
Global Inisights Lead

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Come and drive Vivino’s new adventures as our Global Insights Lead. We're a growing scaleup with a global impact on the world of wine and we're on a mission to help people drink better wine by leveraging a community-driven platform and a marketplace powered by personalization. By joining Vivino as an Insights Lead, you will have the opportunity to help everyone discover the world of wine and drink the right wine every time.

An opportunity to establish an insights-fueled strategy, data-driven road-mapping, and evaluation frameworks
You’ll lead the charge in building a world-class insights organization that will ensure Vivino achieves our goals and continually improves our ability to understand our users by identifying new opportunities to serve them. You’ll lead a research and analysis function, developing qualitative and quantitative skills so that we have a thriving team that can generate well-rounded insights. Importantly, you’ll partner closely with senior leadership to inspire strategy and priorities.

To be effective, you will:
  • Create and continue to evolve our primary user research library, which the company uses to understand and make decisions
  • Establish regular benchmarking practices so that we can keep our user insights current and understand shifts over time
  • Institute and operate cross-functional user experience research and product analysis initiatives and forums across Vivino in order to evangelize and increase our user understanding
  • Ensure high-quality insight generation and testing practices across the entire organization
  • Join the product development leadership team and contribute expertise about our user and product insights to create a data-informed strategy and roadmap
  • Make key operational and organizational decisions in partnership with the CPO that affects hiring, people & culture, and ways of working practices
  • Represent work product at senior-most/board levels through presentation and facilitating key understanding sessions
  • Grow and continue to build a highly effective, skilled, healthy, and collaborative research organization
  • Be seen as a trusted leader across the product development organization by participating and leading key aspects of our planning and working processes
  • Establish standard practices and uses for research and analysis methodologies at Vivino – both for practitioners (UX Researchers and Analysts) and members of the product development teams that also participate in similar tasks
  • Ensure the tools and systems we use to generate insights are easy-to-use, effective, and deliver on-time, on-budget work (both internal tools/systems and those 3rd party tools we integrate with)

A creative force, a problem solver, and a naturally curious leader
We imagine that you are creatively pragmatic while also, embodying strong curiosity and an eagerness to learn. You understand the need for creative solutions because you do not believe that a problem has a "one size fits all" solution. You have a true passion for insights, so thinking about developing sustainable practices and identifying new business opportunities gives you a lot of satisfaction.

Just as importantly, you believe you have control over your own future and know from experience that this helps you maintain a structured and effective work environment; as a result, you cope well with uncertainty and enjoy establishing clear priorities. With this approach, you can easily persevere when faced with obstacles. You embrace a communicative environment by combining this mindset with your consistent goal of growth and motivation towards yourself and your peers.

We understand that we have a long wish list for our new employees, so don’t worry if you do not tick off all the bullets. However, if the following experiences and expectations resonate with you, we look forward to hearing from you!
  • 8+ years of experience using qualitative and quantitative methods of research and/or analysis to understand and contribute to the product development of consumer digital products
  • 5-10 years of experience managing interdisciplinary teams of 5-12 people. Remote leadership skills are a plus!
  • Strong project management and leadership skills and the resulting comfort with managing others to deadlines and
  • Experience working with senior management, both intra-departmental and across the company
  • Fluency in major program, project, and communication management software (Google Workspace, presentation software, project management, and workflow software)
  • Ability to read, write and speak English fluently

On our wish list, we also have some “Nice to have” wishes that include:
  • Educational background within HCI, Design, or Social Sciences (e.g. Psychology, Anthropology, etc.)
  • Experience managing external agencies and contractors, as well as budget management
  • A background working with departments from multiple technical backgrounds, from sub-disciplines of engineering, data science, and research to design

Who are we?
Vivino is the world's largest online wine marketplace and most downloaded wine app, powered by a community of millions. Vivino's unique wine shopping experience leverages community data to suggest personalized wine recommendations for each individual user. In addition to making wine discovery fun and effortless, Vivino is the best place for wine drinkers to buy wine. The Vivino app is available for download on Android and Apple devices.

We are a fast-paced, growing team with offices in San Francisco, California, and Copenhagen, Denmark. We also have teams worldwide in the UK, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, and Hong Kong.

Our team is passionate about our core purpose - to empower people everywhere to enjoy wine to the fullest. We do that every day by building technology and leveraging data that puts the power back in the hands of the consumer. We do not see wine as a commodity but as an offering of a cultural experience that was once out of reach for many but is now open to everyone.

Our five core values are:
  • Always Strive for Better
  • Work Together
  • Earn and Offer Trust
  • Be Approachable
  • Lead with Data

Contact and application
In this recruitment process we are assisted by European Search Company. For additional information about the position please contact Brian Ranvits on +45 2048 0548.

Applications are handled on an ongoing basis. So, please send your CV as soon as possible using the application button on this page.

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