SoMe and Content Activation Manager
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We’re firing up our comms across all our outlets and need someone to keep our ducks in a row and make our content soar. In other words: We need a SoMe and content activation manager. Do you fit the bill? Then keep on reading.
Who are we?
Who are we?
Milestone Systems is a leader in open platform IP video management software. For 25 years, we’ve led the way with our cutting-edge technology and our unwavering commitment to improving the lives of our global community. With 1500 colleagues across the planet, we play from a position of strength. Our solutions are sold in more than 100 countries and help organizations and businesses protect people, manage risks, and reduce cost. Embracing our powerful people-centered purpose, we're all about innovation, responsibility, and extraordinary video experiences.
Who are you?
Who are you?
You know how to landscape the digital realm so everything is in its right place. You know how to conjure up exceptional experiences no matter what platform you’re on. And you know how to engage your audience and make your content blossom.
You’ll be the cogwheel at the center of the publishing machine. We produce troves of content from news articles to explainer videos and it’ll be your responsibility to build the production plan and make sure our content goes live. Sometimes content is given to you, sometimes you produce it.
And you’re not alone. To help you succeed in your quest, you’ll be joined by an ambitious team of content creators. Their powers range from video journalism and motion graphics to strategy, creative development, and data analysis. And that’s just your immediate crew. We’re part of Global Communications where you find PR managers, business partners, comms advisors, and PA program owners. We got you covered.
What’s your realm?
What’s your realm?
We need your talents and passion in our busy Studio & SoMe team. As our SoMe and content activation manager, you'll make sure our content gets the most bang for the buck. You’ll connect the dots between platforms (external and internal), productions (articles, video, and podcast), editors, and newsrooms. Your top responsibility is in your title: Create and bring content to life.
You’ll become part of the Milestone studio. And when we say studio, we mean it literally. We’ve built a fully equipped, state of the art, in-house studio. It comes with a fantastic team – the one member missing is you.
What will you do?
What will you do?
Secure content. Work closely with our many stakeholders to create, curate, and manage engaging content on our platforms. You’ll write up stories yourself or, even better, create videos with your studio colleagues.
Secure content.
Keep our ducks in a row. Manage our editorial calendar and make sure the right content is published on the right platform at the right time. You are well on your way to success if you love timekeeping and MS Planner.
Keep our ducks in a row.
Chart the course. We actively publish content on two external and two internal platforms. This requires substantial resources – when it comes to good content, less is seldom more. You’ll assist our platform owners in penning a content and channel strategy that delivers on our KPIs and maximizes ROI.
Chart the course.
Divide and conquer. Develop rules and guidelines for our platforms and carry out governance together with co-owners and content providers.
Divide and conquer.
Calibrate and optimize. Together with the analytics team, crunch the data available across our platforms. What content do people engage with and why? Find out what works and what doesn’t.
Calibrate and optimize.
Spread the word. Educate our network of editors, content creators, and other stakeholders in dos and don’ts. Conduct regular webinars to keep everybody up to speed.
Spread the word.
Keep our social media presence on brand. Make sure both platforms and content adhere to our corporate identity. We have a strong brand and we intend to keep it that way.
Keep our social media presence on brand.
Stay updated. What’s going on in the realm of SoMe? What new features are LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram planning? What’s happening in the world around us? You know the answers because your find energy where communication and technology intersect.
Stay updated.
What are your qualifications?
What are your qualifications?
Bachelor's degree in journalism, communications, media production, or a related field
Extensive experience in editorial planning
Proven experience in project management
Expert knowledge of Hootsuite, Amplify, and Later
Outstanding communication and collaboration skills.
Fluency in English. We’re 60+ nationalities across 25 countries so we speak a lot of different tongues. However, the official company language is US English
Excellent copywriting skills (US English)
What drives you?
What drives you?
Sparking conversations on social media
Building relationships and forging networks
Setting agendas
Creating content
Driving up numbers
Making a difference
You will experience an inclusive and unbiased recruitment process where all employment decisions are based on qualifications rather than race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, and religion. To become our new SoMe and content activation manager, send us your resume and a video cover letter using the "Apply" button.
We review applications as they appear in our inbox, so we’d want to hear from you sooner rather than later.
To become our new SoMe and content activation manager, send us your resume and a video cover letter using the "Apply" button.
If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Head of Studio & SoMe Tue Ingemann Paarup at +45 2552 9324
Please note that the position is on-site at our headquarters in Brøndby, Denmark, and requires that you hold a valid Danish work visa.
We look forward to receiving your application.
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Østerbro: En blanding af moderne boliger, historiske bygninger og innovative virksomheder. Hjem til Novo Nordisk og Vestas Wind Systems. Gode muligheder inden for life science, teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger.
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Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer