Advisor to the International Management Team and Secretariat of the Danish Red Cross

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Elev - København

Are you interested in management processes, and do you have experience with providing proactive and efficient management support? Do you have strong organizational and communication skills and thrive in a role, where you are responsible for a wide variety of strategic and practical tasks involving many stakeholders? And do you have experience with and a keen interest in the humanitarian sector?Then you might be our new Advisor to the Danish Red Cross’ International Management Team.

You will be based in the International Secretariat at the Danish Red Cross Headquarters in Copenhagen and report to our International Director. The Secretariat assists the International Director and International Management team in uplifting strategic and key cross-cutting areas for the benefit of the International Department as a whole. The Secretariat aims to provide the best possible support to the International Director and ensure a well-functioning governance structure and smooth day-to-day running of the International Department, with colleagues based in HQ in Copenhagen and in our regional and country offices in Africa, MENA and EUR-ASIA. The Danish Red Cross’ international work is guided by our international strategy: Ready to Act.

Your tasks
You will be part of our small and dynamic Secretariat team and be responsible for a variety of tasks, which include:

  • Supporting the International Director/International Management in kick-starting and driving key development areas, including the development, implementation of and follow-up on key strategic processes in the International Department.

  • Assisting the International Director in coordinating and ensuring quality and timely delivery on corporate reporting requirements and developing core presentations as needed.

  • Supporting the International Director in engaging the Danish Red Cross in broader Red Cross Red Crescent movement initiatives and processes (global and regional).

  • Facilitating cross-departmental cooperation and coordination at the Danish Red Cross (with the National Department, General Secretariat, Comms etc.) on behalf of the International Director/International Department in relation to for example priority development areas and high-level visits/meetings.

  • Supporting the framework for the governance of the International Department and ensuring the development, planning, administrative coordination and follow-up of key events in the International Department, for example regular Management meetings, Global Management Meetings, monthly Department (field & HQ) meetings and annual virtual seminar/HQ seminars.

  • Managing the annual planning calendar of events and deliverables of the International Department

  • Acting as a focal point for the framework for internal communication including the intranet in close collaboration with our international comms partner (based in the communications department).

Your profile – we are looking for a new colleague who has:

  • Experience with proactive and efficient management processes and support
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Knowledge of and experience with the humanitarian sector
  • A proven track record in leading and coordinating complex processes and events involving a wide range of stakeholders
  • Ability to successfully manage, motivate and support colleagues and teams to deliver high quality and timely input providing direction and clear strategic guidance on requirements for a successful outcome.
  • Ability to systematically synthesize, organize and present information
  • A flexible, proactive mindset with strong diplomatic and problem-solving skills
  • Planning, facilitation and coordination skills and the ability to prioritize tasks with the larger, common goal in mind
  • Strong communication skills and you enjoy working with many different people across the organization and across different cultures.
  • Excellent English and Danish language skills (verbal and written).
  • Flexibility to travel (to some extent)

We offer
A full-time position of 37 working hours per week in a busy and inspiring workplace with flexibility and attention towards staff welfare. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to work in a well-functioning motivated team and contribute to the Danish Red Cross’ ambitions for global humanitarian impact. You will refer to the International Director in Copenhagen.

Salary and employment conditions will comply with the relevant Danish Red Cross’s collective bargaining agreements (academic/AC or HK ).

How to apply
We look forward to receiving your application via the Red Cross home page no later than October 9th. Interviews are expected to take place in the week October 10th – 14th. The expected start day is as soon as possible, no later than December 1st.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact: Peter Klansø, International Director, [email protected] , +45 21 49 71 10.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 26.9.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Øvrige
  • København
  • Søndag den 09. oktober 2022

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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer