Associate Consultant
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Start your consulting career in our leading cybersecurity company
At Omada, we help companies around the world in securing their data. We achieve this by combining our award-winning solutions with our committed and problem-solving employees. If you get motivated by being entrepreneurial, contributing to the constant improvement of software solutions, and having a service-minded attitude, then Omada is the place for you to kick off your career in IT consulting.
The demand for data protection and innovative solutions in IT governance becomes higher and higher every day, and we are investing in new IGA Associate Consultants to continue helping our customers succeed. We have our headquarters in Copenhagen, and offices in Central and Western Europe, and the United States. We work in close partnership with our customers to make sure we make a sustainable impact on their business through high-quality IT solutions.
At Omada, an Associate Consultant is part of an international team of highly skilled consultants with broad experience within the field of Identity Governance and Administration. You will have the opportunity to engage with projects at renowned firms across different industries and countries.
Every day, you will be learning by implementing our solutions, starting with a graduate program and with constant support from your team and, cross-department colleagues. As an Omadian, taking care of the relationship with our customers and coming up with innovative approaches that continuously improve our services is what we do.
Depending on our project demands, you can be expected to work at our customers' offices in different locations, in the headquarters office in Copenhagen, or remotely from home.
- Your team will be a group of diverse people with different levels within consultancy and different backgrounds, who are always willing to help and make you feel the Omadian spirit. We are ambitious in everything that we do, and having a mix of like-minded people, together with our innovative solutions, constitutes our unique value proposition.
- In Omada, we believe that great teamwork creates extraordinary results. Therefore, an experienced mentor will be assigned to you to guide you through your first year, hand you your first tasks, and answer any questions you might have.
- We are committed to creating value-adding solutions, therefore, to help you get a fast 360-degree look into IGA and our solutions, you will be onboarded in a training camp, together with other new employees and customers.
- To get to know each other and different people in our organization, we hold short meetings every week and share a personal story or a hobby.
- You can join your team at Friday bars, team activities, and company-wide events.
- Coffee is a must and is provided at the office, the same goes for lunch and beverages, and we do have breakfasts on Fridays. You will receive your laptop and can choose where you would like to seat as we have an open office space arrangement - in a great location, with access to a terrace.
- You have a strong interest in and a good understanding of IT and will value the robust, professional IGA training you will receive upon hire. You can easily learn how to use new software, tools, and technical concepts within weeks, by playing, trying, and imitating.
- You have completed your high-level education within the past two years or you are about to graduate this January in areas that require logical thinking and pragmatic approaches, such as IT, economics, finance, science, and/or engineering.
- You are methodical at analyzing problems and can explain and document them in easy-to-understand formats: whiteboard, slides, written documents, graphs, and mind maps.
- You feel comfortable leading discussions between people from different cultures and backgrounds, work well in teams, and can run workshops, bringing people together for a common understanding.
- You can translate your knowledge into specific areas and topics in innovative ways to solve the problems at hand, you are used to dealing with large amounts of data and can easily find patterns and associations.
- You have great communication skills and an ability to understand the needs of a customer or a colleague and can provide a solution to a problem. At Omada, we value proactive people, who speak up and anticipate customers’ needs.
- You speak, read, and write fluently in English.
Omada is a modern technology company with a highly skilled and passionate team. We have a strong culture based around Team, which in Greek is Omada!
Omada’s core values are Teamwork, Ambition, Delivery of Value in everything we do, and Constant Care. We are seeking long-standing relationships with our employees as we believe in the mutual positive effects these provide.
Omada offers flexible working conditions in a modern work environment, and we are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
If this has caught your interest, apply now! We will interview on an ongoing basis.
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Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 21.10.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Øvrige
- København
- Tirsdag den 08. november 2022
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Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer