Partner Selection & Management Director within PostNord Worldwide Connect
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Partner Selection & Management Director within PostNord Worldwide Connect
Connect the Nordics with the rest of the world
PostNord Worldwide Connect is being formed to address a significant business opportunity by helping shippers from around the world export their merchandise to the Nordic countries. We have not been able to exploit this opportunity with our current organization setup, and we believe creating a team dedicated towards the international opportunity will bridge the gap to win more international business.
It is all about growth. This means that PostNord Worldwide Connect over the next 3-4 years is expected to achieve an annual impact for PostNord of more than SEK 2.5 billion revenue. The task is building our market presence beyond our home markets, bringing Nordic consumers closer to the rest of the world.
This will be achieved through empowering our own- and partner sales channels, and this small team of dedicated professionals will in many ways become a speedboat of change, helping PostNord achieve its growth ambitions.
Are you ready to fundamentally rethink how we deliver value to international customers and -partners, bring out the best in everyone around you, and do what is right, even when it is hard? We don’t just talk about it, we do it. Do you?
Main areas of responsibilities
- Strategic review key markets outside the Nordics, recommending how PostNord best extract maximum Nordic volumes.
- Detect, select, engage, contract, and onboard channel partners in markets with high Nordic potential in parcel/packet.
- Develop and lead partner candidate analysis, engagement, and selection process.
- Develop and lead partner negotiation and contracting process.
- Develop and lead partner onboarding, implementation, and hyper-care processes.
- Develop an ecosystem-based value proposition towards existing and new partners.
- Lead, develop, and implement of ambitious Growth- & Development Plans with our partners, creating partner buy-in to deliver the set growth targets.
- Provide leadership for the team of partner managers, including:
- Lead and close the (annual) rate negotiations, ensuring that the contract’s terms and conditions are well aligned to the set objectives.
- Lead partner operational support, including technology and data flow aspects.
- Lead partner operations development and network synchronization/optimization.
- Lead Partner Contract management, through the partner managers.
- Support the Partner Managers in their preparation of the quarterly business review and other standard fora and meetings with the partner(s).
- Develop and lead partner audit process in conjunction with Group Internal Audit
- Establish an in-depth understanding of the physical flow of parcels, the partners operational process, their interface with PostNord, and the data flows between our two organisations.
- Provide thought leadership towards partners.
Requirements/ Qualifications
- Individual
Experience: (Need-to-have)
- Strong understanding of the parcel/packet industry, standard products and how they support our partners’ business.
- Strong commercial awareness and astuteness, with a keen eye for reading the interests of the existing and new partner(s), with proven ability to build productive, business-professional relationships.
- Strong ability to clarify decision points and alternatives.
- International commercial and/or operational work experience, preferably outside the Nordics in a multi-cultural environment.
- Excellent listening- and social skills; in conversation, moves with ease between strategic, tactical and operations subject.
- Strong creative problem-solving skill set with equally strong execution and follow-through.
Meritorious experience: (Nice-to-have)
- Proven track record of planning time from annual via quarterly and monthly to weekly and daily activities.
- Self-aware (strengths, weaknesses, and how to work with others).
System requirement:
- Familiar with standard tools such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Salesforce
Language requirement:
- Fluent in spoken & written English.
- Fluency in German and a Scandinavian language is an added benefit.
Other requirement:
- Ability to deliver on time-sensitive initiatives and tasks, respecting other people’s time.
- Fit to travel in- and outside the Nordics, with a proven track record of travelling.
- Holds a valid passport and driver’s license.
Personal traits, attitude, and values:
- o Partner Enablement:
- Results-oriented, innovative, and analytical with drive for chance
- Works with and through people to achieve results.
- Delegates details more freely than authority – tight on both. Controls with frequent check-ins
- Results-oriented and decisive.
- Innovative, self-motivated, and a calculated risk-taker.
- Thinks big-picture and anticipates problems.
- Able to deal with pressure and multiple priorities. Functions/deals well with ambiguity.
- Organised and thorough follow-up.
- Needs to get things done quickly & correctly.
- Needs to feel confident in the knowledge acquired
- o Attitude of
- Can do
- Brave, Accountable, Committed,
- Ambitious
- Curious
- Empathetic
- Humble
- Optimistically realistic
- Professional
- Genuine & Honesty
- Cooperative
- Enthusiastic
- Responsible
- o Represents the team values of
- Innovation
- Determination
- Respectful
- Trustworthiness
We offer you:
- Work in a Nordic and dynamic environment.
- Great occupational pension terms.
- Great development opportunities and a continuous learning culture.
- Employment in Copenhagen.
The employment takes place in accordance with an individual contract.
The workplace is PostNord's country office at Hedegaardsvej 88, 2300 Copenhagen S. (right by Femøren Station).
Welcome with your application!
Selection is ongoing and we want your application as soon as possible.
If you want to know more about the job, you are welcome to contact Flemming Frost, email address: [email protected]
About Postnord
We make everyday life easier!
PostNord is the leading supplier of communication and logistics solutions to, from, and within the Nordic region. We ensure the provision of a postal service to households and businesses in Sweden and Denmark. We aim to make everyday life easier and more sustainable for everyone who lives and works in the Nordic region.
We are accountable, brave and committed, effectively leading change regardless if we lead our self or others. We emphasize teamwork, sincerity and positive relationships in the workplace.
We build on our success and learn from both colleagues and mistakes. People with different backgrounds work with us. You will therefore be part of a workplace with great diversity, which contributes to better results for the business. Visit us at
Vi gør hverdagen lettere. PostNord er førende inden for pakke- og logistiktjenester til, fra og inden for Norden. Vi sikrer postservice til private og virksomheder i Sverige og Danmark, uanset hvor de bor og arbejder. PostNord forbinder virksomheder, myndigheder og privatpersoner og muliggør forretning, handel og kommunikation i Norden. Med vores ekspertise og et veludviklet distributionsnet skaber vi forudsætningerne for fremtidens e-handel, distribution, logistik og kommunikation i Norden. I 2020 havde koncernen ca. 28.000 medarbejdere og en omsætning på 38,7 mia. SEK. Moderselskabet er et svensk aktieselskab (publikt bolag) med hovedkontor i Solna, Sverige. Besøg os på
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Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 11.4.2023, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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