Call for Consultant for Development Partners 2020 Project Evaluation
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Terms of Reference (TOR).
Evaluation of DCA Development Partners 2020 Projects
Date: 14th of November 2020
Subject: Consultants for End of Project Evaluation
Contracting Authority: DanChurchAid, South Sudan
Deadline for submission of letter of interest: 30 November 2020, 5:00 PM
Time of the evaluation: 18th January 2021-28th of February 2021
Background and Introduction
DanChurchAid (DCA) is a Danish humanitarian NGO, which primarily supports national and international partner NGOs with the global goals to: Save lives, build resilient communities and Fight extreme inequalities of the poorest of the poor in Africa, the Middle East, South America and Asia. DCA is a member of international networks and works in collaboration with ACT-alliances including churches.
In 2020, DCA supported three (3) development partners to improve the most vulnerable people’s resilience to hazards; access basic goods and services; peacefully coexist in dignity and enjoy equal rights. The three (3) development partners, CDSS (Community Development Support Services), ICPDO (Integrated Community Peace & Development Initiative)and NSCC (New Sudan Council of Churches), are implementing projects in four locations: Budi County (Eastern Equatoria), Kapoeta North and South Counties (Eastern Equatoria) and Yida (Unity State) from 1st of January to 31st of December 2020.
About DCA Partners:Community Development Support Services (CDSS) is an indigenous South Sudanese NGO based in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State. CDSS has experience in humanitarian assistance, food security, livelihoods, and local conflict mitigation in Eastern Equatoria since 1996. CDSS enjoys significant goodwill from both the community and local government authorities from its years of presence and solidarity with the local population. Consequently, its activities enjoy high level of community participation and ownership. With DCA support (financially and technically) since 2009, CDSS is continuing to strengthen its institutional capacity to provide quality service to the people in need.
Project Title: Enhancing peaceful community coexistence and improving food security and livelihoods recovery for resilience building in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State.
Specific Objective 1:
Enhance peaceful community coexistence and community preparedness to shocks and stressors affecting vulnerable households in Budi County
Specific Objective 2:
Improved use of agricultural and business practices that promote sustained income generation and increased agricultural production among vulnerable households in Budi county
Specific Objective 3:
Improved safer environments for women’s participation in food security and livelihoods activities, by enhancing GBV prevention and response
Target Group:
2,600 vulnerable households (crisis affected host community, IDPs, the elderly, female headed households), women, men, boys, girls, the youth, marginalized groups, GBV victims and community leadership structures.
Integrated Community Peace and Development Organization (ICPDO) is a national South Sudanese NGO in existence purposely to mobilize, support and organize the local communities in the Kapoeta State and Eastern Equatoria communities to implement transformational community programs through effective resource mobilization, community empowerment and promotion of active participation in public policy and development processes.
ICPDO`s main focus is to ameliorate the numerous sufferings of South Sudanese people in the conflict and post conflict era. Specially, we implement projects in six thematic areas namely: Water Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH), Education recovery, Conflict resolution and Peace Building, Food Security and livelihood assistance programme, Environmental Natural Resources Management and Gender Based Violence and advocacy. This initiative came into being on realization of the enormous socio-economic challenges facing the South Sudanese communities.
Project Title: Food Security, Livelihoods and Peace Building in Kapoeta State.
Overall Objective:
To build resilience of vulnerable households through increased food production, improved livelihoods and peaceful co-existence for self-sufficient and sustainable development in Kapoeta State communities
Specific Objectives
Target Groups:
The project will directly benefit 3,874 direct most vulnerable households and approximately 23,244 indirect beneficiaries. The beneficiaries being poor resident’s male, female, youth (boys and girls) and other marginalized groups in Kapoeta South payams of Pwata, Longeleya and Katiko Payam and Najie, Lokwamor and Lomeyan payams in Kapoeta North County.New Sudan Council of Churches -NSCC - Has been in partnership with DCA since 2014, with focus on basic education services to Sudanese refugees in Yida, Unity state. NSCC has been present on the ground in Yida since 2011 when the Nuba people were forcefully displaced by war, NSCC was one of the early responders with other indigenous and international humanitarian agencies. So NSCC is familiar with the humanitarian conditions and the dynamics of the implementation of project in those communities. The methodology used in NSCC to serve those most in need adheres to the established and proven humanitarian principles such as HAP and Sphere standards, and the humanitarian conduct of the ICRC.
Project Title: Access to quality basic education in Emergency in Yida.
Target Groups:
The school–age children of both the refugees and the host community in Yida approximately 6537 pupils (3530 boys and 3007 girls).
The purpose of this evaluation is: 1) To determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the three partner’s (CDSS, ICPDO and NSCC) projects and contribution towards DCA’s Humanitarian Response and Mine Action (HRMA) objectives.
2) To enable DCA and partners account to their constituents, back donors, rights holders and duty bearers.
The evaluation seeks answers the five OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) questions on relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability, includingcommitment toDCA crosscutting themes, gender, and RBA PANEL principlesto attain programme objectives.
This assignment will be for 14 days maximum for the evaluation preparation, field work, travel, and report writing as detailed below:
The evaluation programme:
ActivityNo. of Days
Preparation and review of evaluation tools, project documents and
discussions with DCA and partner staff 2
Travel to and from the field, meet key staff and review site visit programme2
Training of enumerators to gather information from stakeholders0.5
Field data collection, site visits; continual analysis10
Report writing3
Debriefing to DCA and partners on the initial findings0.5
Total Number of Days18
This consultancy will involve travelling to partner’s office and project sites in Budi, Kapoeta and Yida in Eastern Equatoria and Unity States respectively.
The consultant(s) is/are expected to develop a technical and financial proposal and submit to DCA South Sudan Country Office for assessment. The Consultant (s) will be given feedback to revise both proposals for final consent; and the consultancy firm will be requested to develop and share the data collection tools for approval before signing a service contract.5.0 Methodology
The consultant(s) is/are expected to use diverse methods in obtaining required qualitative and quantitative data. These methods should be as participatory as possible and feasible within the evaluation time frame and could include:
The consultant(s) is/are expected to review the project documents of CDSS, ICPDO and NSCC, DCA programme documents, project quarterly reports/ updates, project monitoring reports, and South Sudan Nature of conflicts.
The consultant(s) is/are expected to visit the project sites and conduct interviews with project beneficiaries, Local Government Authorities (LGAs), project staffs, and other agencies operating in the project area using relevant PRA techniques.
The consultant(s) is/are expected to use appropriate sampling methods to obtain a fair view of the projects information as articulated in this ToR. Additional information will be provided during review of the evaluation programme to aid in the final selection of areas to visit.
Participatory approaches in data collection should be employed throughout the evaluation; and should provide both quantitative and qualitative information. It is critical that information is triangulated to increase the validity of the findings. Possible methods include in-depth interviews, focused group discussions and key informant interviews as well as observation during data collection.
The consultant(s) is/are expected to debrief DCA, and its partner CDSS, ICPDO and NSCC on the evaluation findings.
A comprehensive evaluation report (in both hard and soft copy) outlining the analysis of evaluation findings, lessons learnt and identified best practices, and providing clear and workable recommendations to support development of new projects and programme in 2021. The lead consultant should share draft evaluation report with DCA and upon obtaining feedback from the team, the consultants will finalise and submit three copies of the final report to DCA.
Evaluation of DCA Development Partners 2020 Projects
Date: 14th of November 2020
Subject: Consultants for End of Project Evaluation
Contracting Authority: DanChurchAid, South Sudan
Deadline for submission of letter of interest: 30 November 2020, 5:00 PM
Time of the evaluation: 18th January 2021-28th of February 2021
Background and Introduction
DanChurchAid (DCA) is a Danish humanitarian NGO, which primarily supports national and international partner NGOs with the global goals to: Save lives, build resilient communities and Fight extreme inequalities of the poorest of the poor in Africa, the Middle East, South America and Asia. DCA is a member of international networks and works in collaboration with ACT-alliances including churches.
In 2020, DCA supported three (3) development partners to improve the most vulnerable people’s resilience to hazards; access basic goods and services; peacefully coexist in dignity and enjoy equal rights. The three (3) development partners, CDSS (Community Development Support Services), ICPDO (Integrated Community Peace & Development Initiative)and NSCC (New Sudan Council of Churches), are implementing projects in four locations: Budi County (Eastern Equatoria), Kapoeta North and South Counties (Eastern Equatoria) and Yida (Unity State) from 1st of January to 31st of December 2020.
About DCA Partners:Community Development Support Services (CDSS) is an indigenous South Sudanese NGO based in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State. CDSS has experience in humanitarian assistance, food security, livelihoods, and local conflict mitigation in Eastern Equatoria since 1996. CDSS enjoys significant goodwill from both the community and local government authorities from its years of presence and solidarity with the local population. Consequently, its activities enjoy high level of community participation and ownership. With DCA support (financially and technically) since 2009, CDSS is continuing to strengthen its institutional capacity to provide quality service to the people in need.
Project Title: Enhancing peaceful community coexistence and improving food security and livelihoods recovery for resilience building in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State.
Specific Objective 1:
Enhance peaceful community coexistence and community preparedness to shocks and stressors affecting vulnerable households in Budi County
Specific Objective 2:
Improved use of agricultural and business practices that promote sustained income generation and increased agricultural production among vulnerable households in Budi county
Specific Objective 3:
Improved safer environments for women’s participation in food security and livelihoods activities, by enhancing GBV prevention and response
Target Group:
2,600 vulnerable households (crisis affected host community, IDPs, the elderly, female headed households), women, men, boys, girls, the youth, marginalized groups, GBV victims and community leadership structures.
Integrated Community Peace and Development Organization (ICPDO) is a national South Sudanese NGO in existence purposely to mobilize, support and organize the local communities in the Kapoeta State and Eastern Equatoria communities to implement transformational community programs through effective resource mobilization, community empowerment and promotion of active participation in public policy and development processes.
ICPDO`s main focus is to ameliorate the numerous sufferings of South Sudanese people in the conflict and post conflict era. Specially, we implement projects in six thematic areas namely: Water Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH), Education recovery, Conflict resolution and Peace Building, Food Security and livelihood assistance programme, Environmental Natural Resources Management and Gender Based Violence and advocacy. This initiative came into being on realization of the enormous socio-economic challenges facing the South Sudanese communities.
Project Title: Food Security, Livelihoods and Peace Building in Kapoeta State.
Overall Objective:
To build resilience of vulnerable households through increased food production, improved livelihoods and peaceful co-existence for self-sufficient and sustainable development in Kapoeta State communities
Specific Objectives
- To enhance food security and nutrition and economic livelihoods among the vulnerable households through accessibility to affordable agricultural inputs, promotion of drought resistant crops, adoption of modern farming methods and technologies, better livestock rearing practices and improved extension agricultural services by 31st December 2020
- To strengthen local communities’ peace building capacities to mitigate conflict and ensure sustained peaceful co-existence between neighbouring Toposa and Didinga/Buya and Toposa communities in Kapoeta State and across Kenyan boarder with Turkana by December 2020.
Target Groups:
The project will directly benefit 3,874 direct most vulnerable households and approximately 23,244 indirect beneficiaries. The beneficiaries being poor resident’s male, female, youth (boys and girls) and other marginalized groups in Kapoeta South payams of Pwata, Longeleya and Katiko Payam and Najie, Lokwamor and Lomeyan payams in Kapoeta North County.New Sudan Council of Churches -NSCC - Has been in partnership with DCA since 2014, with focus on basic education services to Sudanese refugees in Yida, Unity state. NSCC has been present on the ground in Yida since 2011 when the Nuba people were forcefully displaced by war, NSCC was one of the early responders with other indigenous and international humanitarian agencies. So NSCC is familiar with the humanitarian conditions and the dynamics of the implementation of project in those communities. The methodology used in NSCC to serve those most in need adheres to the established and proven humanitarian principles such as HAP and Sphere standards, and the humanitarian conduct of the ICRC.
Project Title: Access to quality basic education in Emergency in Yida.
- Enhance the ability of teachers and parents’ associations (PTAs) to provide quality education in emergency services to pupils in Yida.
- Create a safe and peaceful learning environment and provide scholastic and educational materials for pupils in schools.
- Increased school inclusion of marginalised groups with special reference to girl-child education.
Target Groups:
The school–age children of both the refugees and the host community in Yida approximately 6537 pupils (3530 boys and 3007 girls).
- Purpose and Evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is: 1) To determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the three partner’s (CDSS, ICPDO and NSCC) projects and contribution towards DCA’s Humanitarian Response and Mine Action (HRMA) objectives.
2) To enable DCA and partners account to their constituents, back donors, rights holders and duty bearers.
- Rationale of the project evaluation:
The evaluation seeks answers the five OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) questions on relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability, includingcommitment toDCA crosscutting themes, gender, and RBA PANEL principlesto attain programme objectives.
- Relevance:
- Were the projects relevant in relation to the needs and priorities of the target rights-holders?
- How important is the relevance or significance of the intervention regarding local and national requirements and priorities?
- Effectiveness
- Have the primary objectives of the projects been achieved?
- Have the planned or expected results been achieved, including whether the intended population was reached?
- Efficiency
- How economically have project resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) been converted to results to meet project objectives?
- Are the investment and recurrent costs justified?
- Could the same results be achieved with fewer resources?
- Has there been any synergies of this project with other partner implemented projects in the same geographic area and coordination with other actors and any recommendation aimed at achieving greater synergy in future programming?
- Impact
- What positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term impact has been produced by the projects directly or indirectly, intended or unintended?
- Does the project contribute to reaching higher level of the overall project objective)?
- What is the impact or effect of the intervention in proportion to the overall situation of the target group or those effected?
- Sustainability
- What is the probability of long-term benefits?
- Will the intended benefits continue when project cooperation is terminated?
- Is local ownership established?
- How is the sustainability or permanence of the projects and its effects to be assessed?
- To which extend has the projects promoted DCA Cross-cutting themes?
- Participation
- To which extend has the projects promoted DCA Cross-cutting themes?
- How the project beneficiaries, male and female actively, freely and meaningfully participating in the project cycle management (identification, design, implementation monitoring and evaluation)?
- How is the project addressing barriers to participation for different groups of women and men?
- Mechanisms used for ensuring voice for all and ownership of interventions
- Accountability:
- How DCA partners and beneficiaries were working with duty-bearers?
- How partners were ensuring implementation of standards and being answerable?
- How partners were sharing project information with stakeholders (primary and secondary)?
- How partners and the beneficiaries have or comply to complain handling mechanism to preset and address grievances?
- Non-Discrimination and Equality:
- How did the project considered combating discriminatory mechanisms, temporary special measures and practices etc.?
- How has prioritized to support excluded groups of male and female?
- How has project data been disaggregated?
- How has the project promoted equal enjoyment of rights in practice for all, male and female?
- Empowerment:
- How the projects have increased the beneficiary’s capabilities for knowing and acting on rights?
- How the project has enabled men and women capacities to control resources increased?
- Do men and women have the power and capabilities to change their own lives and hold those responsible to be accountable for their obligations?
- Link to Human Rights:
- How the organizations use the Right-Based Approach (RBA) during project cycle?
- How project beneficiaries were targeted for the interventions?
- How the project considered gender and age groups and people with disability?
- How the projects contributed to achieving the following DCA Country programme expected short and long-term changes?
- Local leaders promote changes that support safer environments and communities. They actively work for peace, resilience, and equal opportunities and rights
- How the projects contributed to achieving the following DCA Country programme expected short and long-term changes?
- Local governments and local leaders enforce good laws and discourage traditional harmful practices
- Local governments and local leaders promote equal opportunities for local communities to participate in decision making processes
- Local governments, at community level, are more empowered to effectively coordinate basic services to benefit local communities
- Local institutions are strengthened and performing their roles accountably
- Community members have self confidence and trust and they bring forward their issues
- Marginalized groups are more included and participate in existing communities’ structures
- Conflict- and disaster-affected people access food through hum. aid or diversified, sustainable livelihoods; they are capable of achieving safety and peaceful coexistence and they engage in meaningful participation
- Conflict and disaster effected communities use their skills and knowledge, capacity and resources to pursue different livelihoods opportunities
- Women and youth have increased income through VSLAs and small business
- Local government and communities implement community based DRR action plans
- Conflict and disaster affected communities engage in more diversified food and livestock production for consumption and sale
- Conflict and disaster affected communities experience improved and more resilient livelihood
- Scope.
- Time frame
This assignment will be for 14 days maximum for the evaluation preparation, field work, travel, and report writing as detailed below:
The evaluation programme:
ActivityNo. of Days
Preparation and review of evaluation tools, project documents and
discussions with DCA and partner staff 2
Travel to and from the field, meet key staff and review site visit programme2
Training of enumerators to gather information from stakeholders0.5
Field data collection, site visits; continual analysis10
Report writing3
Debriefing to DCA and partners on the initial findings0.5
Total Number of Days18
- Geographical areas:
This consultancy will involve travelling to partner’s office and project sites in Budi, Kapoeta and Yida in Eastern Equatoria and Unity States respectively.
- Activities:
The consultant(s) is/are expected to develop a technical and financial proposal and submit to DCA South Sudan Country Office for assessment. The Consultant (s) will be given feedback to revise both proposals for final consent; and the consultancy firm will be requested to develop and share the data collection tools for approval before signing a service contract.5.0 Methodology
The consultant(s) is/are expected to use diverse methods in obtaining required qualitative and quantitative data. These methods should be as participatory as possible and feasible within the evaluation time frame and could include:
- Literature review
The consultant(s) is/are expected to review the project documents of CDSS, ICPDO and NSCC, DCA programme documents, project quarterly reports/ updates, project monitoring reports, and South Sudan Nature of conflicts.
- Field Work
The consultant(s) is/are expected to visit the project sites and conduct interviews with project beneficiaries, Local Government Authorities (LGAs), project staffs, and other agencies operating in the project area using relevant PRA techniques.
- Sampling techniques:
The consultant(s) is/are expected to use appropriate sampling methods to obtain a fair view of the projects information as articulated in this ToR. Additional information will be provided during review of the evaluation programme to aid in the final selection of areas to visit.
- Data collection methods:
Participatory approaches in data collection should be employed throughout the evaluation; and should provide both quantitative and qualitative information. It is critical that information is triangulated to increase the validity of the findings. Possible methods include in-depth interviews, focused group discussions and key informant interviews as well as observation during data collection.
- Dissemination of findings:
The consultant(s) is/are expected to debrief DCA, and its partner CDSS, ICPDO and NSCC on the evaluation findings.
- Expected Outputs:
A comprehensive evaluation report (in both hard and soft copy) outlining the analysis of evaluation findings, lessons learnt and identified best practices, and providing clear and workable recommendations to support development of new projects and programme in 2021. The lead consultant should share draft evaluation report with DCA and upon obtaining feedback from the team, the consultants will finalise and submit three copies of the final report to DCA.
- Terms and Conditions:
- Logistics: DCA will cover the cost of the consultant’s travel abroad (if the consultants is outside South Sudan) and within including accommodation in the Country.
- Professional fee: The consultant(s) will be paid professional fees in accordance with this ToR and within DCA’s approved rates and number of days.
- Income Tax: 10% income tax payable to the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) will be deducted from the consultants’ fees during payment.
- Contract: A contract will be signed by the consultants prior to commencement of this consultancy which will detail additional terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.
- Full term of consultancy: Document review, field work and report writing should not exceed 14 days.
- Qualification of the consultant(s):
- A multi- disciplinary consultant (s) with preferably a MSc. degree in a relevant discipline, i.e. social sciences
- Have a rich blend of linking humanitarian response, peace and development (NEXUS) programming
- Excellent communication skills.
- Skilled in writing evaluation reports.
- More than 5 years proven expertise on the subject matter and cross-cutting issues such as Rights Based Approach (RBA) and Gender.
- Proven experience from NGO and CBO based development assistance within South Sudan humanitarian context.
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