Junior Treasurer - Asset & Liability Management
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Do you have a genuine interest in the financial market and want to build on your knowledge with combining financial with a more technical horizon? Are you motivated by working in a dynamic group function in an international organization with likeminded passionate people?
We are looking for a Junior Treasurer to join our passionate and skilled Asset Liability Management team of three employees, which is globally responsible for Saxo Group balance sheet, liquidity, collateral and related P/L budgets. We continuously collaborate with other areas like Finance, Risk, Markets, Operations and Technology with whom we co-create and engage to achieve common group objectives, and optimize revenues, cost and capital capacity within these. You will be reporting directly to the Head of Asset Liability Management.
The responsibilities in the team are, but not limited to:
- Assisting in optimal management of the groups liquidity and ensuring the right internal and external infrastructure is in place
- Assisting in managing and development of the daily collateral management processes
- Assisting in managing the risk in Saxo’s banking book
- Assisting in development of Asset and Liability management and P/L reporting tools
- Assisting in the enhanced development of the internal FTP model for Liquidity and Capital across the bank to create the right incentives for our stakeholders
- Providing support to internal and external stakeholders, across products, initiatives and compliance
Your profile:
The ideal candidate has a genuine interest in banking and an understanding of how the balance sheet of a bank looks and is interested in building that understanding. At the same time, you have hands on experience (can be from former student positions or from your studies) managing data in Python and/or SQL. We want to state that this is a junior position, so you will be given tools and support to come up to speed quickly.
Furthermore, you:
- Hold a relevant master’s degree within economics, finance, engineering or similar.
- Have understanding of how banking, financial markets and asset & liability management works.
- Have hands on experience with Python, SQL and similar languages.
- An understanding of how to leverage technology in finding future-proof business solutions.
Furthermore, we are looking for a candidate who is structured, detail-oriented and analytical. You are a team player who enjoys to knowledge share and listen and challenges other’s perspective(s). You have good cross-functional collaborative skills and enjoy or would like to be part of working within an international dynamic environment. You are self-driven with a passion for optimizing processes and a drive to find intelligent and scalable solutions.
Please don't hesitate to apply even if you are not fulfilling all of the mentioned requirements or don’t have experience with all the above mentioned areas. We will be happy to hear from you.
Due to the summer holiday, you can expect to hear back from us at the earliest mid-August.
We offer:
Group Finance is responsible for the following corporate functions in the value chain within the bank: Finance, Legal, Procurement and Treasury.
At Saxo IT and the business are integrated into the same teams, ensuring end-to-end ownership. We are organized based on what we want to do for our clients rather than on subject matter expertise. Within Finance you will work together with people from different disciplines.
Some of the key responsibilities for the division include:
• Controlling cost and generating higher and more stable revenue, leading to an improved EBIT margin
• Managing capital cost and regulation efficiently to generate an improved return on Equity
• Supporting mergers and Acquisitions for the Group
• Supervising and overseeing the review, negotiation and drafting of major contracts, tender documents and other legal documents, as required by the operational departments
• Organizing and managing liquidity globally
We aspire to be a non-hierarchical, purpose-driven organisation. At Saxo, it is not about entitlement; it is about impact – no matter where you sit in the organisation. A good idea is always taken seriously and you can truly make a difference.
When you work here, you become a Saxonian. Obviously you will get an attractive compensation package. But we also invest in your personal development and offer you large responsibility from day one. We encourage an open feedback culture and a supportive team environment. If you show a collaborative spirit, drive and passion, your learning curve will be steep and your (international) career opportunities with Saxo immense.
At Saxo we don’t just offer a job – we offer an opportunity to invest in your future!
How to apply:
Click the Apply button to create an account and upload your resume (and a short motivation). We look forward to getting to know you better!
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Mere information om København
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