
Chief Information Officer

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Chief Information Officer

Abacus Medicine Group

Are you an ambitious and visionary IT leader eager to shape the future of a highly data-driven organization?

Abacus Medicine Group, a rapidly expanding and innovative company, is seeking a skilled and experienced leader to fill the newly established role of Chief Information Officer (CIO). In line with Abacus Medicine Group´s recently launched strategy, all IT-related teams will be merged into one organization, with the aim of strengthening the company and drive business forward.

Therefore, the position as CIO requires a transformational leader who can inspire and motivate the teams to embrace change, foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, and develop a robust IT Business strategy aligned with business objectives, enabling Abacus Medicine Group to reach their very ambitious targets.

As the CIO at Abacus Medicine Group, you will report directly to CEO Flemming Wagner and hold a top management position in the company.

Drive Transformation, Change Management, and Strategic Innovation

As CIO, you will be responsible for driving the transformation from several teams in the organization into ONE division working towards the same goals, focusing on being the best possible partner for the business while empowering their team members, and ensuring talents are inspired to be part of the journey.

As CIO, you will provide strategic vision and leadership, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and excellence, as well as you will establish strong relationships with key stakeholders across the organization. You must develop, execute, and communicate a clear IT strategy aligned with Abacus Medicine Group’ overall business and growth objectives. Being a highly data-driven organization, this is of utmost importance for Abacus Medicine Group’s continuous success.

Simultaneously, you will be responsible for change management, developing and implementing strategies to ensure the successful adoption of new technologies, processes, and systems. Proactively identifying and addressing resistance to change will be vital, as you provide guidance and support to overcome challenges. As the CIO, you must foster a culture of change readiness, encouraging employees to embrace and champion transformative initiatives.

Experienced Leader with Commercial and Technical Acumen

To succeed in this role, you must possess both commercial and technical acumen while being a highly experienced leader able to inspire and guide individuals and leaders through transformative endeavours. Furthermore, you bring the following qualifications:

  • Minimum 7-10 years’ experience from a senior role, leading a corporate IT organization on an international level.
  • Experience from a larger company with a complex business structure/supply chain.
  • Solid commercial understanding and the ability to bridge business needs with IT solutions.
  • Strong leadership and management skills, with the ability to lead leaders and navigate within top management levels.
  • Excellent decision-making and problem-solving abilities, capable of making timely decisions and adapting to change in a fast-paced environment.

Apply now!

The recruitment process is carried out in collaboration with the consulting company Compass Human Resources Group. If you want to learn more about this position before applying, please do not hesitate to contact Partner, Christian Winther or Research Consultant, Signe Bülow Hansen at +45 70 20 12 75. Please submit your CV as soon as possible, if you are interested, as they will be processed on an ongoing basis. Please note that all enquiries will be handled with confidentiality and that we will reply to the email address from which you send your CV.

About Abacus Medicine Group
Abacus Medicine Group was founded on the basis of a growing call for competition in the Danish pharmaceutical market to the benefit of Danish hospitals. To answer this call, Flemming and John Wagner founded Abacus Medicine Group with the purpose of carrying out parallel import and parallel distribution of original medicine within the EU.

Not long after it was founded, Abacus Medicine Group entered the Danish pharmaceutical market. Following this successful entrance, the company expanded its reach to Germany and Sweden. Since then, Abacus Medicine Group has pursued a vigorous and highly successful multi-market strategy, and the parallel import services are now available in 12 European markets with more to come.

Apart from Abacus Medicine Groups’ many active sales markets, the company also has sales offices in 6 European countries: Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Spain and United Kingdom. The office in Copenhagen, Denmark functions as the headquarter for both the Group and Abacus Medicine Group.

Deadline: As soon as possible
Workplace: Copenhagen
Reference: 2318.210Company: Abacus Medicine Group

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Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer