*Global Release Management Specialist
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Position Description:
- The Release Manager Specialist reports to the manager in the Global Application team. Release Manager Specialist, in DevOps, is responsible for scheduling, planning, and controlling the software developments, support changes, and the delivery process.
- As a Release Manager Specialist, you will be responsible for handling and coordinating the DevOps team to make them deliver the services on time and will manage both IT operations and developers for this task.
- You will be responsible for the Release Management lifecycle that involves the stages such as scheduling the release, coordinating between teams, and deployment of release as per the schedule and roadmap aligned with the Business Leads.
- As a Release Manager Specialist, you will have to release the software after completing the testing stage and deployment stage, and work closely with the application development team, testing team, and production team. You will have to maintain proper coordination between these teams to update the project related information.
- You need to define the strategic usage of release management tools to manage the optimal strategy for the release.
- Overall, you will be concerned with planning, testing, tracking, release, deployment, communication, and risk management.
Release Manager Roles and Responsibilities:
- From a birds-eye view, you will spend most of your time planning, testing, tracking, release, deployment, communication, and risk management. Below are some details:
- Plan the release of project deliverables and release life cycle for updates and ordinary changes.
- Communicate the project-related tasks such as plans, timelines, requirements, etc. between different teams.
- Coordinate the release schedule and resources required depending upon the third-party applications, defect backlogs, planned releases, and infrastructure updates.
- Identify the risks that can delay the release and manage them, such that the scope scheduled, and quality of the release is not affected.
- Track the progress and find issues, if any. Always work to improve the process of release.
- Make sure that the release is planned, according to the requirements and budget.
- Schedule the release readiness reviews before deployment and milestone reviews after each release.
- Create plans for the implementation and deployment as per the release schedule.
- Plan and give weekly updates on the release activities
- Communicate and coordinate with managers from different IT departments.
- Lead the Go-Live activities to deploy the software successfully.
- Team up with relevant development teams responsible for building the automation tools used to develop and deploy the software.
- Schedule the CAB meetings to discuss the release schedules with the Business team and find roadblocks, if any.
- Maintain documentation related to procedures on build and release, various notifications lists, and dependencies.
- Make improvements in the methodologies used for configuration management and development of software that helps to find ways to use in configuration management.
As the role of a Release Manager Specialist is quite competent, so you need to master or at least be an expert in some of the key technical skills. In addition to that, some soft skills are also required to make the communication easier and the coordination between different teams to go easy.
- Bachelor in Computer Science or an equivalent degree
- Project management experience
- Knowledge of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CD/CI) pipelines
- Experience in working with DevOps and Agile methodologies
- Working knowledge of Software Development Lifecycle
- Knowledge of computer programming
- Team management skills
- Experience in the use of Application Release Automation.
- Knowledge of traditional agile methodologies, including Scrum, Waterfall, or Kanban
- Good understanding of application infrastructure, system architecture, and operating system
- Demonstrated Business domain knowledge of enterprise-wide ERP-related business and technical processes (including functional areas such as: Finance, Operations, and Supply Chain)
- Experience with IT Operations and documentation in a GMP environment
- Ability to be flexible about project changes and dynamically mitigate risks in the moment with mid-course corrective action
- Experience in Biotech or regulated industries a plus
Soft Skills:
- Excellent communication skills
- Leadership skills
- Project management skills with knowledge of presentation
- Problem-solving and analytics skills
- Team and time management skills
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AGC Biologics (AGC) is a global Contract Development Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) with bio-manufacturing facilities in Europe, Japan, Italy and the USA. The company provides a comprehensive range of commercial and clinical cGMP biologics manufacturing services, from DNA to active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The company’s team and approach are tailored to each of its client’s needs, whether turnkey manufacturing or sophisticated, stand-alone analytical, formulation and stability services.
Visit www.agcbio.com to learn why AGC Biologics is a World Leader in process development and contract manufacturing.
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