Product Manager

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Do you thrive by transforming customer requirements into products that help solve their manufacturing challenges? Can you define and prioritize features based on market need validations to build innovative and commercially sound products? Are you comfortable working in a rapidly changing and high-paced environment, enjoy collaborating and navigating in a cross-organizational structure, and communicating with multiple stakeholders? Then you might be our new Product Manager!

Your role:

As Product Manager you will collect and transform customer needs into product requirements, ensuring the developed products address and solves the pain points and challenges they have in their manufacturing process today.

The role requires you to have or acquire deep insight into the applications and industries where new products are intended to be deployed, enabling you to engage in a technical dialogue with customers and partners to better understand their needs and translate these into technical product specifications.

A key part of the position is to prepare and facilitate internal commercial product training for the global Sales team, providing them with insights on market positioning and business potential, and helping them understand the targeted market and customer segment.

As you will be managing and working on multiple projects simultaneously, the ability to multi-task and prioritize tasks is essential.

In this role, you will be reporting to the Director of Application Research & Product Management and be part of a skilled and agile cross-functional product management team. On an everyday basis, you will work closely with technical counterparts in the R&D team and collaborate with multiple stakeholders such as sales, marketing, field engineers and partners.

Your workplace is in our headquarters in Odense, Denmark or in our development hub in Budapest, Hungary. 20-40 travel days per year is to be expected in this role.


You will be responsible for collecting and delivering market-validated specifications for both new product development and product variants of the existing product portfolio. You will act as the commercial project manager during product development from initial scoping until market launch.

Primary tasks

  • Define product requirements and provide business cases based on market inputs, customer requirements and application research
  • Understand and analyse stakeholder needs and constraints
  • Organize and conduct customer interview sessions
  • Acquire and maintain a deep understanding of the application space and industry for the products
  • Provide guidance and updates to the various stakeholders throughout the projects
  • Manage beta testing of products, including collecting and analysing feedback
  • Prepare value propositions for marketing and product launch
  • Contribute with inputs to user manuals and product training materials
  • Participate in release planning
  • Facilitate face-2-face and virtual commercial training sessions for the internal Sales team


To be considered for this role you must have min. 5 years of work experience within the product management discipline of transforming customer requirements into product specifications and developing business cases. You must have a strong background within robotics and/or automation, field experience is a definite advantage.

We are looking for a candidate with a holistic mindset and the ability to understand relationships between elements in a complex system. We expect you to have an analytical and structured mindset that enables you to understand the core market requirements and identify new opportunities for penetrating new market areas.

In addition to this, we expect you to have:

  • A professional and proactive work ethic and the ability to work well across teams with excellent stakeholder management skills
  • Self-motivation, drive and ability to work independently.
  • Performance-driven and executing mindset, capable of finalizing tasks on time.
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills.
  • Outstanding communication and presentation skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
  • The job has a lot of room for taking initiative and for the right person, there is room to grow both personally and professionally.

Candidates must have valid residence and work permit for the EU to be considered for the role.

Unique opportunity in an ambitious ’born global’ organization

This is an opportunity to become part of an exciting growth company – a global frontrunner within robotic applications for cobots and lightweight industrial robots. Our mission at OnRobot is to be the One Stop Shop for automation solutions by providing the coolest and best products with new and innovative technology, reducing the integration complexity for customers and enabling more applications.

Do you want to join this journey? Send your CV and application as soon as possible at [email protected] by referring to the position in the subject line.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Produktspecialist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Odense

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 26.10.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Produktspecialist
  • Odense

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som produktspecialister i Odense

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte produktspecialist i Odense over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal produktspecialister i Odense.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte produktspecialister i Odense over tid

Dato Alle jobs som produktspecialister
9. juli 2024 9
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19. juni 2024 13
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Værd at vide når du søger job som produktspecialist i Odense

Uanset om du er nyuddannet eller har års erfaring bag dig, kan jobmarkedet i Odense byde på spændende muligheder inden for en lang række brancher. Fra innovative tech-startups til velrenommerede virksomheder og hyggelige lokale forretninger, er der noget for enhver smag og ambition.

Odense byder på et forfriskende alternativ til storbyens hektiske rytme, men det betyder ikke, at du skal gå på kompromis med mobiliteten. Byen tilbyder en række bekvemme og miljøvenlige transportmuligheder, der sikrer, at du effektivt kan nå frem til din destination, uanset om du er på vej til arbejde, skole, kulturarrangementer eller socialt samvær.

At flytte for et drømmejob kan være spændende, men kræver forberedelse.

Bydele i Odense 

Odense byder på en spændende blanding af kvarterer, hver med sin charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job, spiller dit valg af boligområde en rolle. Lad os dykke ned i nogle populære kvarterer og se, hvordan de relaterer til jobmuligheder:

Centrum: Det pulserende hjerte af Odense byder på masser af shopping, kultur og cafeliv. Her finder du virksomheder inden for handel, service, finans og kulturinstitutioner. Boligpriserne er højere, men du er tæt på arbejdspladsen og byens attraktioner.

Frederiksbjerg: Et hipt og ungt kvarter med masser af studerende og kreative sjæle. Her finder du tech-startups, designvirksomheder og innovative kontorfællesskaber. Boligudbuddet er blandet, og der er god forbindelse til centrum.

Tufteparken: Familievenligt område med grønne områder og gode skoler. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for fødevareproduktion og logistik. Boligerne er generelt rolige og familievenlige.

Bolbro: Et multikulturelt kvarter med billigere boliger og et internationalt miljø. Her finder du mindre virksomheder inden for forskellige brancher. Området er under udvikling, så jobmulighederne kan vokse i fremtiden.

Dalum: Idyllisk forstad tæt på motorvej og natur. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for industri og logistik. Boligpriserne er lavere, men transport til arbejdspladsen kan være nødvendigt.

Hjørring: Familievenligt område med gode skoler og fritidsaktiviteter. Her finder du både mindre virksomheder og filialer af større koncerner. Boligerne er rolige og familievenlige.

Munkebjerg: Et historisk kvarter med brostensgader og hyggelige cafeer. Her finder du kreative virksomheder, kontorfællesskaber og kulturinstitutioner. Boligpriserne er høje, men du er tæt på centrum og grønne områder.

Mere information om Odense 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Odense, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Odense, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Odense i denne guide: Odense: Din guide til jobmuligheder, transport og bydele.