Client Lead (paid media)

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📍 Copenhagen 📆 As soon as possible👩🏽‍💻 Office/at-home balance 📚 Our Recruitment ProcessOur Recruitment ProcessAt Precis, we are a group of friendly experts in media buying, analytics & marketing science, creative and technology with a joint mission to help great companies thrive in the digital landscape.Are you curious to learn more about us? You can meet some of our coworkers and read about our departments here. For insights into how is life at Precis and a peek at the perks of working with us, visit this page. In our Handbook, you can get a neat summary of who we are, our culture and our offices.herethis pageHandbookWe are committed to building an inclusive and fair workplace that attracts talent and advances its people, regardless of their background, experiences or perspectives. We believe that a diverse set of minds will continue to contribute to our innovative culture and our ability to reinvent ourselves constantly.

  • Be responsible for client satisfaction and the success of assigned client collaborations, including owning and acting on NPS scores.

  • Own the communication strategy and ensure that email and meeting communication is efficient and effective.

  • Lead the creation of the client strategic plan by engaging colleagues in other departments (media, creative, data, tech, etc).

  • Client commercials: communicate our value, ensure client retention and satisfaction, and work to secure a good operating margin, build relationships and expand our footprint within client organizations.

  • Hands-on delivery in one or more solutions

  • Ensure proactivity and initiative at each stage of our delivery and collaboration

  • Be responsible for client satisfaction and the success of assigned client collaborations, including owning and acting on NPS scores.

    Be responsible for client satisfaction and the success of assigned client collaborations, including owning and acting on NPS scores.Own the communication strategy and ensure that email and meeting communication is efficient and effective.

    Own the communication strategy and ensure that email and meeting communication is efficient and effective.Lead the creation of the client strategic plan by engaging colleagues in other departments (media, creative, data, tech, etc).

    Lead the creation of the client strategic plan by engaging colleagues in other departments (media, creative, data, tech, etc).Client commercials: communicate our value, ensure client retention and satisfaction, and work to secure a good operating margin, build relationships and expand our footprint within client organizations.

    Client commercials: communicate our value, ensure client retention and satisfaction, and work to secure a good operating margin, build relationships and expand our footprint within client organizations.Hands-on delivery in one or more solutions

    Hands-on delivery in one or more solutionsEnsure proactivity and initiative at each stage of our delivery and collaboration

    Ensure proactivity and initiative at each stage of our delivery and collaborationWHAT WE ARE LOOKING FORWHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR
  • 4+ years of experience in digital marketing in the Nordic & European markets.

  • Knowledge about several channels and their ability to help clients meet business goals (ideally hands-on experience in one or more of them).

  • Strong communication and project management skills.

  • A strong skill set within case solving, including the ability to break down and understand the actual business challenges and translate these into a strategic plan focused on business value.

  • Ability to synthesize data and inputs from different workstreams and turn them into a clear plan, including all relevant Precis solutions.

  • Ability to inspire and energize stakeholders and collaborators towards common goals.

  • [Preferred] Fluency in at least one Scandinavian language.

  • 4+ years of experience in digital marketing in the Nordic & European markets.

    4+ years of experience in digital marketing in the Nordic & European markets.Knowledge about several channels and their ability to help clients meet business goals (ideally hands-on experience in one or more of them).

    Knowledge about several channels and their ability to help clients meet business goals (ideally hands-on experience in one or more of them).Strong communication and project management skills.

    Strong communication and project management skills.A strong skill set within case solving, including the ability to break down and understand the actual business challenges and translate these into a strategic plan focused on business value.

    A strong skill set within case solving, including the ability to break down and understand the actual business challenges and translate these into a strategic plan focused on business value.Ability to synthesize data and inputs from different workstreams and turn them into a clear plan, including all relevant Precis solutions.

    Ability to synthesize data and inputs from different workstreams and turn them into a clear plan, including all relevant Precis solutions.Ability to inspire and energize stakeholders and collaborators towards common goals.

    Ability to inspire and energize stakeholders and collaborators towards common goals.[Preferred] Fluency in at least one Scandinavian language.

    [Preferred] Fluency in at least one Scandinavian language.WHAT WE OFFER
    You can read our full offering in our handbook.WHAT WE OFFERYou can read our full offering in ourhandbook.handbook
  • An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.

  • A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.

  • Transparent salary setting, you can find all our salary bands in our handbook – this role is a L3 role within the marketing column. Check it out!

  • 30 days paid leave, flexible public holidays, parental pay, a solid pension scheme and key insurance. Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, EAP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.

  • A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.

  • An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.

    An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.

    A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.Transparent salary setting, you can find all our salary bands in our handbook – this role is a L3 role within the marketing column. Check it out!

    Transparent salary setting, you can find all our salary bands in our handbook – this role is a L3 role within the marketing column. Check it out!handbook30 days paid leave, flexible public holidays, parental pay, a solid pension scheme and key insurance. Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, EAP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.

    30 days paid leave, flexible public holidays, parental pay, a solid pension scheme and key insurance. Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, EAP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.

    A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.* We update all candidates on their application by email. If you don’t receive an email from us, please check your spam folder. Apply Apply Apply Next step
  • Application
  • Interview
  • Case interview
  • Your first day!
  • ApplicationApplicationInterviewCase interviewYour first day!

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    Statistik over udbudte jobs som øvrige i København

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    Statistik over udbudte øvrige i København over tid

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    Mens København måske for nogle først og fremmest vækker billeder af hyggelige cafeer og historiske bygninger, banker et travlt erhvervsliv i hjertet af København. Hovedstaden huser et væld af brancher, men nogle skiller sig ud med et særligt højt antal ansatte.

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    Mere information om København

    Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer