Senior Group Director, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

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<p>Ramboll has launched an ambitious strategy; "The Partner for Sustainable Change". Building on Ramboll’s purpose and strong sustainable offering, the strategy aims to go all in on sustainability by orienting our entire offering, client base and company presence around four unifying sustainability themes. It means that on all projects Ramboll will offer clients alternative solutions on how to improve the sustainability of their projects and will collaborate very closely with clients and partners to bring the best of Ramboll’s sustainability insight, innovation power and design excellence. Ramboll will focus on four sustainability themes, where societal and client needs intersect with Ramboll’s expertise: decarbonisation, urban resilience and liveability, resource management and circularity, and biodiversity. In each of the four themes, Ramboll intends to be a global leader, and in the green energy transition the ambition is to become the global industry leader.</p><p>We are now looking for a Senior Group Director, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility to lead on the implementation of our strategy acting as the driver of cross-functional and cross-business unit collaboration. You will be a thought leader within Sustainability and act as the voice of Ramboll internally, and externally to stakeholders and the wider market. Your experience in ESG will ensure that we role model in our industry regarding how we act through transparency and disclosure in both our ESG reporting and human rights due diligence. You will build on our strong sustainability commitment in supporting the creation of a Learning Universe to support the development of our people enabling them to support on Ramboll’s strategy as well as strengthening knowledge sharing communities across the organisation.  </p><p><strong>You will lead our Group Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility function</strong></p><p>As our Senior Group Director, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, reporting to the Group Executive Board, your team functions as a Centre of Excellence for Sustainability through a network of Sustainability Directors in our 16 business units. You will directly lead a team of 7, responsible for the further development of Ramboll’s position as a responsible corporate citizen and as a leading service provider of sustainable solutions. You will lead the team in designing and delivering upon the activities within the 4 pillars of our commitments:</p><ul><li>Act Responsibly (Corporate Responsibility, Ethics etc.)</li><li>Shape Sustainable Solutions (Project Delivery, tools etc.)</li><li>Engage in Society (advocacy, volunteering, etc.)</li><li>Upskilling all our employees through our Sustainability Learning Universe.</li></ul><p>As Ramboll goes all in on sustainability, the role of the Sustainability & CR Director requires extended ability to collaborate and co-create across markets and geographies and relies upon close relations to the Network and other Group functions. The Sustainability & CR function is host and responsible for the Secretariat of Ramboll’s Ethic committee. The Committee discuss and develops guidance for identified and new sustainability dilemmas and ensures that the Ramboll Foundation Legacy is upheld when dilemmas are met. </p><p>Furthermore, the function is also the Secretariat for Ramboll’s social impact programme, Flourish that invites employees across Ramboll to come together and use their skills and expertise to support underserved groups and communities.</p><p><strong>Your key tasks and responsibilities will be:</strong></p><ul><li>shaping our ESG roadmap to support Ramboll’s strategy and ensuring compliance with upcoming European legislation.</li><li>providing leadership for our Corporate Climate Action with performance meeting our strategy targets 2025, and our Science Based net zero journey towards 2040 with the aim to go beyond compliance and increasing our impact & leadership on specific climate improvement areas (e.g. Carbon removal program, Water & Waste).</li><li>implementing human rights impact assessments and project level due diligence</li><li>continuously developing sustainability tools and indicators to be integrated into our account management, CRM system and Project Execution Model.</li><li>Driving continued development of Ramboll Sustainability Learning Universe (currently +10.000 active users) targeting sustainability in our projects, and embracing comments and feed-back from the users.</li><li>Maintaining our international sustainability rankings and academic partnerships, as well as Ramboll’s best practice repository supporting our sustainability position in various internal and external materials.</li><li>Ensure that Ramboll is relevant for our most important clients, the value chains and client sectors.</li><li>Ensure implementation of sustainability in project delivery through the Sustainability impact programme;</li><li>Responsible for driving the ”Flourish” programme; in partnership with the Ramboll Foundation with the aim to help people and nature flourish beyond our projects with professional volunteering activities;</li><li>Represent and position Ramboll externally as a thought leader in provider of sustainable solutions and lead engagement and a strong voice in key platforms such as UNFCCC COP, SBTi and WBSCD.</li></ul><p><strong>Your starting point for constant growth</strong></p><p>From the moment you join Ramboll, we will support your personal and professional development so that you grow with the company. For this role, we believe your starting point is:</p><ul><li>Significant Professional experience within Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility</li><li>Ability to demonstrate thought leadership on such subjects as climate change, sustainability, liveable cities etc. with a strong external network;</li><li>Knowledge and experience in the requirements for sustainability reporting e.g. ESG, SBTi, UN Global Compact;</li><li>Strong influencing and stakeholder management capabilities</li><li>Proven leadership skills in an international matrixed organization</li><li>Solid experience as a senior leader and a leader of people formally and informally;</li><li>Ability to translate strategy into action and role model cross-functional and organisational collaboration;</li><li>Comfortable and experienced working with executive stakeholders and senior level management</li><li>Academic degree at Master level</li><li>Superior communication skills in English</li></ul><p>Personal qualities that will help you succeed in this role include: confidence as a communicator with superior stakeholder management and networking skills, an affinity for team work, cross-discipline collaboration as well as natural leadership able to motivate others across geographies and disciplines.</p><p><strong>Why you should work at Ramboll? </strong></p><p><strong>We have an ambitious Strategy:</strong> we go all on sustainability and have current more than 10.000 employees in our Sustainability Learning Universe  - all with high ambitions to contribute to a more sustainable world.</p><p><strong>We invest in your development: </strong>we provide training and education that develops skills. For your long-term growth, our development dialogue program provides opportunities for you to shape the focus and pace of your career.</p><p><strong>Leaders you can count on:</strong> Our four Leadership Principles define what great leadership looks like in Ramboll: Be a Role Model, Create Stakeholder value, Shape the Future and Develop Bright Minds. Guided by these principles, our leaders enable you to deliver your best.</p><p><strong>Be valued for who you are:</strong> Ramboll respects, embraces, and invites diversity in all it’s forms. We are focused on creating an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive, We provide on-going education for all employees on equality, diversity, and inclusion, and guide our people at all levels so they can be role models for inclusivity.</p><p><strong>Flexible work environment:</strong> We offer a flexible hybrid work environment to encourage and empower you to plan and shape your work, with each role and market having unique flexibility opportunities.</p><p><strong>Welcome to our Group Organisation</strong></p><p>In Ramboll’s Group Organisation we are proud to work for a company with a purpose to create sustainable societies. With our 2025 Group Strategy we go ‘all in on Sustainability’ and focus on how we as a company can create value for our clients, people, and the societies we are in. We are a member of UN Global Compact and are committed to Science Based Net Zero Targets. We understand and are excited about the effort and collaboration needed to further develop and implement sustainability across our operation. This is our drive.</p><p><strong>Ramboll Group</strong></p><p>Ramboll is a leading engineering, architecture and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945, with 16,000 employees globally. Our head office is in Denmark, and we invite you to contribute to a sustainable future, working in an open, collaborative and empowering culture. </p><p><strong>How to apply</strong></p><p>Apply online. Attach your CV, cover letter and relevant documents showcasing why you are the right fit for the role, and when you are available to start.</p>

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