
Material and Process Technician

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Material and Process Technician

Primo Danmark A/S

Operational plastics innovation * International team * Link between operations and R&D

Primo Danmark A/S is looking for their new Material and Process Technician. As a result of the ongoing growth Primo has reorganised operations and the technical organization where Inter PRIMO Tools, which supplies all PRIMO entities with tools has become an independent entity. Therefore, they need a Technical skilled person, who can be the link between operations and Inter PRIMO Tools to ensure good solutions for the clients and an effective production.

Expert on plastics processing, advisor to operations and toolmaking

As Material and Process Technician in Primo Danmark A/S they need your competences to troubleshoot process technical issues on their production lines. Mostly to define if the trouble is based in the process parameters, the tool performance or if it originates in a material issue. They also need you to participate in client projects, where you will be handling the process setup, participate in developing the final product and in some cases be the internal project manager and the link between the different departments. The team will build on the individual’s strengths and knowledge to leverage the team’s combined knowledge base.

The role is broad, spanning from hands-on support with test-runs in the production to complex development and investigation of new process and material possibilities. As plastics has the eye of the public it is vital for Inter Primo that the environmental agenda is observed with focus on how the industry works with bio-based materials, recycled materials, and the reuse of old scrap on the production sites. As Material and Process Technician you are instrumental in finding and developing solutions within these areas working with many stakeholders internally and externally.

Experienced plastics toolmaker with industry background

You probably come with an engineering background within plastics either as technician, toolmaker production technologist or similar with industry experience. You have a professional background from a similar industrial set-up where you have been a go-to person on the specific plastics and their properties. Knowledge of plastic extrusion is a clear advantage, but not a requirement. Having worked in the industry for several years you can demonstrate an understanding of plastics design and construction. You are used to an international scene, working well with colleagues from different cultures. You have a natural interest in the sustainable agenda.

As a person you are interested in the business, drive your work independently and have shown innovative skills. Furthermore, you manage both internal and external stakeholders, you are a good team-player, and you work through an analytical, structured, and organised approach. Your communicative style is well received and shows a good portion of service-mindedness.

Contact and application

The recruitment process is carried out in collaboration with the consulting company Compass Human Resources Group. If you want to learn more about this position before submitting your application, please do not hesitate to contact Senior Consultant Claus Mengel-Niemann on tel.: +45 22 63 33 77. Please submit your application and CV as soon as possible, if you are interested. Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis. Please note that all enquiries will be handled with confidentiality and that we will reply to the email address from which you send your CV.


The Primo Group is a family-owned business, owned by the Grunnet family. Primo was founded back in 1959 and has concentrated its activities on extrusion of plastics right from the beginning. Primo is one of the most broadly based plastics enterprises in Europe. They develop, manufacture and sells plastic profiles for the industry and distributors across the whole world. Today the Primo group consists of 14 plants in nine countries with about 1.000 employees. The turnover is close to 1 billion DKK, and they have a very solid financial base to build on. Being family-owned they have the long-sight glasses on when exploring new opportunities.

Deadline for application: As soon as possible
Workplace: Tistrup, Varde Area
Reference: 2112.521
Company: Primo Danmark A/S

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Tistrup.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 16.12.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Øvrige
  • Tistrup

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