Project Manager - Offshore Wind Engineering

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Ramboll is a world leader in offshore wind with a unique value proposition. We have been involved in more than 70% of all operating offshore wind farms globally. With our international, multidisciplinary and wind energy specific competencies, we are a true full-range service provider for offshore wind energy projects in all its phases. Ramboll supports clients globally to identify, evaluate and quantify both risks and opportunities, allowing them to make well educated, strategic decisions based on practical offshore wind project development, financing and execution experience, combined with world-class engineering know-how. We are among the very few consultancies in the world, providing engineering services for bottom-fixed as well as floating wind foundations. Since 2007 we have been involved in floating offshore wind and today have a dedicated team of experts supporting clients globally. Within Ramboll, over 500 highly qualified experts are working on onshore and offshore wind projects globally, operating primarily from our 15 key offices across the Nordics, Germany, UK, Poland, Spain, Japan and the US. Project Manager – Offshore Wind Engineering As our new Project Manager, you will be part of our global Offshore Wind Engineering department. You will join a team of highly talented and engaged engineers at the forefront of innovative and complex design techniques in steel and composite materials. You will be responsible for leading and developing high performing, multidisciplinary project teams, across different countries as well as managing a variety of offshore foundation design projects. If you crave a challenging role but also flexibility and work life balance, this role may be ideal for you. The position will be based in one of our offices, but our hybrid work model allows you to split your time between working in the office and working from home. Inviting bright minds Do you want to push the boundaries of your profession and develop your excellence in an open, collaborative and empowering culture? We work to create a sustainable future and our inspiring projects and innovative solutions aim to set the standard among our peers. You will join a global company that has been growing successfully since its founding in 1945. Together, we lead and leave a positive impact on societies, companies and people around the world. World leader in wind energy Ramboll is a world leader in offshore wind with a unique value proposition. We have been involved in more than 70% of all operating offshore wind farms globally. With our international, multidisciplinary and wind energy specific competencies, we are a true full-range service provider for offshore wind energy projects in all its phases. Ramboll supports clients globally to identify, evaluate and quantify both risks and opportunities, allowing them to make well educated, strategic decisions based on practical offshore wind project development, financing and execution experience, combined with world-class engineering know-how. We are among the very few consultancies in the world, providing engineering services for bottom-fixed as well as floating wind foundations. Since 2007 we have been involved in floating offshore wind and today have a dedicated team of experts supporting clients globally. Within Ramboll, over 500 highly qualified experts are working on onshore and offshore wind projects globally, operating primarily from our 15 key offices across the Nordics, Germany, UK, Poland, Spain, Japan and the US. Your key tasks and responsibilities As part of a multidisciplinary project team, you will take on diverse tasks and responsibilities in international projects of varied complexity and scale, such as: Lead and develop high performing multidisciplinary project teams, across different countries Develop and manage a variety of offshore foundation design projects Ensure all project goals are achieved while confirming the company's commitments to the clients by proposing, developing, and providing expert consulting to our clients Maintain multidisciplinary approach Closely collaborate with experts both inside and outside of core design team Ensure projects' timely, economical, and high-quality execution and completion Manage and optimize project time schedule, resources, conflicts, risk, and opportunities Proactively identify improvement areas for project execution Perform financial, economic, and qualitative data collection and analyses of a variety of projects and programs across Energy sector Support preparation and participate in decision gate meetings Create reports and presentations using Excel and PowerPoint and perform various analytic tasks to support business / financial planning Prepare monthly and quarterly financial metrics on projects Monitor project status and manage potential impacts to both operational and financial performance; develop solutions as needed Work directly with country managers to support business development and operations management Ensure projects meet quality standards and comply with regulations and safety protocols Your qualifications Master’s degree in Civil, Structural or Mechanical Engineering, preferably with focus on design of offshore steel structures or similar areas of study Minimum of 8-10 years of relevant professional experience in the wind industry, preferably related to consulting or project management Minimum of 3 years of experience working as Project Manager Industry knowledge and understanding of design and engineering, preferably including project economics, interfaces, risks, and commercial aspects of offshore wind farm development Highly passionate about delivering successful projects for your clients, regardless of complexity and size Confidence in international contract negotiations Experience in creating, managing and updating project schedules People management skills in context of managing various stakeholders locally and remotely Able to effectively prioritize multiple tasks and make independent decisions Team-oriented approach, strong problem-solving capabilities, and mentoring skills Self-reliant, reliable, detail-oriented, structured way of working Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) Ability to communicate effectively with -all various level of management within the company and with potential clients, suppliers, subcontractors and partners Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, team environment High level of proficiency in written and spoken English High integrity and team spirit, proactively engaging with others and offering support when required Welcome to our Energy division Ramboll is at the forefront of addressing the green transition and offers a holistic approach to energy that supports the sector on the journey towards more sustainable solutions. With 1,600 experts in 14 countries, covering the full spectrum of technologies and all parts of the value chain from production and transmission to distribution, we plan, design and implement energy solutions all over the world. How to apply Apply online. Attach your CV, cover letter and relevant documents showcasing why you are the right fit for the role, and when you are available to start. Ramboll is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and we welcome applications from under-represented groups in STEM, such as women, LGBTQ+ and BAME communities, and people with a disability. We look forward to receiving your application.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Projektleder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

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Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 15.2.2023, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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Statistik over udbudte projektledere i Århus over tid

Dato Alle jobs som projektledere
3. februar 2025 40
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Værd at vide når du søger job som projektleder i Århus

Drømmer du om at lande drømmejobbet i Danmarks næststørste by? Så er du kommet til det rette sted! Jobmarkedet i Århus bugner af spændende muligheder, lige fra innovative startups til traditionsrige virksomheder. Men at navigere i et ukendt jobmarked kan virke uoverskueligt. Bare rolig, vi er her for at hjælpe!

Aarhus summer af dynamik og diversitet, hvilket også afspejles i byens erhvervsliv. Mens servicesektoren generelt dominerer i Danmark, finder du i Århus flere prominente aktører inden for en række spændende brancher. Så hvor skal du kigge, hvis du drømmer om et spændende job i Danmarks næststørste by?

At komme rundt i Århus er både bekvemt og effektivt takket være et veludviklet netværk af offentlige transportmidler og cykelinfrastruktur. Uanset din destination og rejseplan, har du flere attraktive muligheder til rådighed:

Drømmer du om et spændende job i Smilets By? Fantastisk! Men før du pakker flyttekasserne, giver vi dig et overblik over, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, når du flytter til Århus for et job.

Bydele i Århus 

Aarhus består af et væld af unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job i Smilets By, kan det derfor være fordelagtigt at undersøge de forskellige områder for at finde en god pasform mellem dine boligønsker, karrieremål og livsstil.

Indre By: Pulsende centrum med internationalt miljø. Perfekt til den ambitiøse, der drømmer om karriere inden for handel, finans, kultur og service. Du finder store virksomheder, startups og et bredt udvalg af butikker og restauranter. Boligpriserne er dog højere sammenlignet med andre områder.

Latinerkvarteret: Historisk hjørne med hyggelige gader og smukke bygninger. Populært blandt unge professionelle og kreative sjæle. Her finder du mindre virksomheder, designstudier og kunstneriske initiativer. Boligudbuddet er begrænset, men stemningen er unik.

Frederiksbjerg: Trendy område med et mix af moderne og historisk arkitektur. Tiltrækker familier og professionelle med ambitioner inden for kreative industrier, IT og medier. Gode transportforbindelser, men boligpriserne kan være høje.

Marselisborg: Roligt villakvarter med grønne områder og havudsigt. Ideelt for familier og personer, der prioriterer ro og natur. Mulighederne for beskæftigelse er primært inden for offentlige institutioner og små virksomheder. Boligpriserne er generelt højere.

Trøjborg: Dynamisk kvarter med studerende og kreative miljøer. Populært blandt unge og iværksættere. Boligudbuddet består primært af lejeboliger. God adgang til Aarhus Universitet og flere IT-virksomheder.

Lisbjerg: Industriområde i transformation med fokus på bæredygtighed og innovation. Attraktivt for personer med grønne ambitioner og teknisk baggrund. Flere innovative virksomheder har base her, og boligudbuddet er stigende.

Viby og Brabrand: Forstadskommuner med gode familievenlige boliger og et bredt udvalg af erhvervsområder. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for energi, logistik og teknologi. Boligpriserne er lavere end i centrum, men transporttiden kan være længere.

Mere information om Århus 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Århus, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Århus, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Århus i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Smilets By: Sådan lander du drømmejobbet i Århus.