development Partner
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We are looking for a great colleague with seasoned experience as a true Talent Partner and building the bridge between the business and our talents by continuous developing our people in Copenhagen.
The position as Sr. Talent & Development Partner is an exciting and new position for us in Copenhagen, where you will lead the talent and succession planning strategy from A-Z. You will be responsible for identifying and filling skill gaps for talent and successors.
An important part of your role will include to build a foundation for attracting, developing and retaining talent in the organization by working closely with Line Managers to develop succession planning processes to grow our critical talent pipelines through business solutions by partnering with the Leadership Team and HR Business Partners.
You will drive and support the quarterly talent review process across all functions in collaboration with the HR Business Partners and the global Center of Excellence.
You will be reporting to the Head of HR in this role and join our team of 8 professional HR backgrounds (HR Business Partners, HR Assistant, HR Operations Manager, HR Generalists and Student Assistants).
The main focus areas will be talent assessment and development, linking to career paths development, driving succession planning, internal rotations and contribute to shape the new talent agenda linking development activities with our people focus and continuous improvement and growth strategy.
Other responsibilities next to talent management may include areas of Learning and Development, Organizational Development, Diversity & Inclusion and Employee Engagement, development of onboarding as performance management activities.
Further responsibilities
Learning & Development:
- You will have responsibilities related to the creation, preparation, delivery, coordination and needs assessment of the training and development curriculum at the Copenhagen site
- Design and develop e-learning programs using software such as Articulate 360
- Design and deliver live, virtual and blended learning programs, using synchronous and asynchronous formats
Organizational Development:
- You will support and coordinate different organizational and cultural development initiatives in driving transformation in areas of upskilling our employees
- You will facilitate and conduct Train-The-Trainer programs for HR relevant trainings
Employee Engagement:
- You will partner with our Employer Brand and Internal Communication Sr. Strategist on branding activities, securing collaboration with key universities, alumni’s, institutions, external partners
- Drive onboarding effectiveness through orientation programs, processes and evaluation mechanisms, continually looking for ways to improve and measure the new employee experience
- Responsible for driving the employee engagement survey cycle
- Link and align talent development processes with employer branding employee value proposition and employee experience
Diversity & Inclusion
- You will develop, implement and follow-up on initiatives within our diversity & inclusion strategy in collaboration with the Global Marketing and Employer Branding team
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities:
- Knowledge with curriculum development and building learning solutions to support employees’ development and experiential learning
- Experience creating learning-focused graphics and illustrations
- Able to learn new content quickly and develop training in limited time period
- Strong facilitation and public speaking skills
- Demonstrates excellent creative problem solving, project planning and interpersonal skills
- Licensed or certified in behavioral or leadership assessments for personal/ team development such as OPQ 32, Ken Blanchard Situational Leadership, DiSC, Gallup/ Strengths Based Leadership, Hogan, etc.
- Experienced with leadership development education in the pharmaceutical field or related field
- Demonstrated strong knowledge in instructor-led and e-learning software such as Articulate 360
- Technical aptitude and analytical skill set in using people data strategically
- A self-starter with demonstrated ability to work independently and adapt to rapidly changing deadlines and requirements
- Collaborative work style with ability to influence and support decision-making
- Effective planning, project management and organizational skills to be able to manage multiple projects at the same time
- Ability to thrive with great variation in tasks and navigate effectively in an environment of diverse stakeholders with different agendas
- You are learner and empathic in your approach to your stakeholders and develop anchoring relationships to promote effective partnership
Educational experience:
- Minimum plus 8+ years training experience required – preferably within Pharma or Biotech or GMP environment
- Masters in HRM or Organizational Psychology
- Experience working and implementing a learning management system (LMS)
- Strong proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, including Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint Excel
- Experience and applied knowledge of methodologies and tools in eLearning development required
- Coaching/ Consulting experience in a corporate setting required
If would like to hear more about the position, please contact Head of HR, Shiu-Jene Duong-Grunnet at +4525548050.
We look forward to receiving your application.
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AGC Biologics (AGC) is a global Contract Development Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) with bio-manufacturing facilities in Europe, Japan, Italy and the USA. The company provides a comprehensive range of commercial and clinical cGMP biologics manufacturing services, from DNA to active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The company’s team and approach are tailored to each of its client’s needs, whether turnkey manufacturing or sophisticated, stand-alone analytical, formulation and stability services.
Visit www.agcbio.com to learn why AGC Biologics is a World Leader in process development and contract manufacturing.
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Mere information om København
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