Senior Portfolio Lead
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Do you want a key role in making our new technology strategy a global success?
Do you want a key role in making our new technology strategy a global success?
Do you excel within agile portfolio management, and do you want to put your personal mark on the roll out of a new technology strategy for a leading, global technology company? This job is your chance.
Do you excel within agile portfolio management, and do you want to put your personal mark on the roll out of a new technology strategy for a leading, global technology company? This job is your chance.
At Milestone you will join a leading, global provider of video management software and contribute to our 20+ years of continuous and global growth. If we want to stay ahead, we need to champion strategy and project execution, and that’s exactly where you enter the scene.
At Milestone you will join a leading, global provider of video management software and contribute to our 20+ years of continuous and global growth. If we want to stay ahead, we need to champion strategy and project execution, and that’s exactly where you enter the scene.
Bring overview, clarity and common understanding across a global portfolio.
Bring overview, clarity and common understanding across a global portfolio.
Bring overview, clarity and common understanding across a global portfolio.
At its core, your job is to ensure that our many parallel programs and initiatives are aligned according to the new strategy. And yes, smart tools, clever dashboards and the like will naturally help you. However, at the end of the day, it’s just as much about enabling people to understand the bigger picture so they can be their very best and bring the most value of their personal contributions. You will be a driver for securing continuous experimentation, decentralized control, and valuable transparency.
At its core, your job is to ensure that our many parallel programs and initiatives are aligned according to the new strategy. And yes, smart tools, clever dashboards and the like will naturally help you. However, at the end of the day, it’s just as much about enabling people to understand the bigger picture so they can be their very best and bring the most value of their personal contributions. You will be a driver for securing continuous experimentation, decentralized control, and valuable transparency.
As such, you will interact with multiple people to ensure that you are constantly up to date so you can ensure that your dashboard provides the right information – and make it possible to act in due time when necessary. Your primary tasks will be to:
As such, you will interact with multiple people to ensure that you are constantly up to date so you can ensure that your dashboard provides the right information – and make it possible to act in due time when necessary. Your primary tasks will be to:
Collaborate with the Technology Group & Technology Leadership Team to understand and align the technology portfolio with the company's strategic vision and objectives.
Collaborate with
the Technology Group &
Technology Leadership Team
to understand and align the technology portfolio with the company's strategic vision and objectives.
Gather and maintain project/initiative documentation from relevant stakeholders.
Gather and maintain project/initiative documentation from relevant stakeholders.
Follow up on the resource planning process between initiatives, products & platforms.
Follow up on the resource planning process between initiatives, products & platforms.
Establish & facilitate Governance Forums at the Portfolio Level
Establish & facilitate Governance Forums at the Portfolio Level
Prepare data and reports for various stakeholders with an understanding of the different needs of each.
Prepare data and reports for various stakeholders with an understanding of the different needs of each.
Provide regular updates on the progress, risks, and achievements within the portfolio including preparation and co-hosting of review events for the Technology Leadership Team
Provide regular updates on the progress, risks, and achievements within the portfolio including preparation and co-hosting of review events for the Technology Leadership Team
Your new workplace will be the Milestone headquarters in Brøndby, Copenhagen.
Your new workplace will be the Milestone headquarters in Brøndby, Copenhagen.
Solid experience across agile project and portfolio management in an international setup
Solid experience across agile project and portfolio management in an international setup
Solid experience across agile project and portfolio management in an international setup
Being successful in a role like this, calls for a genuine enabler. If you are this person, you simply like people and you are curious to understand their drivers and motivation, as well as the opposite. It’s not important for you to have your will. You get your kicks when seeing your efforts drive collaboration across teams in flow, generate motivation, stimulate innovation, and nurture better results.
Being successful in a role like this, calls for a genuine enabler. If you are this person, you simply like people and you are curious to understand their drivers and motivation, as well as the opposite. It’s not important for you to have your will. You get your kicks when seeing your efforts drive collaboration across teams in flow, generate motivation, stimulate innovation, and nurture better results.
You will naturally also need your above average overview and your ability to bring people together across professional, cultural, and geographical boundaries. When adding your good communication skills, you can provide common understanding of the overall objectives and handle conflicts in a constructive way. Additionally, your resume comprises:
You will naturally also need your above average overview and your ability to bring people together across professional, cultural, and geographical boundaries. When adding your good communication skills, you can provide common understanding of the overall objectives and handle conflicts in a constructive way. Additionally, your resume comprises:
Solid experience across agile project and portfolio management in an international setup
Solid experience across agile project and portfolio management in an international setup
Very good English skills, written and spoken.
Very good English skills, written and spoken.
Exceptional communication and stakeholder management skills.
Exceptional communication and stakeholder management skills.
Analytical mindset with the ability to evaluate complex scenarios and make data-driven decisions.
Analytical mindset with the ability to evaluate complex scenarios and make data-driven decisions.
We offer.
We offer.
We offer.
At Milestone you will experience a positive and welcoming environment with frequent social activities, a full gym on-site at your disposal, private health insurance, and additional benefits like free drinks, fruit, lunch, Friday bars and more. Flexibility is a naturally also a part of life in Milestone.
At Milestone you will experience a positive and welcoming environment with frequent social activities, a full gym on-site at your disposal, private health insurance, and additional benefits like free drinks, fruit, lunch, Friday bars and more. Flexibility is a naturally also a part of life in Milestone.
You will experience an inclusive and unbiased recruitment process where all employment decisions are based on qualifications rather than race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, and religion. We advise you not to attach a cover letter to your application but instead, we encourage you to write a few lines about why you are applying for the position in your resume/CV. Additionally we recommend you not to add a photo in your resume/CV.
You will experience an inclusive and unbiased recruitment process where all employment decisions are based on qualifications rather than race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, and religion. We advise you not to attach a cover letter to your application but instead, we encourage you to write a few lines about why you are applying for the position in your resume/CV. Additionally we recommend you not to add a photo in your resume/CV.
Are you excited about this opportunity then we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. We will take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and the position will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found
Are you excited about this opportunity then we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. We will take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and the position will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found
Please apply at our website using the ”Apply” button.
Please apply at our website using the ”Apply” button.
If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Dodo Pedersen at +45 5384 9889
If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Dodo Pedersen at +45 5384 9889
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 9.2.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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Statistik over udbudte jobs som øvrige i København
Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte øvrige i København over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal øvrige i København.
Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte øvrige i København over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som øvrige |
23. januar 2025 | 963 |
22. januar 2025 | 943 |
21. januar 2025 | 933 |
20. januar 2025 | 937 |
19. januar 2025 | 928 |
18. januar 2025 | 931 |
17. januar 2025 | 928 |
16. januar 2025 | 904 |
15. januar 2025 | 900 |
14. januar 2025 | 881 |
13. januar 2025 | 882 |
12. januar 2025 | 891 |
11. januar 2025 | 886 |
10. januar 2025 | 889 |
9. januar 2025 | 873 |
8. januar 2025 | 851 |
7. januar 2025 | 843 |
6. januar 2025 | 870 |
5. januar 2025 | 926 |
4. januar 2025 | 931 |
3. januar 2025 | 953 |
2. januar 2025 | 947 |
1. januar 2025 | 958 |
31. december 2024 | 986 |
30. december 2024 | 996 |
29. december 2024 | 995 |
28. december 2024 | 994 |
27. december 2024 | 994 |
26. december 2024 | 994 |
25. december 2024 | 997 |
24. december 2024 | 999 |
Værd at vide når du søger job som øvrige i København
Mens København måske for nogle først og fremmest vækker billeder af hyggelige cafeer og historiske bygninger, banker et travlt erhvervsliv i hjertet af København. Hovedstaden huser et væld af brancher, men nogle skiller sig ud med et særligt højt antal ansatte.
Bydele i København
København byder på mere end smukke gader og hyggelige cafeer. De forskellige kvarterer har hver deres unikke atmosfære og erhvervsliv, hvilket kan påvirke din jobsøgning. Lad os dykke ned i nogle populære områder:
Indre By: Pulsens centrum med internationale virksomheder, finansverden og detailhandel. Perfekt for jobsøgende inden for finans, jura, medier og marketing. Tempoet er højt, og konkurrencen kan være hård.
Østerbro: En blanding af moderne boliger, historiske bygninger og innovative virksomheder. Hjem til Novo Nordisk og Vestas Wind Systems. Gode muligheder inden for life science, teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger.
Nørrebro: Multikulturelt og kreativt med studerende, kunstnere og små startups. Populært blandt unge fagfolk og jobsøgende inden for den kreative sektor og servicebranchen.
Vesterbro: Tidligere industriområde forvandlet til et trendy sted med restauranter, barer og designvirksomheder. Tiltrækker kreative sjæle og jobsøgende inden for mode, design og underholdning.
Valby: Familievenligt og roligt med gode skoler og grønne områder. Mange offentlige institutioner og virksomheder inden for service og administration. Attraktivt for børnefamilier og jobsøgende i den offentlige sektor.
Find ledige jobs i Valby
Amager: Et område i rivende udvikling med fokus på moderne arkitektur og bæredygtighed. Hjem til Ørestad og store virksomheder som DSV og Ørsted. Gode muligheder inden for logistik, energi og transport.
Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer