International Director DanChurchAid, Based in Copenhagen

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DanChurchAid (DCA) is looking for an International Director to lead the International Department. DCA has an annual turnover of 1 billion DKK, and activities in more than 20 countries with offices in Africa, Middle East, Asia, and Ukraine, employing 1250 staff in total and partnering with some 200 civil society organisations. In 2023 we reached 5 mill people through our 19 country programmes.
The number of people affected by crisis arising from conflict is dramatically increasing, the consequences of climate change are severely impacting millions of people around the world, and violations of human and democratic rights are putting citizens and civil society under severe pressure. In close cooperation with our civil society partners and other key stakeholders, DCA want to respond to the increasing global polarisation and nationalism, and to counter waning support to global solidarity, democratic values, and human rights.
In this challenging environment, DCA is looking for a new International Director with an analytical and strategic mindset, extensive humanitarian and development experience, and strong leadership skills. Working in partnerships is core to DCA, strengthening cooperation with national partners, faith-based actors and ACT agencies, donors, international organisations, and the private sector. Through your strategic leadership and clear communication on direction you will motivate and gain support from staff in International Department in Copenhagen and in our DCA Country Offices, while also ensuring staff well-being in these challenging times.
This position is based in Copenhagen, refers to the Secretary General and is a part of the DCA Senior Management.
The position
The position
Based on our values and overall vision as a human rights- and faith based organisation, the International director will set strategic direction, position DCA in countries where we work, and further develop the diverse global portfolio of partners and stakeholders:
  • Overall responsibility for all aspects of the International Strategy and budget, approval of country programmes, and fundraising strategies
  • Direct leadership and management of the International Management team consisting of two Programme Directors, 5 heads of units in HQ, and a small International Support Team. There is a total of 65 staff in International Department HQ level - the extended Management Team includes the 19 Country Directors
  • Ensure coherence, accountability, risk management and compliance across International Department.
  • Facilitate an environment that foster good cooperation, quality, and efficiency, while also ensuring agility and space to generate new solutions and innovations to create more impact on the ground.
  • Continuously develop and diversify a sustainable funding base and donor support and ensure clear communication of decisions to all staff.
  • Travel to DCA programmes and other countries of relevance.
  • As member of the Senior Management team, the International Director will be expected to contribute to the leadership and management of the entire organization and represent the organization towards external stakeholders, networks, and media as well as the DCA Board and Council.

  • Overall responsibility for all aspects of the International Strategy and budget, approval of country programmes, and fundraising strategies
    Direct leadership and management of the International Management team consisting of two Programme Directors, 5 heads of units in HQ, and a small International Support Team. There is a total of 65 staff in International Department HQ level - the extended Management Team includes the 19 Country Directors
    Ensure coherence, accountability, risk management and compliance across International Department.
    Facilitate an environment that foster good cooperation, quality, and efficiency, while also ensuring agility and space to generate new solutions and innovations to create more impact on the ground.
    Continuously develop and diversify a sustainable funding base and donor support and ensure clear communication of decisions to all staff.
    Travel to DCA programmes and other countries of relevance.
    As member of the Senior Management team, the International Director will be expected to contribute to the leadership and management of the entire organization and represent the organization towards external stakeholders, networks, and media as well as the DCA Board and Council.
    Professional Qualifications
    Professional Qualifications
  • Management and Leadership - Minimum 8-10 years of staff management and organisational leadership, preferably with Country Director experience or another relevant international posting. Value based leadership, creating motivation, staff welfare, and ensure Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. Work with organisational development, accountability, risk management, and organisational agility in emergency settings.
  • International Strategy – Hands on experience with and ability to develop and implement organisational strategy at HQ and Country Office level.
  • Relevant thematic/programmatic areas - knowledge and experiences with some or all of the following: Humanitarian and development nexus - programming, community lead actions, including cash programming, Mine Action, Protection, Peace & Conflict Prevention, Resilience-, Livelihoods- and Market based Approaches, private sector cooperation, shrinking space programming, and the DCA cross cutting commitments of Youth, Gender, Climate & Biodiversity.
  • Networking Policy Advocacy and Fundraising – Solid experience and understanding of the “aid architecture” and the key stakeholders including UN, Institutional Donors (EU, USAID, FCDO, GFFO etc.), relevant Think Tanks and private foundations, non-grants based financial instruments and private companies.

  • Management and Leadership - Minimum 8-10 years of staff management and organisational leadership, preferably with Country Director experience or another relevant international posting. Value based leadership, creating motivation, staff welfare, and ensure Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. Work with organisational development, accountability, risk management, and organisational agility in emergency settings.
    Management and Leadership
    Management and Leadership
    International Strategy – Hands on experience with and ability to develop and implement organisational strategy at HQ and Country Office level.
    International Strategy –
    International Strategy –
    Relevant thematic/programmatic areas - knowledge and experiences with some or all of the following: Humanitarian and development nexus - programming, community lead actions, including cash programming, Mine Action, Protection, Peace & Conflict Prevention, Resilience-, Livelihoods- and Market based Approaches, private sector cooperation, shrinking space programming, and the DCA cross cutting commitments of Youth, Gender, Climate & Biodiversity.
    Relevant thematic/programmatic areas
    Relevant thematic/programmatic areas
    Networking Policy Advocacy and Fundraising – Solid experience and understanding of the “aid architecture” and the key stakeholders including UN, Institutional Donors (EU, USAID, FCDO, GFFO etc.), relevant Think Tanks and private foundations, non-grants based financial instruments and private companies.
    Networking Policy Advocacy and Fundraising
    Networking Policy Advocacy and Fundraising
    Personal qualifications
    Personal qualifications
  • You lead by example in an open, inclusive, and respectful manner.
  • You are a strong decision-maker, and you know when to involve others in the decision-making.
  • You stick to the strategy, but are open to new ideas, curious and able to drive co-creation processes.
  • You are a strong communicator that drives important agendas and know the value of being a good listener.
  • Your personal commitment inspires your staff to perform their best.
  • You can solve conflicts and know when to seek consensus.
  • While ensuring to deliver on the expected results, you have confidence in your staff and delegate responsibility with ease.
  • Relevant university degree, proficiency in English and ability to speak Danish. French is an asset.

  • You lead by example in an open, inclusive, and respectful manner.
    You are a strong decision-maker, and you know when to involve others in the decision-making.
    You stick to the strategy, but are open to new ideas, curious and able to drive co-creation processes.
    You are a strong communicator that drives important agendas and know the value of being a good listener.
    Your personal commitment inspires your staff to perform their best.
    You can solve conflicts and know when to seek consensus.
    While ensuring to deliver on the expected results, you have confidence in your staff and delegate responsibility with ease.
    Relevant university degree, proficiency in English and ability to speak Danish. French is an asset.
    When applying, you are kindly requested to attach a copy of relevant certificates, together with your CV and motivation letter that clearly demonstrates experience of competencies as required. Please note all qualifications will be verified.
    The place of work will be at DanChurchAid’s headquarters, Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 Copenhagen, Denmark. Frequent travel is required to DCA Country Programmes and Networking & Advocacy events.
    All qualified candidates regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnicity are encouraged to apply for the position. Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding Policy.
    Deadline for applications is 7th June 2024. Interviews expected in w/o 17th June and w/o 24th June 2024.
    Who we are
    Who we are
    DCA was founded in 1922 as a response to the refugee crisis after World War I and is a major Danish development and humanitarian actor with an annual turnover of around $150 million. We operate in more than 20 countries with country offices in 19 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Globally, DCA employs more than 1200 staff. DCA has a high level of engagement and support in Denmark thanks to its more than 12.000 volunteers and supporters. DCA is member of the global ACT Alliance. The overall aim of DCA is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life in dignity. Its work is based on a Christian view of humanity with respect for every individual’s rights and equal worth. DCA is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church, but is active wherever we find the need is highest, regardless of religion, gender, political beliefs, race, national or ethnic origins, handicaps or sexual orientation. The current Global Strategy – Hope in an Age of Disruption (2023-26) danchurchaid-global-strategy-2023-2026.pdf ( guides all country programmes and interventions. All our work and interaction are to be founded on the four organizational values of Compassion, Proactive, Respect, and Responsible

    DCA was founded in 1922 as a response to the refugee crisis after World War I and is a major Danish development and humanitarian actor with an annual turnover of around $150 million. We operate in more than 20 countries with country offices in 19 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Globally, DCA employs more than 1200 staff. DCA has a high level of engagement and support in Denmark thanks to its more than 12.000 volunteers and supporters. DCA is member of the global ACT Alliance. The overall aim of DCA is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life in dignity. Its work is based on a Christian view of humanity with respect for every individual’s rights and equal worth. DCA is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church, but is active wherever we find the need is highest, regardless of religion, gender, political beliefs, race, national or ethnic origins, handicaps or sexual orientation. The current Global Strategy – Hope in an Age of Disruption (2023-26)
    danchurchaid-global-strategy-2023-2026.pdf (
    guides all country programmes and interventions. All our work and interaction are to be founded on the four organizational values of Compassion, Proactive, Respect, and Responsible

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